markdown 1.0.0-alpha.6

CommonMark compliant markdown parser in Rust with ASTs and extensions
//! markdown syntax tree: [mdast][].
//! [mdast]:

use crate::unist::Position;
use alloc::{
    string::{String, ToString},

/// MDX: relative byte index into a string, to an absolute byte index into the
/// whole document.
pub type Stop = (usize, usize);

/// Explicitness of a reference.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(rename_all = "lowercase")
pub enum ReferenceKind {
    /// The reference is implicit, its identifier inferred from its content.
    /// The reference is explicit, its identifier inferred from its content.
    /// The reference is explicit, its identifier explicitly set.

/// GFM: alignment of phrasing content.
/// Used to align the contents of table cells within a table.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(rename_all = "lowercase")
pub enum AlignKind {
    /// Left alignment.
    /// See the `left` value of the `text-align` CSS property.
    /// ```markdown
    ///   | | aaa |
    /// > | | :-- |
    ///       ^^^
    /// ```
    /// Right alignment.
    /// See the `right` value of the `text-align` CSS property.
    /// ```markdown
    ///   | | aaa |
    /// > | | --: |
    ///       ^^^
    /// ```
    /// Center alignment.
    /// See the `center` value of the `text-align` CSS property.
    /// ```markdown
    ///   | | aaa |
    /// > | | :-: |
    ///       ^^^
    /// ```
    /// No alignment.
    /// Phrasing content is aligned as defined by the host environment.
    /// ```markdown
    ///   | | aaa |
    /// > | | --- |
    ///       ^^^
    /// ```

/// Nodes.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "type")
pub enum Node {
    // Document:
    /// Root.

    // Container:
    /// Block quote.
    /// Footnote definition.
    /// MDX: JSX element (container).
    /// List.

    // Frontmatter:
    /// MDX.js ESM.
    /// Toml.
    /// Yaml.

    // Phrasing:
    /// Break.
    /// Code (phrasing).
    /// Math (phrasing).
    /// Delete.
    /// Emphasis.
    // MDX: expression (text).
    /// Footnote reference.
    /// Html (phrasing).
    /// Image.
    /// Image reference.
    // MDX: JSX element (text).
    /// Link.
    /// Link reference.
    /// Strong
    /// Text.

    // Flow:
    /// Code (flow).
    /// Math (flow).
    // MDX: expression (flow).
    /// Heading.
    /// Html (flow).
    // Html(Html),
    /// Table.
    /// Thematic break.

    // Table content.
    /// Table row.

    // Row content.
    /// Table cell.

    // List content.
    /// List item.

    // Content.
    /// Definition.
    /// Paragraph.

impl fmt::Debug for Node {
    // Debug the wrapped struct.
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Node::Root(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::BlockQuote(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::FootnoteDefinition(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::MdxJsxFlowElement(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::List(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::MdxjsEsm(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Toml(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Yaml(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Break(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::InlineCode(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::InlineMath(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Delete(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Emphasis(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::MdxTextExpression(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::FootnoteReference(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Html(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Image(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::ImageReference(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::MdxJsxTextElement(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Link(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::LinkReference(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Strong(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Text(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Code(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Math(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::MdxFlowExpression(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Heading(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Table(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::ThematicBreak(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::TableRow(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::TableCell(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::ListItem(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Definition(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),
            Node::Paragraph(x) => write!(f, "{:?}", x),

fn children_to_string(children: &[Node]) -> String {

impl ToString for Node {
    fn to_string(&self) -> String {
        match self {
            // Parents.
            Node::Root(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::BlockQuote(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::FootnoteDefinition(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::MdxJsxFlowElement(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::List(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::Delete(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::Emphasis(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::MdxJsxTextElement(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::Link(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::LinkReference(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::Strong(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::Heading(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::Table(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::TableRow(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::TableCell(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::ListItem(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),
            Node::Paragraph(x) => children_to_string(&x.children),

