markdown-it 0.4.0

Rust port of popular markdown-it.js library.
// Counts the number of crabs lurking around.

use markdown_it::{MarkdownIt, Node, NodeValue, Renderer};
use markdown_it::parser::core::CoreRule;
use super::block_rule::BlockFerris;
use super::inline_rule::InlineFerris;

// This is a structure that represents your custom Node in AST,
// it has one single argument - crab counter.
pub struct FerrisCounter(usize);

// This defines how your custom node should be rendered.
impl NodeValue for FerrisCounter {
    fn render(&self, node: &Node, fmt: &mut dyn Renderer) {
        // `node.attrs` are custom attributes added by other plugins
        // (for example, source mapping information)
        let mut attrs = node.attrs.clone();

        // add a custom class attribute
        attrs.push(("class", "ferris-counter".into()));; // linebreak, multiples get merged"footer", &attrs);
        #[allow(clippy::useless_format)] // for simplicity's sake
        fmt.text(&match self.0 {
            0 => format!("No crabs around here."),
            1 => format!("There is a crab lurking in this document."),
            _ => format!("There are {} crabs lurking in this document.", self.0),

// This is an extension for the markdown parser.
struct FerrisCounterRule;

impl CoreRule for FerrisCounterRule {
    // This is a custom function that will be invoked once per document.
    // It has `root` node of the AST as an argument and may modify its
    // contents as you like.
    fn run(root: &mut Node, _: &MarkdownIt) {
        let mut counter = 0;

        // walk through AST recursively and count the number of two
        // custom nodes added by other two rules
        root.walk(|node, _| {
            if<InlineFerris>() ||<BlockFerris>() {
                counter += 1;

        // append a counter to the root as a custom node

pub fn add(md: &mut MarkdownIt) {
    // insert this rule into parser