malachite-nz 0.3.2

The bignum types Natural and Integer, with efficient algorithms partially derived from GMP and FLINT
use crate::integer::Integer;
use crate::natural::Natural;
use malachite_base::num::arithmetic::traits::{
    CeilingRoot, CeilingRootAssign, CheckedRoot, FloorRoot, FloorRootAssign, Parity, UnsignedAbs,
use std::ops::Neg;

impl FloorRoot<u64> for Integer {
    type Output = Integer;

    /// Returns the floor of the $n$th root of an [`Integer`], taking the [`Integer`] by value.
    /// $f(x, n) = \lfloor\sqrt\[n\]{x}\rfloor$.
    /// # Worst-case complexity
    /// $T(n) = O(n (\log n)^2 \log\log n)$
    /// $M(n) = O(n \log n)$
    /// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `self.significant_bits()`.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `exp` is zero, or if `exp` is even and `self` is negative.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use malachite_base::num::arithmetic::traits::FloorRoot;
    /// use malachite_nz::integer::Integer;
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(999).floor_root(3), 9);
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(1000).floor_root(3), 10);
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(1001).floor_root(3), 10);
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(100000000000i64).floor_root(5), 158);
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(-100000000000i64).floor_root(5), -159);
    /// ```
    fn floor_root(mut self, exp: u64) -> Integer {

impl<'a> FloorRoot<u64> for &'a Integer {
    type Output = Integer;

    /// Returns the floor of the $n$th root of an [`Integer`], taking the [`Integer`] by reference.
    /// $f(x, n) = \lfloor\sqrt\[n\]{x}\rfloor$.
    /// # Worst-case complexity
    /// $T(n) = O(n (\log n)^2 \log\log n)$
    /// $M(n) = O(n \log n)$
    /// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `self.significant_bits()`.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `exp` is zero, or if `exp` is even and `self` is negative.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use malachite_base::num::arithmetic::traits::FloorRoot;
    /// use malachite_nz::integer::Integer;
    /// assert_eq!((&Integer::from(999)).floor_root(3), 9);
    /// assert_eq!((&Integer::from(1000)).floor_root(3), 10);
    /// assert_eq!((&Integer::from(1001)).floor_root(3), 10);
    /// assert_eq!((&Integer::from(100000000000i64)).floor_root(5), 158);
    /// assert_eq!((&Integer::from(-100000000000i64)).floor_root(5), -159);
    /// ```
    fn floor_root(self, exp: u64) -> Integer {
        if *self >= 0 {
        } else if exp.odd() {
        } else {
            panic!("Cannot take even root of {}", self)

impl FloorRootAssign<u64> for Integer {
    /// Replaces an [`Integer`] with the floor of its $n$th root.
    /// $x \gets \lfloor\sqrt\[n\]{x}\rfloor$.
    /// # Worst-case complexity
    /// $T(n) = O(n (\log n)^2 \log\log n)$
    /// $M(n) = O(n \log n)$
    /// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `self.significant_bits()`.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `exp` is zero, or if `exp` is even and `self` is negative.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use malachite_base::num::arithmetic::traits::FloorRootAssign;
    /// use malachite_nz::integer::Integer;
    /// let mut x = Integer::from(999);
    /// x.floor_root_assign(3);
    /// assert_eq!(x, 9);
    /// let mut x = Integer::from(1000);
    /// x.floor_root_assign(3);
    /// assert_eq!(x, 10);
    /// let mut x = Integer::from(1001);
    /// x.floor_root_assign(3);
    /// assert_eq!(x, 10);
    /// let mut x = Integer::from(100000000000i64);
    /// x.floor_root_assign(5);
    /// assert_eq!(x, 158);
    /// let mut x = Integer::from(-100000000000i64);
    /// x.floor_root_assign(5);
    /// assert_eq!(x, -159);
    /// ```
    fn floor_root_assign(&mut self, exp: u64) {
        if *self >= 0 {
            self.mutate_unsigned_abs(|n| n.floor_root_assign(exp));
        } else if exp.odd() {
            self.mutate_unsigned_abs(|n| n.ceiling_root_assign(exp));
        } else {
            panic!("Cannot take even root of {}", self)

impl CeilingRoot<u64> for Integer {
    type Output = Integer;

    /// Returns the ceiling of the $n$th root of an [`Integer`], taking the [`Integer`] by value.
    /// $f(x, n) = \lceil\sqrt\[n\]{x}\rceil$.
    /// # Worst-case complexity
    /// $T(n) = O(n (\log n)^2 \log\log n)$
    /// $M(n) = O(n \log n)$
    /// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `self.significant_bits()`.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `exp` is zero, or if `exp` is even and `self` is negative.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use malachite_base::num::arithmetic::traits::CeilingRoot;
    /// use malachite_nz::integer::Integer;
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(999).ceiling_root(3), 10);
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(1000).ceiling_root(3), 10);
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(1001).ceiling_root(3), 11);
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(100000000000i64).ceiling_root(5), 159);
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(-100000000000i64).ceiling_root(5), -158);
    /// ```
    fn ceiling_root(mut self, exp: u64) -> Integer {

impl<'a> CeilingRoot<u64> for &'a Integer {
    type Output = Integer;

