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Manifest Dir Macros

This crate provides function-like macros to check or operate paths relative to CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR at compile time.


#[macro_use] extern crate manifest_dir_macros;

println!(path!("src", "lib.rs"));
println!(path!("src", "lib.rs", "/bin"));



println!(get_file_name!(default = "main.rs", "/"));
println!(get_file_stem!(default = "lib", "/"));
println!(get_extension!(default = "rs", "src/lib"));
println!(get_parent!(default = "/home", "/"));

#[cfg(feature = "mime_guess")]
    println!(mime_guess!(default = "application/octet-stream", "Cargo.lock"));

// The `tuple` feature lets these macros above support to input nested literal string tuples, which is useful when you want to use these macros inside a `macro_rule!` macro and concatenate with other literal strings.
// `$x:expr` matchers can be used in these macros thus.
#[cfg(feature = "tuple")]
    println!(path!(("foo", "bar")));
    println!(path!("a", ("foo", "bar")));
    println!(path!(("foo", "bar"), "a"));
    println!(path!(("foo", "bar"), ("a", "b")));
    println!(path!(("foo", "bar", ("a", "b")), ("c", "d")));


Allows input a absolute path. Checks and returns the absolute path.

Allows input a absolute path. Checks whether it is a directory and returns the absolute path.

Allows input an absolute path, or a relative path. If a relative path is input, it will be relative to the CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR (a directory where your Cargo.toml located). Returns an absolute path, and it must be an existing directory.

Allows input a relative path. It will be relative to the CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR (a directory where your Cargo.toml located). Returns an absolute path, and it must be a directory.

Allows input a absolute path. Checks whether it exists and returns the absolute path.

Allows input an absolute path, or a relative path. (multiple components are supported) If a relative path is input, it will be relative to the CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR (a directory where your Cargo.toml located). Returns an absolute path, and it must exist.

Allows input a relative path. It will be relative to the CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR (a directory where your Cargo.toml located). Returns an absolute path, and it must exist.

Allows input a absolute path. Checks whether it is a file and returns the absolute path.

Allows input an absolute path, or a relative path. If a relative path is input, it will be relative to the CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR (a directory where your Cargo.toml located). Returns an absolute path, and it must be an existing file.

Allows input a relative path. It will be relative to the CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR (a directory where your Cargo.toml located). Returns an absolute path, and it must be a file.

Gets the file extension for other purposes. If there is no file extension, the default value will be used, or a compile error will be shown.

Gets the file name for other purposes. If there is no file name, the default value will be used, or a compile error will be shown.

Gets the file stem for other purposes. If there is no file stem, the default value will be used, or a compile error will be shown.

Gets the parent for other purposes. If there is no parent, the default value will be used, or a compile error will be shown.

Guesses the mime type by the path. If the guess fails, the default value will be used, or a compile error will be shown.

Allows input a absolute path. Checks whether it is not a directory and returns the absolute path.

Allows input an absolute path, or a relative path. If a relative path is input, it will be relative to the CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR (a directory where your Cargo.toml located). Returns an absolute path, and it must not be an existing directory.

Allows input a relative path. It will be relative to the CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR (a directory where your Cargo.toml located). Returns an absolute path, and it must not be a directory.

Allows input an absolute path, or a relative path. If a relative path is input, it will be relative to the CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR (a directory where your Cargo.toml located). Returns an absolute path.

Allows input a relative path. It will be relative to the CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR (a directory where your Cargo.toml located). Returns an absolute path.