markdown-toc 0.1.0

Markdown Table of Contents generator
Test Markdown Document, 0
Overview, 1
Philosophy, 2
Inline HTML, 2
Automatic Escaping for Special Characters, 2
Block Elements, 1
Paragraphs and Line Breaks, 2
Headers, 2
Blockquotes, 2
Lists, 2
Code Blocks, 2
Horizontal Rules, 2
Span Elements, 1
Links, 2
Emphasis, 2
Code, 2
Images, 2
Miscellaneous, 1
Automatic Links, 2
Backslash Escapes, 2
- [Test Markdown Document](#test-markdown-document)
  - [Overview](#overview)
    - [Philosophy](#philosophy)
    - [Inline HTML](#inline-html)
    - [Automatic Escaping for Special Characters](#automatic-escaping-for-special-characters)
  - [Block Elements](#block-elements)
    - [Paragraphs and Line Breaks](#paragraphs-and-line-breaks)
    - [Headers](#headers)
    - [Blockquotes](#blockquotes)
    - [Lists](#lists)
    - [Code Blocks](#code-blocks)
    - [Horizontal Rules](#horizontal-rules)
  - [Span Elements](#span-elements)
    - [Links](#links)
    - [Emphasis](#emphasis)
    - [Code](#code)
    - [Images](#images)
  - [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
    - [Automatic Links](#automatic-links)
    - [Backslash Escapes](#backslash-escapes)
1. Overview
1. Block Elements
1. Span Elements
1. Miscellaneous