matdesign-color 0.1.2

Material Design Color Palettes for Rust

Material Design Colors for Rust

Easily get color variants based on the Material Design Pallete. All colors are represented as 0xRRGGBB with the first two bytes not used. To access a color you may use the const fn under [MatColor] or access the const arrays that are publicly available. Also, check out [MatColor::new] to create Material Design colors based on [MatColorVariant] and [MatColorAccent] on demand.

For More information, check out the Official Website.


You may use the const fn through [MatColor] or access them through a specific color.

use matdesign_color::{MatColor, MatColorRed};

let red1: u32 =;
let brown: u32 = MatColor.brown().c900();
let black: u32 =;

let red2 = MatColorRed.c300();
assert_eq!(red1, red2);

Or you may use [MatColor::new] to create colors on the fly:

use matdesign_color::{MatColor, MatColorVariant, MatColorAccent};

let orange: Option<u32> = MatColor::new(MatColorVariant::Orange, MatColorAccent::A200);

let no_brown: Option<u32> = MatColor::new(MatColorVariant::Brown, MatColorAccent::A200);

You may also use global constant arrays and index them using an accent.

use matdesign_color::{MAT_COLORS_RED, MatColor, MatColorAccent};

let red: u32 = MAT_COLORS_RED[MatColorAccent::A700 as usize];