malachite-q 0.3.2

The arbitrary-precision type Rational, with efficient algorithms partially derived from GMP and FLINT
use crate::Rational;
use malachite_nz::integer::Integer;
use malachite_nz::natural::Natural;

/// Returns a number's continued fraction.
/// The form of a continued fraction is $[a_0; a_1, a_2, a_3\ldots]$. The first component of the
/// output pair is $a_0$, and the second is an iterator that produces the $a_i$ for $i > 0$.
pub trait ContinuedFraction {
    type CF: Iterator<Item = Natural>;

    fn continued_fraction(self) -> (Integer, Self::CF);

/// Returns a number's convergents, as an iterator of [`Rational`]s.
/// The convergents of a real number are the rational numbers whose continued fractions are the
/// prefixes of the original number's continued fraction.
pub trait Convergents {
    type C: Iterator<Item = Rational>;

    fn convergents(self) -> Self::C;