            // Literals.
            Node::MdxjsEsm(x) => x.value.clone(),
            Node::Toml(x) => x.value.clone(),
            Node::Yaml(x) => x.value.clone(),
            Node::InlineCode(x) => x.value.clone(),
            Node::InlineMath(x) => x.value.clone(),
            Node::MdxTextExpression(x) => x.value.clone(),
            Node::Html(x) => x.value.clone(),
            Node::Text(x) => x.value.clone(),
            Node::Code(x) => x.value.clone(),
            Node::Math(x) => x.value.clone(),
            Node::MdxFlowExpression(x) => x.value.clone(),

            // Voids.
            | Node::FootnoteReference(_)
            | Node::Image(_)
            | Node::ImageReference(_)
            | Node::ThematicBreak(_)
            | Node::Definition(_) => String::new(),

impl Node {
    pub fn children(&self) -> Option<&Vec<Node>> {
        match self {
            // Parent.
            Node::Root(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::Paragraph(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::Heading(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::BlockQuote(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::List(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::ListItem(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::Emphasis(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::Strong(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::Link(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::LinkReference(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::FootnoteDefinition(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::Table(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::TableRow(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::TableCell(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::Delete(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::MdxJsxFlowElement(x) => Some(&x.children),
            Node::MdxJsxTextElement(x) => Some(&x.children),
            // Non-parent.
            _ => None,

    pub fn children_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Vec<Node>> {
        match self {
            // Parent.
            Node::Root(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::Paragraph(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::Heading(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::BlockQuote(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::List(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::ListItem(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::Emphasis(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::Strong(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::Link(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::LinkReference(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::FootnoteDefinition(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::Table(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::TableRow(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::TableCell(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::Delete(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::MdxJsxFlowElement(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            Node::MdxJsxTextElement(x) => Some(&mut x.children),
            // Non-parent.
            _ => None,

    pub fn position(&self) -> Option<&Position> {
        match self {
            Node::Root(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::BlockQuote(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::FootnoteDefinition(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::MdxJsxFlowElement(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::List(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::MdxjsEsm(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Toml(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Yaml(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Break(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::InlineCode(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::InlineMath(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Delete(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Emphasis(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::MdxTextExpression(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::FootnoteReference(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Html(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Image(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::ImageReference(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::MdxJsxTextElement(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Link(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::LinkReference(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Strong(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Text(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Code(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Math(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::MdxFlowExpression(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Heading(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Table(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::ThematicBreak(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::TableRow(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::TableCell(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::ListItem(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Definition(x) => x.position.as_ref(),
            Node::Paragraph(x) => x.position.as_ref(),

    pub fn position_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Position> {
        match self {
            Node::Root(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::BlockQuote(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::FootnoteDefinition(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::MdxJsxFlowElement(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::List(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::MdxjsEsm(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Toml(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Yaml(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Break(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::InlineCode(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::InlineMath(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Delete(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Emphasis(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::MdxTextExpression(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::FootnoteReference(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Html(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Image(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::ImageReference(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::MdxJsxTextElement(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Link(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::LinkReference(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Strong(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Text(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Code(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Math(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::MdxFlowExpression(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Heading(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Table(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::ThematicBreak(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::TableRow(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::TableCell(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::ListItem(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Definition(x) => x.position.as_mut(),
            Node::Paragraph(x) => x.position.as_mut(),

    pub fn position_set(&mut self, position: Option<Position>) {
        match self {
            Node::Root(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::BlockQuote(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::FootnoteDefinition(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::MdxJsxFlowElement(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::List(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::MdxjsEsm(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Toml(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Yaml(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Break(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::InlineCode(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::InlineMath(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Delete(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Emphasis(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::MdxTextExpression(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::FootnoteReference(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Html(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Image(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::ImageReference(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::MdxJsxTextElement(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Link(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::LinkReference(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Strong(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Text(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Code(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Math(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::MdxFlowExpression(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Heading(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Table(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::ThematicBreak(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::TableRow(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::TableCell(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::ListItem(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Definition(x) => x.position = position,
            Node::Paragraph(x) => x.position = position,

