malachite-base 0.3.2

A collection of utilities, including new arithmetic traits and iterators that generate all values of a type
use crate::bools::random::{random_bools, weighted_random_bools, RandomBools, WeightedRandomBools};
use crate::iterators::{nonzero_values, NonzeroValues};
use crate::num::basic::signeds::PrimitiveSigned;
use crate::num::basic::unsigneds::PrimitiveUnsigned;
use crate::num::conversion::traits::{ExactFrom, WrappingFrom};
use crate::num::random::geometric::{
    geometric_random_unsigned_inclusive_range, geometric_random_unsigneds, mean_to_p_with_min,
use crate::num::random::{
    random_unsigned_inclusive_range, random_unsigned_range, RandomUnsignedInclusiveRange,
use crate::random::Seed;
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::iter::{repeat, Repeat};
use std::marker::PhantomData;

/// Generates bits from a striped random sequence.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct StripedBitSource {
    first_bit_of_block: bool,
    previous_bit: bool,
    bs: RandomBools,
    xs: WeightedRandomBools,

impl Iterator for StripedBitSource {
    type Item = bool;

    /// Gets a bit from this `StripedBitSource`. If this function is being called for the first
    /// time, the probabilities of a `true` or a `false` are equal. On subsequent calls, the
    /// probability of getting a bit different from the previous one is $1 / m$.
    /// To reset the bit source, so that the next call to `next` has equal probabilities of `true`
    /// or `false`, call [`end_block`](Self::end_block).
    /// # Expected complexity
    /// Constant time and additional memory.
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<bool> {
        self.previous_bit = if self.first_bit_of_block {
            self.first_bit_of_block = false;
        } else {
            self.previous_bit ^

impl StripedBitSource {
    /// Creates a new `StripedBitSource`.
    /// The mean run length is $m$, where $m$ is `m_numerator / m_denominator`.
    /// # Expected complexity
    /// Constant time and additional memory.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `m_denominator` is zero or if `m_numerator <= m_denominator`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::StripedBitSource;
    /// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
    /// let mut bit_source = StripedBitSource::new(EXAMPLE_SEED, 4, 1);
    /// let mut string = String::with_capacity(40);
    /// for bit in bit_source.take(40) {
    ///     if bit {
    ///         string.push('1');
    ///     } else {
    ///         string.push('0');
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// assert_eq!(string, "0000000101100110000000011110000000001111");
    /// ```
    pub fn new(seed: Seed, m_numerator: u64, m_denominator: u64) -> StripedBitSource {
        assert_ne!(m_denominator, 0);
        assert!(m_numerator > m_denominator);
        let (numerator, denominator) = mean_to_p_with_min(1u64, m_numerator, m_denominator);
        StripedBitSource {
            first_bit_of_block: true,
            previous_bit: false,
            bs: random_bools(seed.fork("bs")),
            xs: weighted_random_bools(seed.fork("xs"), numerator, numerator + denominator),

    /// Resets this `StripedBitSource`, so that the next time [`next`](Self::next) is called, the
    /// probabilities of `true` or `false` will be equal.
    /// # Expected complexity
    /// Constant time and additional memory.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::StripedBitSource;
    /// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
    /// fn generate_string(bit_source: &mut StripedBitSource) -> String {
    ///     let mut string = String::with_capacity(40);
    ///     for bit in bit_source.take(40) {
    ///         if bit {
    ///             string.push('1');
    ///         } else {
    ///             string.push('0');
    ///         }
    ///     }
    ///     string
    /// }
    /// let mut bit_source = StripedBitSource::new(EXAMPLE_SEED, 1000000, 1);
    /// let mut strings = Vec::with_capacity(5);
    /// for _ in 0..5 {
    ///     strings.push(generate_string(&mut bit_source));
    ///     bit_source.end_block();
    /// }
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     strings,
    ///     &[
    ///         "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    ///         "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    ///         "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    ///         "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
    ///         "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    ///     ]
    /// );
    /// ```
    pub fn end_block(&mut self) {
        self.first_bit_of_block = true;

