maturin 0.12.0-beta.6

Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages
use crate::build_context::BridgeModel;
use crate::python_interpreter::InterpreterKind;
use crate::BuildContext;
use crate::PythonInterpreter;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use fat_macho::FatWriter;
use fs_err::{self as fs, File};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::io::{BufReader, Read};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::str;

/// Builds the rust crate into a native module (i.e. an .so or .dll) for a
/// specific python version. Returns a mapping from crate type (e.g. cdylib)
/// to artifact location.
pub fn compile(
    context: &BuildContext,
    python_interpreter: Option<&PythonInterpreter>,
    bindings_crate: &BridgeModel,
) -> Result<HashMap<String, PathBuf>> {
    if && context.universal2 {
        compile_universal2(context, python_interpreter, bindings_crate)
    } else {
        compile_target(context, python_interpreter, bindings_crate)

/// Build an universal2 wheel for macos which contains both an x86 and an aarch64 binary
fn compile_universal2(
    context: &BuildContext,
    python_interpreter: Option<&PythonInterpreter>,
    bindings_crate: &BridgeModel,
) -> Result<HashMap<String, PathBuf>> {
    let build_type = match bindings_crate {
        BridgeModel::Bin => "bin",
        _ => "cdylib",
    let mut aarch64_context = context.clone();

    let aarch64_artifact = compile_target(&aarch64_context, python_interpreter, bindings_crate)
        .context("Failed to build a aarch64 library through cargo")?
        .ok_or_else(|| {
            if build_type == "cdylib" {
                    "Cargo didn't build an aarch64 cdylib. Did you miss crate-type = [\"cdylib\"] \
                 in the lib section of your Cargo.toml?",
            } else {
                anyhow!("Cargo didn't build an aarch64 bin.")
    let mut x86_64_context = context.clone();

    let x86_64_artifact = compile_target(&x86_64_context, python_interpreter, bindings_crate)
        .context("Failed to build a x86_64 library through cargo")?
        .ok_or_else(|| {
            if build_type == "cdylib" {
                    "Cargo didn't build a x86_64 cdylib. Did you miss crate-type = [\"cdylib\"] \
                 in the lib section of your Cargo.toml?",
            } else {
                anyhow!("Cargo didn't build a x86_64 bin.")

    // Create an universal dylib
    let output_path = aarch64_artifact
        .replace("aarch64-apple-darwin/", "");
    let mut writer = FatWriter::new();
    let aarch64_file = fs::read(aarch64_artifact)?;
    let x86_64_file = fs::read(x86_64_artifact)?;
        .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to add aarch64 cdylib: {:?}", e))?;
        .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to add x86_64 cdylib: {:?}", e))?;
        .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to create universal cdylib: {:?}", e))?;

    let mut result = HashMap::new();
    result.insert(build_type.to_string(), PathBuf::from(output_path));

fn compile_target(
    context: &BuildContext,
    python_interpreter: Option<&PythonInterpreter>,
    bindings_crate: &BridgeModel,
) -> Result<HashMap<String, PathBuf>> {
    let mut shared_args = vec!["--manifest-path", context.manifest_path.to_str().unwrap()];


    if context.release {
    let mut rustc_args: Vec<&str> = context

    let mut rust_flags = env::var_os("RUSTFLAGS").unwrap_or_default();

    // We need to pass --bins / --lib to set the rustc extra args later
    // TODO: What do we do when there are multiple bin targets?
    match bindings_crate {
        BridgeModel::Bin => shared_args.push("--bins"),
        BridgeModel::Cffi | BridgeModel::Bindings(_) | BridgeModel::BindingsAbi3(_, _) => {
            // We must only do this for libraries as it breaks binaries
            // For some reason this value is ignored when passed as rustc argument
            if {
                rust_flags.push(" -C target-feature=-crt-static");

    let module_name = &context.module_name;
    let so_filename = match python_interpreter {
        Some(python_interpreter) => python_interpreter.get_library_name(module_name),
        // abi3
        None => {
            format!("{base}", base = module_name)
    // Change LC_ID_DYLIB to the final .so name for macOS targets to avoid linking with
    // non-existent library.
    // See for detail
    let macos_dylib_install_name = format!("link-args=-Wl,-install_name,@rpath/{}", so_filename);

    if {
        if let BridgeModel::Bindings(_) | BridgeModel::BindingsAbi3(_, _) = bindings_crate {
            let mac_args = &[

    if context.strip {
        rustc_args.extend(&["-C", "link-arg=-s"]);

