maligned 0.2.1

A memory alignment library
use super::Alignment;
use alloc::alloc::Layout;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::mem::{align_of, size_of};

/// Aligns the first element in a `Vec<T>` to `A`. If the alignment of `A` is less than the alignment of `T` then a `Vec<T>`
/// with capacity `t_capacity` is returned. This method is safe because structs are always aligned to a power of two so
/// aligning the first item in a `Vec<T>` to a higher alignment will always be aligned correctly.
/// This method is useful for getting byte arrays that need to be copied so that an efficient memory copy can be used instead
/// of a byte by byte copy. It is also useful when working on some devices that can do hardware copies but require 128, 256,
/// or higher bit alignments to be efficient.
pub fn align_first<T, A: Alignment>(t_capacity: usize) -> Vec<T> {
  if align_of::<A>() <= align_of::<T>() || t_capacity == 0 || size_of::<T>() == 0 {
    return Vec::<T>::with_capacity(t_capacity);
  let min_bytes_to_allocate = size_of::<T>() * t_capacity;
  // Unwrap is safe because we fulfill all the invariants of `from_size_align`
  let layout = Layout::from_size_align(min_bytes_to_allocate, align_of::<A>()).unwrap();
  let ptr = unsafe { alloc::alloc::alloc(layout) };
  let type_vec = unsafe { Vec::<T>::from_raw_parts(ptr as *mut T, 0, t_capacity) };
  debug_assert_eq!(type_vec.as_ptr() as usize % align_of::<A>(), 0);
  debug_assert_eq!(type_vec.as_ptr() as usize, ptr as usize);

/// Aligns types and initializes memory to the return value provided by the closure.
/// Since boxed slices can never re-allocate the first item will always be aligned.
/// ```
/// # use maligned::*;
/// let f = |i|(i & u8::max_value() as usize) as u8;
/// let s = align_first_boxed::<u8, A128, _>(1023, f);
/// assert_eq!(s.len(), 1023);
/// s.iter().for_each(|b| assert_eq!(*b, f(*b as usize)));
/// ```
pub fn align_first_boxed<T, A: Alignment, F: FnMut(usize) -> T>(s_capacity: usize, mut f: F) -> Box<[T]> {
  let mut v = align_first::<T, A>(s_capacity);
  (0..s_capacity).for_each(|i| v.push(f(i)));

/// Aligns types and initializes memory to default then returns a boxed
/// slice. Since boxed slices can never re-allocate the first item will always be aligned.
/// ```
/// # use maligned::*;
/// let s = align_first_boxed_default::<u8, A128>(2047);
/// assert_eq!(s.len(), 2047);
/// s.iter().for_each(|b| assert_eq!(*b, 0));
/// ```
pub fn align_first_boxed_default<T: Default, A: Alignment>(s_capacity: usize) -> Box<[T]> {
  align_first_boxed::<T, A, _>(s_capacity, |_| T::default())

/// Aligns types and initializes all values to clones of `initial` then returns a boxed
/// slice. Since boxed slices can never re-allocate the first item will always be aligned.
/// ```
/// # use maligned::*;
/// let initial = 42;
/// let s = align_first_boxed_cloned::<u8, A128>(1023, initial);
/// assert_eq!(s.len(), 1023);
/// s.iter().for_each(|b| assert_eq!(*b, initial));
/// ```
pub fn align_first_boxed_cloned<T: Clone, A: Alignment>(s_capacity: usize, initial: T) -> Box<[T]> {
  align_first_boxed::<T, A, _>(s_capacity, |_| initial.clone())

mod tests {
  use super::*;
  use crate::*;
  macro_rules! assert_alignment {
    ($t:ty, $a:ty) => {
      let v = align_first::<$t, $a>(17);
      assert_eq!(v.len(), 0, "len not equal");
      if size_of::<$t>() == 0 {
        assert_eq!(v.capacity(), usize::max_value(), "Zero-sized type capacity incorrect");
      } else {
        assert_eq!(v.as_ptr() as usize % align_of::<$a>(), 0, "ptr not aligned");
        assert_eq!(v.capacity(), 17, "capacity not correct");

  struct NonPowerOf2Size {
    a: u8,
    b: u8,
    c: u32,

  fn test_align_first() {
    assert_alignment!(u16, Bit16);
    assert_alignment!(u32, Bit32);
    assert_alignment!(u64, Bit64);
    assert_alignment!(u128, Bit128);
    assert_alignment!([u64; 4], Bit256);
    assert_alignment!(u64, A8);
    assert_alignment!([u32; 2], Bit64);
    assert_alignment!([u8; 8], Bit64);
    assert_alignment!([u8; 16], A16);
    assert_alignment!([u8; 1024], A512);
    assert_alignment!([u8; 97], Bit16);
    assert_alignment!([u64; 101], Bit64);
    assert_alignment!([u8; 103], Bit32);
    assert_alignment!([u64; 107], Bit64);
    assert_alignment!([u32; 109], Bit16);
    assert_alignment!([A32; 139], A8);
    assert_alignment!([u32; 19], Bit16);
    assert_alignment!([A32; 31], A8);
    assert_alignment!(NonPowerOf2Size, A32);
    assert_alignment!([NonPowerOf2Size; 3], Bit1024);
    assert_alignment!([u16; 197], Bit32);
    assert_alignment!([A8; 191], A32);
    assert_alignment!([u16; 131], Bit32);
    assert_alignment!([u8; 7], A256);
    assert_alignment!([u8; 0], A512);
    struct ZeroSized;
    assert_alignment!(ZeroSized, A128);