marked 0.1.0

Parsing, filtering, selecting and serializing HTML/XML markup.
// Copyright © 2019 David Kellum
// This DOM-like markup tree module was originally based on `victor::dom`, as
// of commit fdb11f3e8 of the source as found here:
// (No copyright notice.)
// Licensed under the Apache license v2.0, or the MIT license

//! An efficient and simple DOM-like container and associated tools.

use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::fmt;
use std::iter;
use std::mem;
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};

pub use html5ever::{Attribute, LocalName, Namespace, QualName};

pub use tendril::StrTendril;

// custom ordering of these effects rustdoc for Document, etc.

mod node_ref;
mod serializer;
#[macro_use] pub mod filter;
pub mod html;
pub mod xml;

mod tests;

pub use node_ref::{NodeRef, Selector};

/// A DOM-like container for a tree of markup elements and text.
/// Unlike `RcDom`, this uses a simple vector of `Node`s and indexes for
/// parent/child and sibling ordering. Attributes are stored as separately
/// allocated vectors for each element. For memory efficiency, a single
/// document is limited to 4 billion (2^32 - 1) total nodes.
/// All `Document` instances, even logically "empty" ones as freshly
/// constructed, contain a synthetic document node at the fixed
/// `DOCUMENT_NODE_ID` that serves as a container for N top level nodes,
/// including the `root_element` if present.
pub struct Document {
    nodes: Vec<Node>,

/// A `Node` identifier, as u32 index into a `Document`s `Node` vector.
/// Should only be used with the `Document` it was obtained from.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct NodeId(NonZeroU32);

/// A typed node (e.g. text, element, etc.) within a `Document` including
/// identifiers to parent, siblings and children.
pub struct Node {
    parent: Option<NodeId>,
    prev_sibling: Option<NodeId>,
    next_sibling: Option<NodeId>,
    first_child: Option<NodeId>,
    last_child: Option<NodeId>,
    data: NodeData,

/// The node type and associated data.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum NodeData {
    /// A place holder value. Used temporarily while filtering and for nodes
    /// that have been removed.

    /// The document node which contains all other nodes.

    /// The document type definition.
    Doctype {
        name: StrTendril,
        _public_id: StrTendril,
        _system_id: StrTendril,

    /// Character data content.

    /// A comment.

    /// An element.

    /// A processing instruction node.
    ProcessingInstruction {
        target: StrTendril,
        data: StrTendril,

/// A markup element with name and attributes.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Element {
    pub name: QualName,
    pub attrs: Vec<Attribute>,

/// Core implementation.
impl Document {
    /// The constant `NodeId` for the document node of all `Document`s.
    pub const DOCUMENT_NODE_ID: NodeId = NodeId(
        unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(1) }

    /// Construct a new `Document` with the single empty document node.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Document { nodes: vec![
            Node::new(NodeData::Hole),     // padding, index 0
            Node::new(NodeData::Document)  // Index 1: DOCUMENT_NODE_ID

    /// Return the root element `NodeId` for this Document, or None if there is
    /// no such qualified element.
    /// A node with `NodeData::Element` is a root element, if it is a direct
    /// child of the document node, with no other element or text sibling.
    pub fn root_element(&self) -> Option<NodeId> {
        let document_node = &self[Document::DOCUMENT_NODE_ID];
        debug_assert!(match {
            NodeData::Document => true,
            _ => false
        let mut root = None;
        for child in self.children(Document::DOCUMENT_NODE_ID) {
            match &self[child].data {
                NodeData::Doctype { .. }
                | NodeData::Comment(_)
                | NodeData::ProcessingInstruction { .. } => {}
                NodeData::Document => {
                    debug_assert!(false, "Document child of Document");
                    root = None;
                NodeData::Hole => {
                    debug_assert!(false, "Hole in Document");
                    root = None;
                NodeData::Text(_) => {
                    root = None;
                NodeData::Elem(_) => {
                    if root.is_none() {
                        root = Some(child);
                    } else {
                        root = None; // Only one accepted

    fn push_node(&mut self, node: Node) -> NodeId {
        let next_index = self.nodes.len()
            .expect("Document (u32) node index overflow");
        debug_assert!(next_index > 1);
        NodeId(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(next_index) })

    /// Detach the specified node ID.
    /// Panics if called with the synthetic DOCUMENT_NODE_ID.
    /// Detaching the root element results in an empty document with no root
    /// element.
    /// Detach just removes references from other nodes. To free up the memory
    /// associated with the node and its children, use [`Document::deep_clone`]
    /// and drop the original `Document`.
    pub fn detach(&mut self, id: NodeId) {
            id != Document::DOCUMENT_NODE_ID,
            "Can't detach the synthetic document node");

        let (parent, prev_sibling, next_sibling) = {
            let node = &mut self[id];

        if let Some(next_sibling) = next_sibling {
            self[next_sibling].prev_sibling = prev_sibling
        } else if let Some(parent) = parent {
            self[parent].last_child = prev_sibling;

        if let Some(prev_sibling) = prev_sibling {
            self[prev_sibling].next_sibling = next_sibling;
        } else if let Some(parent) = parent {
            self[parent].first_child = next_sibling;

