mapped-guard 0.0.1

Returnable guards that represent for example a subset of the original borrow. Implemented for the standard guard types and easily extensible.
//! # A note on the implementation
//! This library is a workaround until mapped guards become available in the standard library and uses boxing internally.
//! While it's in practice likely possible to implement this more efficiently (without boxing) for many guards,
//! this isn't safe except for mutable borrows where the documentation explicitly states they are write-through.

#![doc(html_root_url = "")]

use core::{mem::transmute, ops::Deref};
use std::{
	sync::{MutexGuard, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard},

pub mod readme {

// There are a few requirements that must hold for this library to be sound:
// I: G is movable independently from R (base premise)
// II: It is impossible to separate G and R, except if that transformation is guarateed to keep R valid which is enabled by III.
// III: Consumers can't acquire a direct reference to `target` while consuming `self`.
pub struct MappedGuard<G, R> {
	guard: G,
	target: R,

impl<G, R> MappedGuard<G, R> {
	pub fn new(guard: G, target: R) -> Self {
		Self { guard, target }

impl<G, R: Deref> Deref for MappedGuard<G, R> {
	// Safety: III only holds if the deref defers to R's Target because MappedGuard is UnpinDereferenced!
	type Target = R::Target;

	fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

/// Marker types for guards that are mapped by first being boxed (because they make no guarantees that their target reference can be detached from their location in memory.)
/// Technically this could be anything, but the operation only really makes sense for guards, in order to return the mapping from a function.
pub trait BoxedMapped {}
impl<'a, T> BoxedMapped for MutexGuard<'a, T> {}
impl<'a, T> BoxedMapped for RwLockReadGuard<'a, T> {}
impl<'a, T> BoxedMapped for RwLockWriteGuard<'a, T> {}
impl<'a, T> BoxedMapped for Ref<'a, T> {}

// TODO: This is a bit inefficient. Provide another implementation that uses a flatter mapping if R is Deref.
impl<G, R> BoxedMapped for MappedGuard<G, R> {}

//TODO: Mention this in the struct documentation!
impl<G, R1, R> From<MappedGuard<MappedGuard<G, R1>, R>> for MappedGuard<G, R> {
	/// Flattens nested `MappedGuard` instances.
	fn from(from: MappedGuard<MappedGuard<G, R1>, R>) -> Self {
		Self {
			guard: from.guard.guard,

pub trait MapGuard<'a, G, R1, R2: 'a> {
	fn map_guard(self, map: impl FnOnce(R1) -> R2) -> MappedGuard<G, R2>;

	//TODO: What's the naming convention for this?
	fn maybe_map_guard(
		maybe_map: impl FnOnce(R1) -> Option<R2>,
	) -> Option<MappedGuard<G, R2>>;
pub trait TryMapGuard<'a, G, R1, R2: 'a, E: 'a> {
	fn try_map_guard(
		try_map: impl FnOnce(R1) -> Result<R2, E>,
	) -> Result<MappedGuard<G, R2>, E>;

//TODO: These should be default implementations and associated types instead.
impl<'a, G: BoxedMapped + 'a, R: 'a> MapGuard<'a, Box<G>, &'a G, R> for G {
	fn map_guard(self, map: impl FnOnce(&'a G) -> R) -> MappedGuard<Box<G>, R> {
		let boxed = Box::new(self);
		MappedGuard {
			target: map(unsafe {
				//SAFETY: `guard` can't be dropped independently from `target`.
			guard: boxed,

	fn maybe_map_guard(
		maybe_map: impl FnOnce(&'a G) -> Option<R>,
	) -> Option<MappedGuard<Box<G>, R>> {
		let boxed = Box::new(self);
		maybe_map(unsafe {
			//SAFETY: `guard` can't be dropped independently from `target`.
		.map(|target| MappedGuard {
			guard: boxed,
impl<'a, G: BoxedMapped + 'a, R: 'a, E: 'a> TryMapGuard<'a, Box<G>, &'a G, R, E> for G {
	fn try_map_guard(
		try_map: impl FnOnce(&'a G) -> Result<R, E>,
	) -> Result<MappedGuard<Box<G>, R>, E> {
		let boxed = Box::new(self);
		Ok(MappedGuard {
			target: try_map(unsafe {
				//SAFETY: `guard` can't be dropped independently from `target`.
			guard: boxed,

unsafe fn detach_borrow<'a, 'b, T>(reference: &'a T) -> &'b T {