Expand description

A high-level, batteries-included Matrix client library written in Rust.

This crate seeks to be a general-purpose library for writing software using the Matrix Client-Server API to communicate with a Matrix homeserver. If you’re writing a typical Matrix client or bot, this is likely the crate you need.

However, the crate is designed in a modular way and depends on several other lower-level crates. If you’re attempting something more custom, you might be interested in these:

  • matrix_sdk_base: A no-network-IO client state machine which can be used to embed a Matrix client into an existing network stack or to build a new Matrix client library on top.
  • matrix_sdk_crypto: A no-network-IO encryption state machine which can be used to add Matrix E2EE support into an existing client or library.

Getting started

The central component you’ll be interacting with is the Client. A basic use case will include instantiating the client, logging in as a user, registering some event handlers and then syncing.

This is demonstrated in the example below.

use std::convert::TryFrom;
use matrix_sdk::{
    Client, config::SyncSettings,
    ruma::{user_id, events::room::message::SyncRoomMessageEvent},

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let alice = user_id!("@alice:example.org");
    let client = Client::builder().user_id(alice).build().await?;

    // First we need to log in.
    client.login(alice, "password", None, None).await?;

        .register_event_handler(|ev: SyncRoomMessageEvent| async move {
            println!("Received a message {:?}", ev);

    // Syncing is important to synchronize the client state with the server.
    // This method will never return.


More examples can be found in the examples directory.

Crate Feature Flags

The following crate feature flags are available:

anyhowNoBetter logging for event handlers that return anyhow::Result
e2e-encryptionYesEnable End-to-end encryption support
eyreNoBetter logging for event handlers that return eyre::Result
image-procNoEnables image processing to generate thumbnails
image-rayonNoEnables faster image processing
markdownNoSupport to send Markdown-formatted messages
qrcodeYesQR code verification support
sledYesPersistent storage of state and E2EE-Data using sled (if e2e-encryption is activated)
indexeddbNoPersistent storage of state and E2EE-Data for browsers using indexeddb (if e2e-encryption is activated)
socksNoEnables SOCKS support in the default HTTP client, reqwest
sso-loginNoEnables SSO login with a local HTTP server

Enabling logging

Users of the matrix-sdk crate can enable log output by depending on the tracing-subscriber crate and including the following line in their application (e.g. at the start of main):


The log output is controlled via the RUST_LOG environment variable by setting it to one of the error, warn, info, debug or trace levels. The output is printed to stdout.

The RUST_LOG variable also supports a more advanced syntax for filtering log output more precisely, for instance with crate-level granularity. For more information on this, check out the tracing_subscriber documentation.


pub use bytes;
pub use reqwest;
pub use ruma;


Types and traits for attachments.

Configuration to change the behaviour of the Client.


End-to-end encryption related types

Types and traits related for event handlers. For usage, see Client::register_event_handler.

Abstraction over an executor so we can spawn tasks under WASM the same way we do usually.

Common types for media content.

High-level room API

Functions and types to initialize a store.


A high-level API to manage the client owner’s account.

The underlying room data structure collecting state for joined, left and invited rooms.

A member of a room.

An async/await enabled Matrix client.

Builder that allows creating and configuring various parts of a Client.

The underlying pure data structure for joined and left rooms.

The high-level RoomMember representation

A user session, containing an access token and information about the associated user account.

Store state changes and pass them to the StateStore.


Errors that can happen in ClientBuilder::build.

The name of the room, either from the metadata or calculated according to matrix specification

Internal representation of errors.

An HTTP error, representing either a connection error or an error while converting the raw HTTP response into a Matrix response.


All possible errors that can happen during image processing.

Enum controlling if a loop running callbacks should continue or abort.

Enum keeping track in which state the room is, e.g. if our own user is joined, invited, or has left the room.

An error response from a Matrix API call, using a client API specific representation if the endpoint is from that.

State store specific error type.



Super trait that is used for our store traits, this trait will differ if it’s used on WASM. WASM targets will not require Send and Sync to have implemented, while other targets will.

Abstraction around the http layer. The allows implementors to use different http libraries.

Type Definitions

Result type of a pure HTTP request.

Result type of the matrix-sdk.

Attribute Macros