mangadex-api 0.2.3

Unofficial client/wrapper for the MangaDex API
# MangaDex API

Unofficial Rust client/wrapper for the MangaDex API.
This also includes some conveniences that are not provided from the API directly such as logging in.

This is still in the **early development stage**.
Some breaking API changes may occur as the project matures.
Consequently, this code is not yet ready for use in production.*

# Table of Contents

* [Requirements][readme-section-requirements]
* [Features][readme-section-features]
* [Optional Features][readme-section-optional-features]
* [Examples][readme-section-examples]
* [Running Examples][readme-section-running-examples]
* [License][readme-section-license]
* [Contribution][readme-section-contribution]
* [Contributing][readme-section-contributing]

# Requirements

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* [Rust 1.47+][rust-homepage]

# Features

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* [v2 support][mangadex-v2-api-index]
    * [OpenAPI Document (Unofficial)][mangadex-v2-openapi-spec]

# Optional Features

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* `time` - Use [Chrono][chrono-docs] for the timestamps instead of integers and arbitrary strings. 
  Included by default.

# Examples

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### Fetch manga by ID

use mangadex_api::v2::{responses::ResponseType, MangaDexV2};

async fn main() -> Result<(), reqwest::Error> {
    let mangadex_client = MangaDexV2::default();

    let manga  = mangadex_client

    // Fields are hidden behind getter methods to prevent field mutation.
    // The getters return a referenced value so comparisons require de-referencing.
    assert_eq!(*, 1);


### Logging in

Some features on MangaDex are restricted to registered users such as searching by manga title.

In order to use these features, you must log in first and the [`Reqwest` library][reqwest-library]
will store the session cookie in the client. Once that's done, you can use call the other endpoints
normally and get the data you need.

use std::io;

use mangadex_api::v2::MangaDexV2;
use mangadex_api::web_scrape::responses::LoginAjaxResponseType;

async fn main() -> Result<(), reqwest::Error> {
    let mangadex_client = MangaDexV2::default();

    let mut username = String::new();
    println!("Enter your MangaDex username:");
        .read_line(&mut username)
        .expect("Failed to read username");

    let mut password = String::new();
    println!("Enter your MangaDex password:");
        .read_line(&mut password)
        .expect("Failed to read password");

    // If you know that you need a 2-factor authentication code, you can add it directly before
    // sending the first login attempt and not check the `TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired` variant.
    match mangadex_client
        .login_ajax(&username, &password)
        LoginAjaxResponseType::Ok => {
            println!("Login successful!")
        LoginAjaxResponseType::TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired => {
            let mut two_factor = String::new();
            loop {
                println!("Enter your 2FA code:");
                    .read_line(&mut two_factor)
                    .expect("Failed to read 2FA code");

                match mangadex_client
                    .login_ajax(&username, &password)
                    LoginAjaxResponseType::Ok => {
                        println!("Login successful!");
                    | LoginAjaxResponseType::FailedTwoFactorVerification => {
                        println!("Incorrect 2FA code")
                    _ => panic!("There was an error submitting the 2FA code"),
        _ => panic!("There was an error logging in."),


# Running Examples

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The examples can be run with the following:

cargo run --example [example_name]

More details about the examples can be found in the [examples README][examples-readme] file.

# Changelog

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The changelog can be found [here][changelog].

Changes are added manually to keep the changelog human-readable with summaries of the changes from each version.

# License

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Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0
   ([LICENSE-APACHE][license-apache] or
 * MIT license
   ([LICENSE-MIT][license-mit] or

at your option.

## Contribution

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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

# Contributing

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We welcome contributions from everyone. There are many ways to contribute and the
[][contributing] document explains how you can contribute and get started.

[examples-readme]: examples/
[license-apache]: LICENSE-APACHE
[license-mit]: LICENSE-MIT
[mangadex-v2-openapi-spec]: src/v2/openapi.yaml
[readme-section-contributing]: #contributing
[readme-section-contribution]: #contribution
[readme-section-examples]: #examples
[readme-section-features]: #features
[readme-section-license]: #license
[readme-section-requirements]: #requirements
[readme-section-running-examples]: #running-examples
[readme-section-optional-features]: #optional-features
[readme-requirements]: #requirements
[readme-section-toc]: #table-of-contents