    /// Append node as new last child of parent, and return its new ID.
    pub fn append_child(&mut self, parent: NodeId, node: Node)
        -> NodeId
        let id = self.push_node(node);
        self.append(parent, id);

    fn append(&mut self, parent: NodeId, new_child: NodeId) {
        self[new_child].parent = Some(parent);
        if let Some(last_child) = self[parent].last_child.take() {
            self[new_child].prev_sibling = Some(last_child);
            self[last_child].next_sibling = Some(new_child);
        } else {
            self[parent].first_child = Some(new_child);
        self[parent].last_child = Some(new_child);

    /// Insert node before the given sibling and return its new ID.
    pub fn insert_before_sibling(&mut self, sibling: NodeId, node: Node)
        -> NodeId
        let id = self.push_node(node);
        self.insert_before(sibling, id);

    fn insert_before(&mut self, sibling: NodeId, new_sibling: NodeId) {
        self[new_sibling].parent = self[sibling].parent;
        self[new_sibling].next_sibling = Some(sibling);
        if let Some(prev_sibling) = self[sibling].prev_sibling.take() {
            self[new_sibling].prev_sibling = Some(prev_sibling);
            self[prev_sibling].next_sibling = Some(new_sibling);
        } else if let Some(parent) = self[sibling].parent {
            debug_assert_eq!(self[parent].first_child, Some(sibling));
            self[parent].first_child = Some(new_sibling);
        self[sibling].prev_sibling = Some(new_sibling);

    /// Return all decendent text content (character data) of the given node
    /// ID.
    /// If node is a text node, return that text.  If this is an element node
    /// or the document node, return the concatentation of all text
    /// descendants, in tree order. Return `None` for all other node types.
    pub fn text(&self, id: NodeId) -> Option<StrTendril> {
        let mut next = Vec::new();
        push_if(&mut next, self[id].first_child);
        let mut text = None;
        while let Some(id) = next.pop() {
            let node = &self[id];
            if let NodeData::Text(t) = & {
                match &mut text {
                    None => text = Some(t.clone()),
                    Some(text) => text.push_tendril(&t),
                push_if(&mut next, node.next_sibling);
            } else {
                push_if(&mut next, node.next_sibling);
                push_if(&mut next, node.first_child);

    /// Return an iterator over this node's direct children.
    /// Will be empty if the node can not or does not have children.
    pub fn children<'a>(&'a self, id: NodeId)
        -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeId> + 'a
            move |&id| self[id].next_sibling

    /// Return an iterator over the specified node and all its following,
    /// direct siblings, within the same parent.
    pub fn node_and_following_siblings<'a>(&'a self, id: NodeId)
        -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeId> + 'a
        iter::successors(Some(id), move |&id| self[id].next_sibling)

    /// Return an iterator over the specified node and all its ancestors,
    /// terminating at the document node.
    pub fn node_and_ancestors<'a>(&'a self, id: NodeId)
        -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeId> + 'a
        iter::successors(Some(id), move |&id| self[id].parent)

    /// Return an iterator over all nodes, starting with the document node, and
    /// including all descendants in tree order.
    pub fn nodes<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeId> + 'a {
            move |&id| self.next_in_tree_order(id)

    fn next_in_tree_order(&self, id: NodeId) -> Option<NodeId> {
        self[id].first_child.or_else(|| {
                .find_map(|ancestor| self[ancestor].next_sibling)

    /// Create a new `Document` from the ordered sub-tree rooted in the node
    /// referenced by ID.
    pub fn deep_clone(&self, id: NodeId) -> Document {
        let mut ndoc = Document::new();
        ndoc.deep_clone_to(Document::DOCUMENT_NODE_ID, self, id);

    fn deep_clone_to(&mut self, id: NodeId, odoc: &Document, oid: NodeId) {
        let id = self.append_child(id, odoc[oid].clone());
        for child in odoc.children(oid) {
            self.deep_clone_to(id, odoc, child);

    /// Replace the specified node ID with its children.
    /// Panics if called with the synthetic DOCUMENT_NODE_ID. Folding the root
    /// element may result in a `Document` with no single root element, or
    /// which is otherwise invalid based on its _doctype_, e.g. the HTML or XML
    /// specifications.
    /// After repositioning children the specified node is detached, which only
    /// removes references. To free up the memory associated with the node, use
    /// [`Document::deep_clone`] and drop the original `Document`. For a
    /// node with no children, fold is equivalent to [`Document::detach`].
    pub fn fold(&mut self, id: NodeId) {
            id != Document::DOCUMENT_NODE_ID,
            "Can't fold the synthetic document node");

        let mut next_child = self[id].first_child;
        while let Some(child) = next_child {
            debug_assert_eq!(self[child].parent, Some(id));
            next_child = self[child].next_sibling;
            self.insert_before(id, child);

impl Default for Document {
    fn default() -> Document {

impl fmt::Debug for Document {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

impl std::ops::Index<NodeId> for Document {
    type Output = Node;

    fn index(&self, id: NodeId) -> &Node {
        &self.nodes[id.0.get() as usize]

impl std::ops::IndexMut<NodeId> for Document {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, id: NodeId) -> &mut Node {
        &mut self.nodes[id.0.get() as usize]

impl Element {
    /// Construct new element by local name, with no attributes.
    pub fn new<LN>(lname: LN) -> Element
        where LN: Into<LocalName>
        Element {
            name: QualName::new(None, ns!(), lname.into()),
            attrs: Vec::new()