/// MDX: attribute content.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "mdxJsxExpressionAttribute")
pub enum AttributeContent {
    /// JSX expression.
    /// ```markdown
    /// > | <a {...b} />
    ///        ^^^^^^
    /// ```
    Expression { value: String, stops: Vec<Stop> },
    /// JSX property.
    /// ```markdown
    /// > | <a b />
    ///        ^
    /// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "mdxJsxAttributeValueExpression")
pub struct AttributeValueExpression {
    pub value: String,
    pub stops: Vec<Stop>,

/// MDX: attribute value.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "type")
pub enum AttributeValue {
    /// Expression value.
    /// ```markdown
    /// > | <a b={c} />
    ///          ^^^
    /// ```
    /// Static value.
    /// ```markdown
    /// > | <a b="c" />
    ///          ^^^
    /// ```
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "json", serde(rename = "literal"))]

/// Document.
/// ```markdown
/// > | a
///     ^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "root")
pub struct Root {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// Paragraph.
/// ```markdown
/// > | a
///     ^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "paragraph")
pub struct Paragraph {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// Heading.
/// ```markdown
/// > | # a
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "heading")
pub struct Heading {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Extra.
    /// Rank (between `1` and `6`, both including).
    pub depth: u8,

/// Thematic break.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ***
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "thematicBreak")
pub struct ThematicBreak {
    // Void.
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// Block quote.
/// ```markdown
/// > | > a
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "blockquote")
pub struct BlockQuote {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// List.
/// ```markdown
/// > | * a
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "list")
pub struct List {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Extra.
    /// Ordered (`true`) or unordered (`false`).
    pub ordered: bool,
    /// Starting number of the list.
    /// `None` when unordered.
    pub start: Option<u32>,
    /// One or more of its children are separated with a blank line from its
    /// siblings (when `true`), or not (when `false`).
    pub spread: bool,

/// List item.
/// ```markdown
/// > | * a
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "listItem")
pub struct ListItem {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Extra.
    /// The item contains two or more children separated by a blank line
    /// (when `true`), or not (when `false`).
    pub spread: bool,
    /// GFM: whether the item is done (when `true`), not done (when `false`),
    /// or indeterminate or not applicable (`None`).
    pub checked: Option<bool>,

/// Html (flow or phrasing).
/// ```markdown
/// > | <a>
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "html")
pub struct Html {
    // Text.
    /// Content model.
    pub value: String,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// Code (flow).
/// ```markdown
/// > | ~~~
///     ^^^
/// > | a
///     ^
/// > | ~~~
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "code")
pub struct Code {
    // Text.
    /// Content model.
    pub value: String,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Extra.
    /// The language of computer code being marked up.
    pub lang: Option<String>,
    /// Custom info relating to the node.
    pub meta: Option<String>,

/// Math (flow).
/// ```markdown
/// > | $$
///     ^^
/// > | a
///     ^
/// > | $$
///     ^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "math")
pub struct Math {
    // Text.
    /// Content model.
    pub value: String,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Extra.
    /// Custom info relating to the node.
    pub meta: Option<String>,

/// Definition.
/// ```markdown
/// > | [a]: b
///     ^^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "definition")
pub struct Definition {
    // Void.
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Resource.
    /// URL to the referenced resource.
    pub url: String,
    /// Advisory info for the resource, such as something that would be
    /// appropriate for a tooltip.
    pub title: Option<String>,
    // Association.
    /// Value that can match another node.
    /// `identifier` is a source value: character escapes and character references
    /// are *not* parsed.
    /// Its value must be normalized.
    pub identifier: String,
    /// `label` is a string value: it works just like `title` on a link or a
    /// `lang` on code: character escapes and character references are parsed.
    /// To normalize a value, collapse markdown whitespace (`[\t\n\r ]+`) to a
    /// space, trim the optional initial and/or final space, and perform
    /// case-folding.
    pub label: Option<String>,

