Module map_macro::hashbrown

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Available on crate feature hashbrown only.
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Macros for initializing hashbrown maps and sets.


use map_macro::hashbrown::hash_map;

let hello = hash_map! {
    "en" => "Hello",
    "de" => "Hallo",
    "fr" => "Bonjour",
    "es" => "Hola",
    "cat" => "Hola",
    "🌍" => "👋",

§Supported Versions of hashbrown

As of writing this, up to the current hashbrown version 0.14 all versions of hashbrown are supported. So you can use the macros from this module with any version of hashbrown to date. Though highly likely, compatibility can’t be guaranteed with future versions of hashbrown that break SemVer compatibility with 0.14. If hashbrown were to remove the FromIterator implementations of HashMap and HashSet in a release that is incompatible with 0.14 (i.e. 0.15 or 1.0) compatibility with the macros from this module would break for that new version.

Note: to be compatible with all versions of hashbrown at once, this crate doesn’t re-export hashbrown. That means that (I) you need to specify it as a dependency yourself and (II) you can’t rename it or the macros from this module won’t be able to import the needed types, resulting in a compile-time error.