    let pythonxy_lib_folder;
    if let BridgeModel::BindingsAbi3(_, _) = bindings_crate {
        // NB: We set PYO3_NO_PYTHON further below.
        // On linux, we can build a shared library without the python
        // providing these symbols being present, on mac we can do it with
        // the `-undefined dynamic_lookup` we use above anyway. On windows
        // however, we get an exit code 0xc0000005 if we try the same with
        // `/FORCE:UNDEFINED`, so we still look up the python interpreter
        // and pass the location of the lib with the definitions.
        if {
            let python_interpreter = python_interpreter
                .expect("Must have a python interpreter for building abi3 on windows");
            pythonxy_lib_folder = format!("native={}", python_interpreter.libs_dir.display());
            rustc_args.extend(&["-L", &pythonxy_lib_folder]);

    let cargo_args = vec!["rustc", "--message-format", "json"];

    let build_args: Vec<_> = cargo_args
    let command_str = build_args
        .fold("cargo".to_string(), |acc, x| acc + " " + x);

    let mut let_binding = Command::new("cargo");
    let build_command = let_binding
        .env("RUSTFLAGS", rust_flags)
        // We need to capture the json messages
        // We can't get colored human and json messages from rustc as they are mutually exclusive,
        // but forwarding stderr is still useful in case there some non-json error

    if let BridgeModel::BindingsAbi3(_, _) = bindings_crate {
        let is_pypy = python_interpreter
            .map(|p| p.interpreter_kind == InterpreterKind::PyPy)
        if !is_pypy {
            // This will make pyo3's build script only set some predefined linker
            // arguments without trying to read any python configuration
            build_command.env("PYO3_NO_PYTHON", "1");

    if let Some(python_interpreter) = python_interpreter {
        // `python_interpreter.executable` could be empty when cross compiling
        if python_interpreter.executable != PathBuf::new() {
            if bindings_crate.is_bindings("pyo3") {
                build_command.env("PYO3_PYTHON", &python_interpreter.executable);

            // rust-cpython, and legacy pyo3 versions
            build_command.env("PYTHON_SYS_EXECUTABLE", &python_interpreter.executable);

    let mut cargo_build = build_command.spawn().context("Failed to run cargo")?;

    let mut artifacts = HashMap::new();

    let stream = cargo_build
        .expect("Cargo build should have a stdout");
    for message in cargo_metadata::Message::parse_stream(BufReader::new(stream)) {
        match message.context("Failed to parse message coming from cargo")? {
            cargo_metadata::Message::CompilerArtifact(artifact) => {
                let package_in_metadata = context
                    .find(|package| == artifact.package_id);
                let crate_name = match package_in_metadata {
                    Some(package) => &,
                    None => {
                        // This is a spurious error I don't really understand
                            "⚠️  Warning: The package {} wasn't listed in `cargo metadata`",

                // Extract the location of the .so/.dll/etc. from cargo's json output
                if crate_name == &context.crate_name {
                    let tuples = artifact
                    for (crate_type, filename) in tuples {
                        artifacts.insert(crate_type, filename.into());
            cargo_metadata::Message::CompilerMessage(msg) => {
                println!("{}", msg.message);
            _ => (),

    let status = cargo_build
        .expect("Failed to wait on cargo child process");

    if !status.success() {
            r#"Cargo build finished with "{}": `{}`"#,


/// Checks that the native library contains a function called `PyInit_<module name>` and warns
/// if it's missing.
/// That function is the python's entrypoint for loading native extensions, i.e. python will fail
/// to import the module with error if it's missing or named incorrectly
/// Currently the check is only run on linux, macOS and Windows
pub fn warn_missing_py_init(artifact: &Path, module_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
    let py_init = format!("PyInit_{}", module_name);
    let mut fd = File::open(&artifact)?;
    let mut buffer = Vec::new();
    fd.read_to_end(&mut buffer)?;
    let mut found = false;
    match goblin::Object::parse(&buffer)? {
        goblin::Object::Elf(elf) => {
            for dyn_sym in elf.dynsyms.iter() {
                if py_init == elf.dynstrtab[dyn_sym.st_name] {
                    found = true;
        goblin::Object::Mach(mach) => {
            match mach {
                goblin::mach::Mach::Binary(macho) => {
                    for sym in macho.exports()? {
                        let sym_name =;
                        if py_init == sym_name.strip_prefix('_').unwrap_or(&sym_name) {
                            found = true;
                    if !found {
                        for sym in macho.symbols() {
                            let (sym_name, _) = sym?;
                            if py_init == sym_name.strip_prefix('_').unwrap_or(sym_name) {
                                found = true;
                goblin::mach::Mach::Fat(_) => {
                    // Ignore fat macho,
                    // we only generate them by combining thin binaries which is handled above
                    found = true
        goblin::Object::PE(pe) => {
            for sym in &pe.exports {
                if let Some(sym_name) = {
                    if py_init == sym_name {
                        found = true;
        _ => {
            // Currently, only linux, macOS and Windows are implemented
            found = true

    if !found {
            "⚠️  Warning: Couldn't find the symbol `{}` in the native library. \
             Python will fail to import this module. \
             If you're using pyo3, check that `#[pymodule]` uses `{}` as module name",
            py_init, module_name