/// Text.
/// ```markdown
/// > | a
///     ^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "text")
pub struct Text {
    // Text.
    /// Content model.
    pub value: String,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// Emphasis.
/// ```markdown
/// > | *a*
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "emphasis")
pub struct Emphasis {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// Strong.
/// ```markdown
/// > | **a**
///     ^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "strong")
pub struct Strong {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// Code (phrasing).
/// ```markdown
/// > | `a`
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "inlineCode")
pub struct InlineCode {
    // Text.
    /// Content model.
    pub value: String,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// Math (phrasing).
/// ```markdown
/// > | $a$
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "inlineMath")
pub struct InlineMath {
    // Text.
    /// Content model.
    pub value: String,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// Break.
/// ```markdown
/// > | a\
///      ^
///   | b
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "break")
pub struct Break {
    // Void.
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// Link.
/// ```markdown
/// > | [a](b)
///     ^^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "link")
pub struct Link {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Resource.
    /// URL to the referenced resource.
    pub url: String,
    /// Advisory info for the resource, such as something that would be
    /// appropriate for a tooltip.
    pub title: Option<String>,

/// Image.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ![a](b)
///     ^^^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "image")
pub struct Image {
    // Void.
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Alternative.
    /// Equivalent content for environments that cannot represent the node as
    /// intended.
    pub alt: String,
    // Resource.
    /// URL to the referenced resource.
    pub url: String,
    /// Advisory info for the resource, such as something that would be
    /// appropriate for a tooltip.
    pub title: Option<String>,

/// Link reference.
/// ```markdown
/// > | [a]
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "linkReference")
pub struct LinkReference {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Reference.
    /// Explicitness of a reference.
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "json", serde(rename = "referenceType"))]
    pub reference_kind: ReferenceKind,
    // Association.
    /// Value that can match another node.
    /// `identifier` is a source value: character escapes and character references
    /// are *not* parsed.
    /// Its value must be normalized.
    pub identifier: String,
    /// `label` is a string value: it works just like `title` on a link or a
    /// `lang` on code: character escapes and character references are parsed.
    /// To normalize a value, collapse markdown whitespace (`[\t\n\r ]+`) to a
    /// space, trim the optional initial and/or final space, and perform
    /// case-folding.
    pub label: Option<String>,

/// Image reference.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ![a]
///     ^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "imageReference")
pub struct ImageReference {
    // Void.
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Alternative.
    /// Equivalent content for environments that cannot represent the node as
    /// intended.
    pub alt: String,
    // Reference.
    /// Explicitness of a reference.
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "json", serde(rename = "referenceType"))]
    pub reference_kind: ReferenceKind,
    // Association.
    /// Value that can match another node.
    /// `identifier` is a source value: character escapes and character references
    /// are *not* parsed.
    /// Its value must be normalized.
    pub identifier: String,
    /// `label` is a string value: it works just like `title` on a link or a
    /// `lang` on code: character escapes and character references are parsed.
    /// To normalize a value, collapse markdown whitespace (`[\t\n\r ]+`) to a
    /// space, trim the optional initial and/or final space, and perform
    /// case-folding.
    pub label: Option<String>,

/// GFM: footnote definition.
/// ```markdown
/// > | [^a]: b
///     ^^^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "footnoteDefinition")
pub struct FootnoteDefinition {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Association.
    /// Value that can match another node.
    /// `identifier` is a source value: character escapes and character references
    /// are *not* parsed.
    /// Its value must be normalized.
    pub identifier: String,
    /// `label` is a string value: it works just like `title` on a link or a
    /// `lang` on code: character escapes and character references are parsed.
    /// To normalize a value, collapse markdown whitespace (`[\t\n\r ]+`) to a
    /// space, trim the optional initial and/or final space, and perform
    /// case-folding.
    pub label: Option<String>,