    /// Sets the previous bit of a `StripedBitSource`. This will affect the probability of the next
    /// bit.
    /// # Expected complexity
    /// Constant time and additional memory.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::StripedBitSource;
    /// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
    /// fn generate_string(bit_source: &mut StripedBitSource) -> String {
    ///     let mut string = String::with_capacity(40);
    ///     for bit in bit_source.take(40) {
    ///         if bit {
    ///             string.push('1');
    ///         } else {
    ///             string.push('0');
    ///         }
    ///     }
    ///     string
    /// }
    /// let mut bit_source = StripedBitSource::new(EXAMPLE_SEED, 1000000, 1);
    /// let mut strings = Vec::with_capacity(3);
    /// bit_source.set_previous_bit(true);
    /// strings.push(generate_string(&mut bit_source));
    /// bit_source.set_previous_bit(false);
    /// strings.push(generate_string(&mut bit_source));
    /// bit_source.set_previous_bit(true);
    /// strings.push(generate_string(&mut bit_source));
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     strings,
    ///     &[
    ///         "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
    ///         "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    ///         "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
    ///     ]
    /// );
    /// ```
    pub fn set_previous_bit(&mut self, bit: bool) {
        self.previous_bit = bit;

/// Generates random unsigned integers from a random striped distribution.
/// This `struct` is created by [`striped_random_unsigned_bit_chunks`]; see its documentation for
/// more.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct StripedRandomUnsignedBitChunks<T: PrimitiveUnsigned> {
    phantom: PhantomData<*const T>,
    bits: StripedBitSource,
    chunk_size: usize,

impl<T: PrimitiveUnsigned> Iterator for StripedRandomUnsignedBitChunks<T> {
    type Item = T;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        let mut x = T::ZERO;
        for bit in (&mut self.bits).take(self.chunk_size) {
            x <<= 1;
            if bit {
                x |= T::ONE;

/// Generates random signed integers from a random striped distribution.
/// This `struct` is created by [`striped_random_signeds`]; see its documentation for more.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct StripedRandomSigneds<T: PrimitiveSigned> {
    phantom: PhantomData<*const T>,
    bits: StripedBitSource,
    bs: RandomBools,

impl<T: PrimitiveSigned> Iterator for StripedRandomSigneds<T> {
    type Item = T;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        let mut x = T::ZERO;
        for bit in (&mut self.bits).take(usize::wrapping_from(T::WIDTH) - 1) {
            x <<= 1;
            if bit {
                x |= T::ONE;
        if {
            x.set_bit(T::WIDTH - 1);

/// Generates random natural (non-negative) signed integers from a random striped distribution.
/// This `struct` is created by [`striped_random_natural_signeds`]; see its documentation for more.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct StripedRandomNaturalSigneds<T: PrimitiveSigned> {
    phantom: PhantomData<*const T>,
    bits: StripedBitSource,

impl<T: PrimitiveSigned> Iterator for StripedRandomNaturalSigneds<T> {
    type Item = T;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        let mut x = T::ZERO;
        for bit in (&mut self.bits).take(usize::wrapping_from(T::WIDTH) - 1) {
            x <<= 1;
            if bit {
                x |= T::ONE;

/// Generates random negative signed integers from a random striped distribution.
/// This `struct` is created by [`striped_random_negative_signeds`]; see its documentation for
/// more.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct StripedRandomNegativeSigneds<T: PrimitiveSigned> {
    phantom: PhantomData<*const T>,
    bits: StripedBitSource,

impl<T: PrimitiveSigned> Iterator for StripedRandomNegativeSigneds<T> {
    type Item = T;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        let mut x = T::ZERO;
        for bit in (&mut self.bits).take(usize::wrapping_from(T::WIDTH) - 1) {
            x <<= 1;
            if bit {
                x |= T::ONE;
        x.set_bit(T::WIDTH - 1);

/// Generates random unsigned integers less than a positive limit, from a random striped
/// distribution.
/// This `struct` is created by [`striped_random_unsigneds_less_than`]; see its documentation for
/// more.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct StripedRandomUnsignedsLessThan<T: PrimitiveUnsigned> {
    pub(crate) xs: StripedRandomUnsignedBitChunks<T>,
    pub(crate) limit: T,

impl<T: PrimitiveUnsigned> Iterator for StripedRandomUnsignedsLessThan<T> {
    type Item = T;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        loop {
            let x =;
            if x.unwrap() < self.limit {
                return x;

/// Generates random unsigned integers from a random striped distribution.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `m_numerator / m_denominator`.
/// The output length is infinite.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and `n` is the width of the type.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `m_denominator` is zero or if m_numerator <= m_denominator.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_unsigneds;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_unsigneds::<u8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 4, 1).map(|x| x.to_binary_string()),
///         10
///     ),
///     "[1, 1001100, 1111111, 11000011, 0, 10000000, 1111, 1110110, 0, 11111000, ...]"
/// )
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_unsigneds<T: PrimitiveUnsigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    m_numerator: u64,
    m_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomUnsignedBitChunks<T> {
    striped_random_unsigned_bit_chunks(seed, T::WIDTH, m_numerator, m_denominator)

