[][src]Module maths_traits::algebra::ring_like

Traits for structures with both an addition and multiplication operation

While ring-like structures can technically apply to any pair of operations, for ease of use and to stick with mathematical convention, these operations are taken to be specifically addition and multiplication where multiplication distributes over addition.


This module build upon and behaves in a way similar to the group-like structures. However, in addition to the basic group traits, the following properties are also considered:

  • Distributivity:
    • Multiplication can act on summed elements independently, iez*(x+y)=z*x+z*y and (x+y)*z=x*z+y*z for all x, y, and z.
    • Represented by the Distributive trait
    • Note that unlike other marker traits, this one takes a type parameter so that multiplication between types can also be marked (such as scalar-vector or matrix-vector multiplication)
  • The Exponentiation and Logarthm operations:
    • Unary operations that map between addition and multiplication
    • Represented with the Exponential trait
  • Properties regarding partial divisibility and factoring
    • These traits essentially measure how "integer-like" a particular ring is by abstracting many properties and operations commonly associated with integers and natural numbers
    • These include, but are not limited to:
    • For more information, see each individual trait's documentation


Similarly to the group-like module, there are a number of trait aliases corresponding to a system of ring-like algebraic structures that form a heirarchy as represented in the following diagram:

    Add Abelian Group   Mul Semigroup
           |                 |
    ----------Unital Ring-------------------------
    |                    |             |         |
    |             Commutative Ring   Domain      |
    |                    |             |         |
    |                    ---------------         |
    |                           |                |
    |                     Integral Domain        |
    |                           |                |
Division Ring            ---GCD Domain---        |
    |                    |              |        |
    |                   UFD       Bezout Domain  |
    |                    |              |        |
    |                    ------PID-------        |
    |                           |                |
    |                    Euclidean Domain        |
    |                           |                |
    -------------Field-----------         Exponential Ring
                   |                             |
                   ------Exponential Field--------

Note also that in addition to the above system, there is a complementary system of "Semirings" that follows almost the same exact structure but doesn't require a subtraction operation.

For more information, see each structure's documentation


It is worth noting that in mathematical literature, there is some leniency in what certain structures are called, so some trait aliases may be named differently than what some are used to.

In particular:

  • Some mathematicians and literature use the term "Ring" to refer to what is called a "Unital Ring" here, instead preferring the term "Rng" for Rings without a multiplicative identity. In fact, this convention is probably the majority considering how little use there is for non-unital rings. However, the choice was made against using the "Rng" system for the simple reason that it is obviously highly prone to typesetting errors and is arguably pretty unintuitive for those learning the terminology.
  • The term "Semiring" doesn't really have an established meaning in mathematical convention, so the use here reflects a particular design choice more than a particular standard.



A trait for finding the Bezout coefficients of a pair of elements


A marker trait for stucts whose multiplication operation preserves addition, ie z*(x+y)=z*x+z*y and (x+y)*z=x*z+y*z for all x, y, and z.


Common methods regarding multiplicative inverses in a ring or semiring


A trait for performing division with with remainder


A unary operation mapping addition into multiplication


For semirings that have a known algorithm for decomposing elements into a set of irreducible factors


A trait for finding the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of two elements


A marker trait for semirings where there are no nonzero elements that multiply to zero


Methods for testing irreduciblity and primality


A marker trait for semirings where each element's set of irreducible divisors is unique



Uses the Euclidean Algorithm to find the GCD of two ring elements using division with remainder


Uses the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to find the GCD of two ring elements and their bezout coefficients using division with remainder


Determines if a given Natural number is prime using the Miller-Rabin primality test

Trait aliases


A commutative ring where every pair of elements has a weighted sum to their GCD


A unital ring where multiplication is commutative


A unital semiring where multiplication is commutative


A ring with a multiplicative inverse


A semiring with a multiplicative inverse


A unital ring with no pairs of nonzero elements that multiply to zero


A commutative ring with a division algorithm for dividing with a remainder


A UF semidomain with a division algorithm for dividing with a remainder


A field with an exponential operation


A ring with an exponential operation


A set that is both an additive and multiplicative abelian group where multiplication distributes


A commutative ring where every pair of elements has a greatest common divisor


An integral semidomain where every pair of elements has a greatest common divisor


A domain that is commutative


A semidomain that is commutative


An integral domain where every ideal is generated by one element


An additive abelian group with a distributive and associative multiplication operation


A unital semiring with no pairs of nonzero elements that multiply to zero


A commutative and additive monoid with a distributive and associative multiplication operation


A commutative ring that is uniquely factorizable into irreducible (up to units)


A GCD semidomain where every pair of elements is uniquely factorizable into irreducible elements (up to units)


A ring with an identity element


A semiring with an identity element