/// GFM: footnote reference.
/// ```markdown
/// > | [^a]
///     ^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "footnoteReference")
pub struct FootnoteReference {
    // Void.
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Association.
    /// Value that can match another node.
    /// `identifier` is a source value: character escapes and character references
    /// are *not* parsed.
    /// Its value must be normalized.
    pub identifier: String,
    /// `label` is a string value: it works just like `title` on a link or a
    /// `lang` on code: character escapes and character references are parsed.
    /// To normalize a value, collapse markdown whitespace (`[\t\n\r ]+`) to a
    /// space, trim the optional initial and/or final space, and perform
    /// case-folding.
    pub label: Option<String>,

/// GFM: table.
/// ```markdown
/// > | | a |
///     ^^^^^
/// > | | - |
///     ^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "table")
pub struct Table {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // Extra.
    /// Represents how cells in columns are aligned.
    pub align: Vec<AlignKind>,

/// GFM: table row.
/// ```markdown
/// > | | a |
///     ^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "tableRow")
pub struct TableRow {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// GFM: table cell.
/// ```markdown
/// > | | a |
///     ^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "tableCell")
pub struct TableCell {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// GFM: delete.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ~~a~~
///     ^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "delete")
pub struct Delete {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// Frontmatter: yaml.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ---
///     ^^^
/// > | a: b
///     ^^^^
/// > | ---
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "yaml")
pub struct Yaml {
    // Void.
    /// Content model.
    pub value: String,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// Frontmatter: toml.
/// ```markdown
/// > | +++
///     ^^^
/// > | a: b
///     ^^^^
/// > | +++
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "toml")
pub struct Toml {
    // Void.
    /// Content model.
    pub value: String,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

/// MDX: ESM.
/// ```markdown
/// > | import a from 'b'
///     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "mdxjsEsm")
pub struct MdxjsEsm {
    // Literal.
    /// Content model.
    pub value: String,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

    // Custom data on where each slice of `value` came from.
    pub stops: Vec<Stop>,

/// MDX: expression (flow).
/// ```markdown
/// > | {a}
///     ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "mdxFlowExpression")
pub struct MdxFlowExpression {
    // Literal.
    /// Content model.
    pub value: String,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

    // Custom data on where each slice of `value` came from.
    pub stops: Vec<Stop>,

/// MDX: expression (text).
/// ```markdown
/// > | a {b}
///       ^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "mdxTextExpression")
pub struct MdxTextExpression {
    // Literal.
    /// Content model.
    pub value: String,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,

    // Custom data on where each slice of `value` came from.
    pub stops: Vec<Stop>,

/// MDX: JSX element (container).
/// ```markdown
/// > | <a />
///     ^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "mdxJsxFlowElement")
pub struct MdxJsxFlowElement {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // JSX element.
    /// Name.
    /// Fragments have no name.
    pub name: Option<String>,
    /// Attributes.
    pub attributes: Vec<AttributeContent>,

/// MDX: JSX element (text).
/// ```markdown
/// > | <a />.
///     ^^^^^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "mdxJsxTextElement")
pub struct MdxJsxTextElement {
    // Parent.
    /// Content model.
    pub children: Vec<Node>,
    /// Positional info.
    pub position: Option<Position>,
    // JSX element.
    /// Name.
    /// Fragments have no name.
    pub name: Option<String>,
    /// Attributes.
    pub attributes: Vec<AttributeContent>,

/// MDX: JSX attribute.
/// ```markdown
/// > | <a b />
///        ^
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    feature = "json",
    derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
    serde(tag = "type", rename = "mdxJsxAttribute")
pub struct MdxJsxAttribute {
    // Void.
    /// Positional info.
    // pub position: Option<Position>,
    /// Key.
    pub name: String,
    /// Value.
    pub value: Option<AttributeValue>,

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::unist::Position;
    use alloc::{format, string::ToString, vec};

    // Literals.