/// Generates random positive unsigned integers from a random striped distribution.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `m_numerator / m_denominator`.
/// The output length is infinite.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and `n` is the width of the type.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `m_denominator` is zero or if m_numerator <= m_denominator.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_positive_unsigneds;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_positive_unsigneds::<u8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 4, 1)
///                 .map(|x| x.to_binary_string()),
///         10
///     ),
///     "[1, 1001100, 1111111, 11000011, 10000000, 1111, 1110110, 11111000, 11111111, 11111101, \
///     ...]"
/// )
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_positive_unsigneds<T: PrimitiveUnsigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    m_numerator: u64,
    m_denominator: u64,
) -> NonzeroValues<StripedRandomUnsignedBitChunks<T>> {
    nonzero_values(striped_random_unsigneds(seed, m_numerator, m_denominator))

/// Generates random signed integers from a random striped distribution.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `m_numerator / m_denominator`.
/// The output length is infinite.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and `n` is the width of the type.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `m_denominator` is zero or if m_numerator <= m_denominator.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_signeds;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_signeds::<i8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 4, 1).map(|x| x.to_binary_string()),
///         10
///     ),
///     "[1100001, 1000000, 1100000, 10000111, 1111, 10000001, 1111000, 100011, 111101, 11111100, \
///     ...]"
/// )
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_signeds<T: PrimitiveSigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    m_numerator: u64,
    m_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomSigneds<T> {
    StripedRandomSigneds {
        phantom: PhantomData,
        bits: StripedBitSource::new(seed.fork("bits"), m_numerator, m_denominator),
        bs: random_bools(seed.fork("bs")),

/// Generates random natural (non-negative) signed integers from a random striped distribution.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `m_numerator / m_denominator`.
/// The output length is infinite.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and `n` is the width of the type.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `m_denominator` is zero or if m_numerator <= m_denominator.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_natural_signeds;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_natural_signeds::<i8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 4, 1).map(|x| x.to_binary_string()),
///         10
///     ),
///     "[0, 101100, 110000, 1111100, 1111, 1111110, 0, 111, 11101, 1100000, ...]"
/// )
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_natural_signeds<T: PrimitiveSigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    m_numerator: u64,
    m_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomNaturalSigneds<T> {
    StripedRandomNaturalSigneds {
        phantom: PhantomData,
        bits: StripedBitSource::new(seed, m_numerator, m_denominator),

/// Generates random positive signed integers from a random striped distribution.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `m_numerator / m_denominator`.
/// The output length is infinite.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and `n` is the width of the type.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `m_denominator` is zero or if m_numerator <= m_denominator.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_positive_signeds;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_positive_signeds::<i8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 4, 1)
///                 .map(|x| x.to_binary_string()),
///         10
///     ),
///     "[101100, 110000, 1111100, 1111, 1111110, 111, 11101, 1100000, 1111111, 1100000, ...]"
/// )
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_positive_signeds<T: PrimitiveSigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    m_numerator: u64,
    m_denominator: u64,
) -> NonzeroValues<StripedRandomNaturalSigneds<T>> {

/// Generates random negative signed integers from a random striped distribution.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `m_numerator / m_denominator`.
/// The output length is infinite.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and `n` is the width of the type.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `m_denominator` is zero or if m_numerator <= m_denominator.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_negative_signeds;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_negative_signeds::<i8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 4, 1)
///                 .map(|x| x.to_binary_string()),
///         10
///     ),
///     "[10000000, 10101100, 10110000, 11111100, 10001111, 11111110, 10000000, 10000111, \
///     10011101, 11100000, ...]"
/// )
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_negative_signeds<T: PrimitiveSigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    m_numerator: u64,
    m_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomNegativeSigneds<T> {
    StripedRandomNegativeSigneds {
        phantom: PhantomData,
        bits: StripedBitSource::new(seed, m_numerator, m_denominator),

/// Generates random nonzero signed integers from a random striped distribution.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `m_numerator / m_denominator`.
/// The output length is infinite.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and `n` is the width of the type.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `m_denominator` is zero or if m_numerator <= m_denominator.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_nonzero_signeds;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_nonzero_signeds::<i8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 4, 1).map(|x| x.to_binary_string()),
///         10
///     ),
///     "[1100001, 1000000, 1100000, 10000111, 1111, 10000001, 1111000, 100011, 111101, 11111100, \
///     ...]"
/// )
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_nonzero_signeds<T: PrimitiveSigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    m_numerator: u64,
    m_denominator: u64,
) -> NonzeroValues<StripedRandomSigneds<T>> {
    nonzero_values(striped_random_signeds(seed, m_numerator, m_denominator))

