map_tile 0.1.1

tool for map tile
libary for map tile.

Dual-licensed under MIT or the [UNLICENSE](

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### Documentation

If you're new to Rust, the

### Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

map_tile = "0.1.1"

### Example

use map_tile::tile::{tile2geometry, polygon2tiles, get_all_neighbor_tiles};

let tileid = 67435200;

let geom = tile2geometry(tileid, 3);

let polygon = "POLYGON ((111.84648227716731 30.62728190721755, 111.84648417243615 30.649263977286452, 111.86841269240549 30.649227710764272, 111.86841080660852 30.62724564013721, 111.84648227716731 30.62728190721755))";
let tiles = polygon2tiles(polygon, 13)

let all_near_tiles = get_all_neighbor_tiles(tileid);
let up_tile = get_neighbor_tileid(tileid, "UP");
let down_tile = get_neighbor_tileid(tileid, "DOWN");
let left_tile = get_neighbor_tileid(tileid, "LEFT");
let right_tile = get_neighbor_tileid(tileid, "RIGHT");
let leftup_tile = get_neighbor_tileid(tileid, "LEFT_UP");
let rightup_tile = get_neighbor_tileid(tileid, "RIGHT_UP");
let leftdown_tile = get_neighbor_tileid(tileid, "LEFT_DOWM");
let rightdown_tile = get_neighbor_tileid(tileid, "RIGHT_DOWN");