matrixmultiply_mt 0.2.1

Multithreaded Fork of bluss's matrixmultiply crate. General matrix multiplication of f32 and f64 matrices in Rust. Supports matrices with general strides. Uses a microkernel strategy, so that the implementation is easy to parallelize and optimize. `RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native"` is your friend here.
# About

A multithreaded fork of bluss' [matrixmultiply]( crate.
General matrix multiplication for f32, f64 matrices.
Allows arbitrary row, column strided matrices.
Relies heavily on llvm to vectorise the floating point ops.

# Tuning

To enable specialised vector instructions for you computer compile using:
`RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native"`
`MATMULFLAGS="flag1, flag2, ..."`
where one flag is an architecture flag:
arch_generic4x4           // fallback if architecture is unknown, should use x86 sse and ARM Neon
arch_generic4x4fma        // might be useful for newer ARM Neon
arch_penryn               // uses the extra x86_64 xmm registers
arch_sandybridge          // uses AVX
arch_haswell              // uses AVX2
and the rest are optional flags:
ftz_daz                   // (nightly) On x86 this will round denormals to zero to improve performance
prefetch                  // (nightly) Inserts prefetch instructions tuned for recent intel processors
no_multithreading         // disables multithreading
e.g. `MATMULFLAGS="arch_sandybridge, ftz_daz"`

On nightly, the build script will use `CARGO_CFG_TARGET_FEATURE` to guess the best architecture flag if one isnt supplied.