[][src]Macro match_any::match_any

macro_rules! match_any {
    ( $expr:expr , $( $( $pat:pat )|+ => $expr_arm:expr ),+ ) => { ... };

Matches an expression to any of the patterns and executes the same expression arm for any match.

This macro allows you to use the same expression arm for different types by creating the same match arm for each of the patterns separated by |. A standard match statement only allows such patterns for the same type:

let result: Result<i64, i32> = Err(42);
let int: i64 = match result { Ok(i) | Err(i) => i.into() }; // does not compile!
let result: Result<i64, i32> = Err(42);
let int: i64 = match_any!(result, Ok(i) | Err(i) => i.into()); // compiles just fine
assert_eq!(int, 42);


use match_any::match_any;

enum Id { U8(u8), I16(i16), I32(i32) }
use Id::*;

let id = Id::I16(-2);
let id: i32 = match_any!(id, U8(x) | I16(x) | I32(x) => x.into());
assert_eq!(id, -2);

With multiple match arms:

use core::convert::TryFrom;
use match_any::match_any;

enum Id { U8(u8), I16(i16), I32(i32), U64(u64) }
use Id::*;

let id = Id::I32(-3);
let id: i32 = match_any!(id,
    U8(a) | I16(a) | I32(a) => a.into(),
    U64(b) => i32::try_from(b).unwrap_or(0)
assert_eq!(id, -3);

Macro Expansion

let result: Result<i32, i32> = Err(42);
match_any!(result, Ok(i) | Err(i) => Some(i));

expands to

let result: Result<i32, i32> = Err(42);
match result { Ok(i) => Some(i), Err(i) => Some(i) };

Enum Dispatch

Similarly to the enum_dispatch crate, this macro can be used to implement "enum dispatch" as an alternative to dynamic dispatch. The major difference between the enum_dispatch crate and this macro is, that enum_dispatch provides a procedural macro, while this is a declarative macro. This allows enum_dispatch to reduce the boilerplate code a lot more than match_any. However IDE support should be a bit better with match_any.

Enum Dispatch Example

use match_any::match_any;

trait IntId {
    fn int_id(&self) -> i32;

impl IntId for u64 {
    fn int_id(&self) -> i32 { 64 }

impl IntId for u32 {
    fn int_id(&self) -> i32 { 32 }

enum IntIdKind { U64(u64), U32(u32) }

impl IntId for IntIdKind {
    fn int_id(&self) -> i32 {
        use IntIdKind::*;
        match_any!(self, U64(i) | U32(i) => i.int_id())

let int_id_kind = IntIdKind::U32(0);
assert_eq!(int_id_kind.int_id(), 32); // enum dispatch
let int_id_box: Box<dyn IntId> = Box::new(0_u32);
assert_eq!(int_id_box.int_id(), 32); // dynamic dispatch