/// Generates random unsigned integers of up to `chunk_size` bits from a random striped
/// distribution.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `m_numerator / m_denominator`.
/// The output length is infinite.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and `n` is `chunk_size`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `m_denominator` is zero, if m_numerator <= m_denominator, or if `chunk_size` is
/// greater than the width of the type.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_unsigned_bit_chunks;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_unsigned_bit_chunks::<u8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 3, 4, 1)
///                 .map(|x| x.to_binary_string()),
///         10
///     ),
///     "[0, 0, 0, 101, 11, 100, 11, 11, 0, 111, ...]"
/// )
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_unsigned_bit_chunks<T: PrimitiveUnsigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    chunk_size: u64,
    m_numerator: u64,
    m_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomUnsignedBitChunks<T> {
    assert!(chunk_size <= T::WIDTH);
    StripedRandomUnsignedBitChunks {
        phantom: PhantomData,
        bits: StripedBitSource::new(seed, m_numerator, m_denominator),
        chunk_size: usize::exact_from(chunk_size),

/// Generates a striped `Vec<bool>`, with a given length, from a [`StripedBitSource`].
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The output length is `len`.
/// # Expected complexity
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and `n` is `len`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::{get_striped_bool_vec, StripedBitSource};
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// let mut bit_source = StripedBitSource::new(EXAMPLE_SEED, 10, 1);
/// let bits: String = get_striped_bool_vec(&mut bit_source, 50)
///     .into_iter()
///     .map(|b| if b { '1' } else { '0' })
///     .collect();
/// assert_eq!(bits, "00011111111111000000011111111111111000000000001111");
/// ```
pub fn get_striped_bool_vec(bit_source: &mut StripedBitSource, len: u64) -> Vec<bool> {

/// Generates random striped `Vec<bool>`s.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct StripedRandomBoolVecs<I: Iterator<Item = u64>> {
    lengths: I,
    bit_source: StripedBitSource,

impl<I: Iterator<Item = u64>> Iterator for StripedRandomBoolVecs<I> {
    type Item = Vec<bool>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<bool>> {
            &mut self.bit_source,

/// Generates random striped `Vec<bool>`s, with lengths from an iterator.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero or if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_bool_vecs_from_length_iterator;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// use malachite_base::vecs::random_values_from_vec;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_bool_vecs_from_length_iterator(
///             EXAMPLE_SEED,
///             &|seed| random_values_from_vec(seed, vec![0, 2, 4]),
///             10,
///             1,
///         ).map(|bs| bs.into_iter().map(|b| if b { '1' } else { '0' }).collect::<String>()),
///         20
///     ),
///     "[00, 0000, 00, 0000, 0000, 11, , 00, , 1111, 0001, 11, 1100, 00, 0000, 0000, 1110, , \
///     0000, , ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_bool_vecs_from_length_iterator<I: Iterator<Item = u64>>(
    seed: Seed,
    lengths_gen: &dyn Fn(Seed) -> I,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomBoolVecs<I> {
    StripedRandomBoolVecs {
        lengths: lengths_gen(seed.fork("lengths")),
        bit_source: StripedBitSource::new(

/// Generates random striped `Vec<bool>`s of a given length.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// If `len` is 0, the output consists of the empty list, repeated.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `len`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_fixed_length_bool_vecs;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_fixed_length_bool_vecs(EXAMPLE_SEED, 5, 10, 1)
///                 .map(
///                     |bs| bs.into_iter().map(|b| if b { '1' } else { '0' }).collect::<String>()
///                 ),
///         20
///     ),
///     "[00000, 00000, 00000, 00000, 00011, 11000, 00000, 11111, 01111, 11111, 10000, 00011, \
///     00000, 00000, 11000, 00000, 11111, 00000, 00000, 11111, ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_fixed_length_bool_vecs(
    seed: Seed,
    len: u64,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomBoolVecs<Repeat<u64>> {
        &|_| repeat(len),