    /// Returns the ceiling of the $n$th root of an [`Integer`], taking the [`Integer`] by
    /// reference.
    /// $f(x, n) = \lceil\sqrt\[n\]{x}\rceil$.
    /// # Worst-case complexity
    /// $T(n) = O(n (\log n)^2 \log\log n)$
    /// $M(n) = O(n \log n)$
    /// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `self.significant_bits()`.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `exp` is zero, or if `exp` is even and `self` is negative.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use malachite_base::num::arithmetic::traits::CeilingRoot;
    /// use malachite_nz::integer::Integer;
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(999).ceiling_root(3), 10);
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(1000).ceiling_root(3), 10);
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(1001).ceiling_root(3), 11);
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(100000000000i64).ceiling_root(5), 159);
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(-100000000000i64).ceiling_root(5), -158);
    /// ```
    fn ceiling_root(self, exp: u64) -> Integer {
        if *self >= 0 {
        } else if exp.odd() {
        } else {
            panic!("Cannot take even root of {}", self)

impl CeilingRootAssign<u64> for Integer {
    /// Replaces an [`Integer`] with the ceiling of its $n$th root.
    /// $x \gets \lceil\sqrt\[n\]{x}\rceil$.
    /// # Worst-case complexity
    /// $T(n) = O(n (\log n)^2 \log\log n)$
    /// $M(n) = O(n \log n)$
    /// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `self.significant_bits()`.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `exp` is zero, or if `exp` is even and `self` is negative.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use malachite_base::num::arithmetic::traits::CeilingRootAssign;
    /// use malachite_nz::integer::Integer;
    /// let mut x = Integer::from(999);
    /// x.ceiling_root_assign(3);
    /// assert_eq!(x, 10);
    /// let mut x = Integer::from(1000);
    /// x.ceiling_root_assign(3);
    /// assert_eq!(x, 10);
    /// let mut x = Integer::from(1001);
    /// x.ceiling_root_assign(3);
    /// assert_eq!(x, 11);
    /// let mut x = Integer::from(100000000000i64);
    /// x.ceiling_root_assign(5);
    /// assert_eq!(x, 159);
    /// let mut x = Integer::from(-100000000000i64);
    /// x.ceiling_root_assign(5);
    /// assert_eq!(x, -158);
    /// ```
    fn ceiling_root_assign(&mut self, exp: u64) {
        if *self >= 0 {
            self.mutate_unsigned_abs(|n| n.ceiling_root_assign(exp));
        } else if exp.odd() {
            self.mutate_unsigned_abs(|n| n.floor_root_assign(exp));
        } else {
            panic!("Cannot take even root of {}", self)

impl CheckedRoot<u64> for Integer {
    type Output = Integer;

    /// Returns the the $n$th root of an [`Integer`], or `None` if the [`Integer`] is not a perfect
    /// $n$th power. The [`Integer`] is taken by value.
    /// $$
    /// f(x, n) = \\begin{cases}
    ///     \operatorname{Some}(sqrt\[n\]{x}) & \text{if} \\quad \sqrt\[n\]{x} \in \Z, \\\\
    ///     \operatorname{None} & \textrm{otherwise}.
    /// \\end{cases}
    /// $$
    /// # Worst-case complexity
    /// $T(n) = O(n (\log n)^2 \log\log n)$
    /// $M(n) = O(n \log n)$
    /// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `self.significant_bits()`.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `exp` is zero, or if `exp` is even and `self` is negative.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use malachite_base::num::arithmetic::traits::CheckedRoot;
    /// use malachite_base::strings::ToDebugString;
    /// use malachite_nz::integer::Integer;
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(999).checked_root(3).to_debug_string(), "None");
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(1000).checked_root(3).to_debug_string(), "Some(10)");
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(1001).checked_root(3).to_debug_string(), "None");
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(100000000000i64).checked_root(5).to_debug_string(), "None");
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(-100000000000i64).checked_root(5).to_debug_string(), "None");
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(10000000000i64).checked_root(5).to_debug_string(), "Some(100)");
    /// assert_eq!(Integer::from(-10000000000i64).checked_root(5).to_debug_string(), "Some(-100)");
    /// ```
    fn checked_root(self, exp: u64) -> Option<Integer> {
        if self >= 0 {
        } else if exp.odd() {
        } else {
            panic!("Cannot take even root of {}", self)

impl<'a> CheckedRoot<u64> for &'a Integer {
    type Output = Integer;

    /// Returns the the $n$th root of an [`Integer`], or `None` if the [`Integer`] is not a perfect
    /// $n$th power. The [`Integer`] is taken by reference.
    /// $$
    /// f(x, n) = \\begin{cases}
    ///     \operatorname{Some}(sqrt\[n\]{x}) & \text{if} \\quad \sqrt\[n\]{x} \in \Z, \\\\
    ///     \operatorname{None} & \textrm{otherwise}.
    /// \\end{cases}
    /// $$
    /// # Worst-case complexity
    /// $T(n) = O(n (\log n)^2 \log\log n)$
    /// $M(n) = O(n \log n)$
    /// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `self.significant_bits()`.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `exp` is zero, or if `exp` is even and `self` is negative.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use malachite_base::num::arithmetic::traits::CheckedRoot;
    /// use malachite_base::strings::ToDebugString;
    /// use malachite_nz::integer::Integer;
    /// assert_eq!((&Integer::from(999)).checked_root(3).to_debug_string(), "None");
    /// assert_eq!((&Integer::from(1000)).checked_root(3).to_debug_string(), "Some(10)");
    /// assert_eq!((&Integer::from(1001)).checked_root(3).to_debug_string(), "None");
    /// assert_eq!((&Integer::from(100000000000i64)).checked_root(5).to_debug_string(), "None");
    /// assert_eq!((&Integer::from(-100000000000i64)).checked_root(5).to_debug_string(), "None");
    /// assert_eq!((&Integer::from(10000000000i64)).checked_root(5).to_debug_string(), "Some(100)");
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     (&Integer::from(-10000000000i64)).checked_root(5).to_debug_string(),
    ///     "Some(-100)"
    /// );
    /// ```
    fn checked_root(self, exp: u64) -> Option<Integer> {
        if *self >= 0 {
        } else if exp.odd() {
        } else {
            panic!("Cannot take even root of {}", self)