material_lp 0.4.5

A crate to optimize planet harvesting.
use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::copy;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use reqwest::Url;

fn main() {
    let out_dir = "./target".to_string();
    let out_dir = PathBuf::from(out_dir);
    let auxilus_view = "";
    let data = vec![
    let data_dir = out_dir.join("data");

    fs::create_dir_all(&data_dir).expect("Failed to create data directory");

    for filename in data {
        let file_url = format!("{}{}", auxilus_view, filename);
        let file_path = out_dir.join(&filename);
        let dest_path = data_dir.join(&filename);

        if !dest_path.exists() {
            let mut response = reqwest::blocking::get(Url::parse(&file_url).unwrap())
                .expect("Failed to send request");
            let mut file = File::create(&file_path).expect("Failed to create file");

            copy(&mut response, &mut file).expect("Failed to download file");
            fs::rename(&file_path, &dest_path).expect("Failed to move file to data directory");