/// Generates random striped `Vec<bool>`s.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The lengths of the [`Vec`]s are sampled from a geometric distribution with a specified mean
/// $m$, equal to `mean_length_numerator / mean_length_denominator`. $m$ must be greater than 0.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is
/// `mean_length_numerator / mean_length_denominator`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero, if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`, if `mean_length_numerator` or
/// `mean_length_denominator` are zero, or, if after being reduced to lowest terms, their sum is
/// greater than or equal to $2^{64}$.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_bool_vecs;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_bool_vecs(EXAMPLE_SEED, 10, 1, 2, 1)
///                 .map(
///                     |bs| bs.into_iter().map(|b| if b { '1' } else { '0' }).collect::<String>()
///                 ),
///         20
///     ),
///     "[000000, 0, 00000000, 0, 00000001110000, , 11111, 0000, 1, , 011111, 11, , , 1, 000, , \
///     0, , 0, ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_bool_vecs(
    seed: Seed,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
    mean_length_numerator: u64,
    mean_length_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomBoolVecs<GeometricRandomNaturalValues<u64>> {
        &|seed_2| {
            geometric_random_unsigneds(seed_2, mean_length_numerator, mean_length_denominator)

/// Generates random striped `Vec<bool>`s, with a minimum length.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The lengths of the [`Vec`]s are sampled from a geometric distribution with a specified mean
/// $m$, equal to `mean_length_numerator / mean_length_denominator`. $m$ must be greater than
/// `min_length`.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is
/// `mean_length_numerator / mean_length_denominator`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero, if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`, if `mean_length_numerator` or
/// `mean_length_denominator` are zero, if their ratio is less than or equal to `min_length`, or if
/// they are too large and manipulating them leads to arithmetic overflow.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_bool_vecs_min_length;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_bool_vecs_min_length(EXAMPLE_SEED, 3, 10, 1, 5, 1)
///                 .map(
///                     |bs| bs.into_iter().map(|b| if b { '1' } else { '0' }).collect::<String>()
///                 ),
///         20
///     ),
///     "[000000000, 0000, 00000000111, 0111, 00000000011111111, 100, 00000111, 1111111, 0001, \
///     111, 111111111, 00000, 000, 000, 1111, 000000, 111, 0011, 000, 1111, ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_bool_vecs_min_length(
    seed: Seed,
    min_length: u64,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
    mean_length_numerator: u64,
    mean_length_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomBoolVecs<GeometricRandomNaturalValues<u64>> {
        &|seed_2| {

/// Generates random striped `Vec<bool>`s, with lengths in $[a, b)$.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The lengths of the [`Vec`]s are sampled from a uniform distribution on $[a, b)$. $a$ must be
/// less than $b$.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// $$
/// P((x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_{n-1})) = \\begin{cases}
///     \frac{1}{b-a}\prod_{i=0}^{n-1}P(x_i) & \text{if} \\quad a \leq n < b, \\\\
///     0 & \\text{otherwise}.
/// \\end{cases}
/// $$
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(b)$
/// $M(n) = O(b)$
/// where $T$ is time and $M$ is additional memory.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero, if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`, or if $a \geq b$.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_bool_vecs_length_range;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_bool_vecs_length_range(EXAMPLE_SEED, 4, 10, 10, 1)
///                 .map(
///                     |bs| bs.into_iter().map(|b| if b { '1' } else { '0' }).collect::<String>()
///                 ),
///         20
///     ),
///     "[000000000, 000000000, 000111000, 000000000, 0111, 11111, 00111111, 1000000, 00000011, \
///     111111111, 111111, 00000000, 00000000, 001111, 111111111, 000000000, 110000, 0001111, \
///     0000000, 111101111, ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_bool_vecs_length_range(
    seed: Seed,
    a: u64,
    b: u64,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomBoolVecs<RandomUnsignedRange<u64>> {
        &|seed_2| random_unsigned_range(seed_2, a, b),

/// Generates random striped `Vec<bool>`s, with lengths in $[a, b]$.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The lengths of the [`Vec`]s are sampled from a uniform distribution on $[a, b]$. $a$ must be
/// less than $b$.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// $$
/// P((x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_{n-1})) = \\begin{cases}
///     \frac{1}{b-a+1}\prod_{i=0}^{n-1}P(x_i) & \text{if} \\quad a \leq n \leq b, \\\\
///     0 & \\text{otherwise}.
/// \\end{cases}
/// $$
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(b)$
/// $M(n) = O(b)$
/// where $T$ is time and $M$ is additional memory.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero, if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`, or if $a \geq b$.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_bool_vecs_length_inclusive_range;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_bool_vecs_length_inclusive_range(EXAMPLE_SEED, 4, 9, 10, 1)
///                 .map(
///                     |bs| bs.into_iter().map(|b| if b { '1' } else { '0' }).collect::<String>()
///                 ),
///         20
///     ),
///     "[000000000, 000000000, 000111000, 000000000, 0111, 11111, 00111111, 1000000, 00000011, \
///     111111111, 111111, 00000000, 00000000, 001111, 111111111, 000000000, 110000, 0001111, \
///     0000000, 111101111, ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_bool_vecs_length_inclusive_range(
    seed: Seed,
    a: u64,
    b: u64,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomBoolVecs<RandomUnsignedInclusiveRange<u64>> {
        &|seed_2| random_unsigned_inclusive_range(seed_2, a, b),

