Function marked_yaml::from_yaml

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pub fn from_yaml<T>(source: usize, yaml: &str) -> Result<T, FromYamlError>
Available on crate feature serde only.
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Deserialize some YAML into the requisite type

This permits deserialisation of a YAML string into any structure which serde can deserialize. In addition, if any part of the type tree is Spanned then the spans are provided from the requisite marked node.

const YAML: &str = "hello: world\n";
struct Greeting {
    hello: Spanned<String>,
let greets: Greeting = marked_yaml::from_yaml(0, YAML).unwrap();
let start = greets.hello.span().start().unwrap();
assert_eq!(start.line(), 1);
assert_eq!(start.column(), 8);