    fn text() {
        let mut node = Node::Text(Text {
            value: "a".into(),
            position: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Text { value: \"a\", position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "a", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Text { value: \"a\", position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn inline_code() {
        let mut node = Node::InlineCode(InlineCode {
            value: "a".into(),
            position: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "InlineCode { value: \"a\", position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "a", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "InlineCode { value: \"a\", position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn code() {
        let mut node = Node::Code(Code {
            value: "a".into(),
            position: None,
            lang: None,
            meta: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Code { value: \"a\", position: None, lang: None, meta: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "a", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Code { value: \"a\", position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), lang: None, meta: None }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn inline_math() {
        let mut node = Node::InlineMath(InlineMath {
            value: "a".into(),
            position: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "InlineMath { value: \"a\", position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "a", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "InlineMath { value: \"a\", position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn math() {
        let mut node = Node::Math(Math {
            value: "a".into(),
            position: None,
            meta: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Math { value: \"a\", position: None, meta: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "a", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Math { value: \"a\", position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), meta: None }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn html() {
        let mut node = Node::Html(Html {
            value: "a".into(),
            position: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Html { value: \"a\", position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "a", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Html { value: \"a\", position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn mdx_text_expression() {
        let mut node = Node::MdxTextExpression(MdxTextExpression {
            value: "a".into(),
            stops: vec![],
            position: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "MdxTextExpression { value: \"a\", position: None, stops: [] }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "a", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "MdxTextExpression { value: \"a\", position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), stops: [] }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn mdx_flow_expression() {
        let mut node = Node::MdxFlowExpression(MdxFlowExpression {
            value: "a".into(),
            stops: vec![],
            position: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "MdxFlowExpression { value: \"a\", position: None, stops: [] }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "a", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "MdxFlowExpression { value: \"a\", position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), stops: [] }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn mdxjs_esm() {
        let mut node = Node::MdxjsEsm(MdxjsEsm {
            value: "a".into(),
            stops: vec![],
            position: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "MdxjsEsm { value: \"a\", position: None, stops: [] }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "a", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "MdxjsEsm { value: \"a\", position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), stops: [] }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn toml() {
        let mut node = Node::Toml(Toml {
            value: "a".into(),
            position: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Toml { value: \"a\", position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "a", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Toml { value: \"a\", position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn yaml() {
        let mut node = Node::Yaml(Yaml {
            value: "a".into(),
            position: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Yaml { value: \"a\", position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "a", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Yaml { value: \"a\", position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    // Voids.

    fn break_node() {
        let mut node = Node::Break(Break { position: None });

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Break { position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Break { position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn thematic_break() {
        let mut node = Node::ThematicBreak(ThematicBreak { position: None });

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "ThematicBreak { position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "ThematicBreak { position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn footnote_reference() {
        let mut node = Node::FootnoteReference(FootnoteReference {
            position: None,
            identifier: "a".into(),
            label: Some("b".into()),

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "FootnoteReference { position: None, identifier: \"a\", label: Some(\"b\") }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "FootnoteReference { position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), identifier: \"a\", label: Some(\"b\") }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn image_reference() {
        let mut node = Node::ImageReference(ImageReference {
            position: None,
            alt: "a".into(),
            identifier: "b".into(),
            label: Some("c".into()),
            reference_kind: ReferenceKind::Full,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "ImageReference { position: None, alt: \"a\", reference_kind: Full, identifier: \"b\", label: Some(\"c\") }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "ImageReference { position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), alt: \"a\", reference_kind: Full, identifier: \"b\", label: Some(\"c\") }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn image() {
        let mut node = Node::Image(Image {
            position: None,
            alt: "a".into(),
            url: "b".into(),
            title: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Image { position: None, alt: \"a\", url: \"b\", title: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Image { position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), alt: \"a\", url: \"b\", title: None }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn definition() {
        let mut node = Node::Definition(Definition {
            position: None,
            identifier: "a".into(),
            label: None,
            url: "b".into(),
            title: None,

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Definition { position: None, url: \"b\", title: None, identifier: \"a\", label: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
        assert_eq!(node.children_mut(), None, "should support `children_mut`");
        assert_eq!(node.children(), None, "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Definition { position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), url: \"b\", title: None, identifier: \"a\", label: None }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    // Parents.