    /// Return true if this element has the given local name.
    pub fn is_elem<LN>(&self, lname: LN) -> bool
        where LN: Into<LocalName>
    { == lname.into()

    /// Return [`html::TagMeta`] for this element, if the tag is a known part
    /// of the HTML `Namespace`.
    pub fn html_tag_meta(&self) -> Option<&'static html::TagMeta> {
        if == html::ns::HTML {
        } else {

    /// Return attribute value by local name, if present.
    pub fn attr<LN>(&self, lname: LN) -> Option<&StrTendril>
        where LN: Into<LocalName>
        let lname = lname.into();
            .find(|attr| == lname)
            .map(|attr| &attr.value)

    /// Remove attribute by local name, returning any value found.
    /// This removes _all_ instances of attributes with the given local name
    /// and returns the value of the _last_ such attribute. Parsers may allow
    /// same named attributes or multiples might be introduced via manual
    /// mutations.
    pub fn remove_attr<LN>(&mut self, lname: LN) -> Option<StrTendril>
        where LN: Into<LocalName>
        let mut found = None;
        let mut i = 0;
        let lname = lname.into();
        while i < self.attrs.len() {
            if self.attrs[i].name.local == lname {
                found = Some(self.attrs.remove(i).value);
            } else {
                i += 1;

    /// Set attribute by local name, returning any prior value found.
    /// This replaces the value of the first attribute with the given local
    /// name and removes any other instances.  If no existing attribute is
    /// found, the attribute is added to the end. To guarantee placement at the
    /// end, use [`Element::remove_attr`] first.  In the case where multiple
    /// existing instances of the attribute are found, the _last_ value is
    /// returned.  Parsers may allow same named attributes or multiples might be
    /// introduced via manual mutations.
    pub fn set_attr<LN, V>(&mut self, lname: LN, value: V) -> Option<StrTendril>
        where LN: Into<LocalName>, V: Into<StrTendril>
        let mut found = None;
        let mut i = 0;
        let lname = lname.into();

        // Need to Option::take value below to appease borrow checking and
        // avoid a clone.
        let mut value = Some(value.into());

        while i < self.attrs.len() {
            if self.attrs[i].name.local == lname {
                if found.is_none() {
                    found = Some(mem::replace(
                        &mut self.attrs[i].value,
                    i += 1;
                } else {
                    found = Some(self.attrs.remove(i).value);
            } else {
                i += 1;
        if found.is_none() {
            self.attrs.push(Attribute {
                name: QualName::new(None, ns!(), lname),
                value: value.take().unwrap()

impl Node {
    /// Construct a new element node.
    pub fn new_elem(element: Element) -> Node {

    /// Construct a new text node.
    pub fn new_text<T>(text: T) -> Node
        where T: Into<StrTendril>

    fn new(data: NodeData) -> Self {
        Node {
            parent: None,
            prev_sibling: None,
            next_sibling: None,
            first_child: None,
            last_child: None,

impl Deref for Node {
    type Target = NodeData;

    fn deref(&self) -> &NodeData {

impl DerefMut for Node {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut NodeData {

impl NodeData {
    /// Return `Element` is this is an element.
    pub fn as_element(&self) -> Option<&Element> {
        match self {
            NodeData::Elem(ref data) => Some(data),
            _ => None,

    /// Return mutable `Element` reference if this is an element.
    pub fn as_element_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Element> {
        match self {
            NodeData::Elem(ref mut data) => Some(data),
            _ => None,

    /// Return text (char data) if this is a text node.
    pub fn as_text(&self) -> Option<&StrTendril> {
        match self {
            NodeData::Text(ref t) => Some(t),
            _ => None,

    /// Return mutable text (char data) reference if this is a text node.
    pub fn as_text_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut StrTendril> {
        match self {
            NodeData::Text(ref mut t) => Some(t),
            _ => None,

    /// Return attribute value by given local attribute name, if this is an
    /// element with that attribute present.
    pub fn attr<LN>(&self, lname: LN) -> Option<&StrTendril>
        where LN: Into<LocalName>
        if let Some(edata) = self.as_element() {
        } else {

    /// Return true if this Node is an element with the given local name.
    pub fn is_elem<LN>(&self, lname: LN) -> bool
        where LN: Into<LocalName>
        if let Some(edata) = self.as_element() {
        } else {

/// Clone `Node` by cloning its `NodeData`, but not sibling/parent/children
/// indexes (which are left `None`).
impl Clone for Node {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {

fn push_if(stack: &mut Vec<NodeId>, id: Option<NodeId>) {
    if let Some(id) = id {