mathie 0.6.0

A rust math type library.



Mathie is a rust math type library which contains the 3 basic types for doing anything 2D.

  • Value A single number value.
  • Vec2 A two-dimensional position.
  • Rect A two-dimensional area that has an origin and a size.


Doing math with the builtin types is designed to be simple and powerful. All of them support Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Remainder.

fn add() {
    assert_eq!(Vec2D::new(0.5, 0.5) + Vec2D::new(1.0, 1.0), Vec2D::new(1.5, 1.5));
    assert_eq!(Vec2D::new(0.5, 0.5) + 1.0,                  Vec2D::new(1.5, 1.5));


This library runs on the optional concept of units which may be sized and are designed to be easily converted between without thinking about it.

fn cm_to_m() {
    let v0 = Vec2D::<f32, Centimeter>::new_def(250.0, 250.0);
    // () is base unit. In all cases its Meter
    let v1 = v0.convert::<()>();
    assert_eq!(v1, Vec2D::new_def(2.5, 2.5));

There are builtin units that are optional.

  • metric_units 20 Metric prefixes
  • imperial_units 10 Imperial prefixes
  • nautical_units Nautical mile


This library has optional features for compatibility between other math type libraries like euclid.

fn euclid_compat() {
    let _: Vec2D<f32, ()> = euclid::Vector2D::new(1.0, 1.0).into();