    fn root() {
        let mut node = Node::Root(Root {
            position: None,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Root { children: [], position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Root { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn block_quote() {
        let mut node = Node::BlockQuote(BlockQuote {
            position: None,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "BlockQuote { children: [], position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "BlockQuote { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn delete() {
        let mut node = Node::Delete(Delete {
            position: None,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Delete { children: [], position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Delete { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn emphasis() {
        let mut node = Node::Emphasis(Emphasis {
            position: None,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Emphasis { children: [], position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Emphasis { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn strong() {
        let mut node = Node::Strong(Strong {
            position: None,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Strong { children: [], position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Strong { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn paragraph() {
        let mut node = Node::Paragraph(Paragraph {
            position: None,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Paragraph { children: [], position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Paragraph { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn table_row() {
        let mut node = Node::TableRow(TableRow {
            position: None,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "TableRow { children: [], position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "TableRow { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn table_cell() {
        let mut node = Node::TableCell(TableCell {
            position: None,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "TableCell { children: [], position: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "TableCell { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)) }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn heading() {
        let mut node = Node::Heading(Heading {
            position: None,
            depth: 1,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Heading { children: [], position: None, depth: 1 }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Heading { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), depth: 1 }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn table() {
        let mut node = Node::Table(Table {
            position: None,
            align: vec![],
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Table { children: [], position: None, align: [] }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Table { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), align: [] }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn list_item() {
        let mut node = Node::ListItem(ListItem {
            position: None,
            spread: false,
            checked: None,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "ListItem { children: [], position: None, spread: false, checked: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "ListItem { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), spread: false, checked: None }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn list() {
        let mut node = Node::List(List {
            position: None,
            spread: false,
            ordered: false,
            start: None,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "List { children: [], position: None, ordered: false, start: None, spread: false }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "List { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), ordered: false, start: None, spread: false }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn link_reference() {
        let mut node = Node::LinkReference(LinkReference {
            position: None,
            identifier: "a".into(),
            label: None,
            reference_kind: ReferenceKind::Full,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "LinkReference { children: [], position: None, reference_kind: Full, identifier: \"a\", label: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "LinkReference { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), reference_kind: Full, identifier: \"a\", label: None }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn link() {
        let mut node = Node::Link(Link {
            position: None,
            url: "a".into(),
            title: None,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Link { children: [], position: None, url: \"a\", title: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "Link { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), url: \"a\", title: None }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn footnote_definition() {
        let mut node = Node::FootnoteDefinition(FootnoteDefinition {
            position: None,
            identifier: "a".into(),
            label: None,
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "FootnoteDefinition { children: [], position: None, identifier: \"a\", label: None }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "FootnoteDefinition { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), identifier: \"a\", label: None }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn mdx_jsx_flow_element() {
        let mut node = Node::MdxJsxFlowElement(MdxJsxFlowElement {
            position: None,
            name: None,
            attributes: vec![],
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "MdxJsxFlowElement { children: [], position: None, name: None, attributes: [] }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "MdxJsxFlowElement { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), name: None, attributes: [] }",
            "should support `position_set`"

    fn mdx_jsx_text_element() {
        let mut node = Node::MdxJsxTextElement(MdxJsxTextElement {
            position: None,
            name: None,
            attributes: vec![],
            children: vec![],

            format!("{:?}", node),
            "MdxJsxTextElement { children: [], position: None, name: None, attributes: [] }",
            "should support `Debug`"
        assert_eq!(node.to_string(), "", "should support `ToString`");
            Some(&mut vec![]),
            "should support `children_mut`"
        assert_eq!(node.children(), Some(&vec![]), "should support `children`");
        assert_eq!(node.position(), None, "should support `position`");
        assert_eq!(node.position_mut(), None, "should support `position`");
        node.position_set(Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)));
            format!("{:?}", node),
            "MdxJsxTextElement { children: [], position: Some(1:1-1:2 (0-1)), name: None, attributes: [] }",
            "should support `position_set`"