/// Generates a striped unsigned [`Vec`], with a given number of bits (not length!), from a
/// [`StripedBitSource`].
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The output length is `bit_len.div_round(T::WIDTH, RoundingMode::Ceiling)`.
/// # Expected complexity
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `bit_len`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use itertools::Itertools;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::{get_striped_unsigned_vec, StripedBitSource};
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// let mut bit_source = StripedBitSource::new(EXAMPLE_SEED, 10, 1);
/// let xs = get_striped_unsigned_vec::<u8>(&mut bit_source, 100)
///     .iter()
///     .map(u8::to_binary_string)
///     .collect_vec();
/// assert_eq!(
///     xs,
///     &[
///         "11111000", "111111", "11100000", "11111111", "111", "11000000", "11111111", "0", "0",
///         "11111000", "11111111", "11111111", "11",
///     ]
/// );
/// ```
pub fn get_striped_unsigned_vec<T: PrimitiveUnsigned>(
    bit_source: &mut StripedBitSource,
    bit_len: u64,
) -> Vec<T> {

/// Generates random striped [`Vec`]s of unsigneds.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct StripedRandomUnsignedVecs<T: PrimitiveUnsigned, I: Iterator<Item = u64>> {
    phantom: PhantomData<*const T>,
    lengths: I,
    bit_source: StripedBitSource,

impl<T: PrimitiveUnsigned, I: Iterator<Item = u64>> Iterator for StripedRandomUnsignedVecs<T, I> {
    type Item = Vec<T>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<T>> {
            &mut self.bit_source,
   << T::LOG_WIDTH,

/// Generates random striped [`Vec`]s of unsigneds, with lengths from an iterator.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero or if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_unsigned_vecs_from_length_iterator;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::{ToBinaryString, ToDebugString};
/// use malachite_base::vecs::random_values_from_vec;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_unsigned_vecs_from_length_iterator::<u8, _>(
///             EXAMPLE_SEED,
///             &|seed| random_values_from_vec(seed, vec![0, 2, 4]),
///             10,
///             1,
///         ).map(|xs| prefix_to_string(xs.into_iter().map(|x: u8| x.to_binary_string()), 100)),
///         10,
///     ),
///     "[[0, 0], [1110000, 0, 11111100, 11], [11111110, 1111], [0, 0, 0, 11111000], \
///     [0, 0, 1111110, 0], [11011111, 11111111], [], [11110000, 11111111], [], \
///     [11111111, 11000011, 11111, 0], ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_unsigned_vecs_from_length_iterator<
    T: PrimitiveUnsigned,
    I: Iterator<Item = u64>,
    seed: Seed,
    lengths_gen: &dyn Fn(Seed) -> I,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomUnsignedVecs<T, I> {
    StripedRandomUnsignedVecs {
        phantom: PhantomData,
        lengths: lengths_gen(seed.fork("lengths")),
        bit_source: StripedBitSource::new(

/// Generates random striped unsigned [`Vec`]s of a given length.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// If `len` is 0, the output consists of the empty list, repeated.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `len`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_fixed_length_unsigned_vecs;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::{ToBinaryString, ToDebugString};
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_fixed_length_unsigned_vecs::<u8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 3, 10, 1)
///                 .map(
///                     |xs| prefix_to_string(
///                         xs.into_iter().map(|x: u8| x.to_binary_string()),
///                         100
///                     )
///                 ),
///         10,
///     ),
///     "[[0, 0, 111000], [0, 11111100, 11], [11111110, 1111, 0], [0, 0, 11111000], \
///     [0, 0, 1111110], [11111111, 11011111, 11111111], [11110000, 11111111, 11111111], \
///     [11000011, 11111, 0], [0, 10000000, 11111001], [11111111, 0, 0], ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_fixed_length_unsigned_vecs<T: PrimitiveUnsigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    len: u64,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomUnsignedVecs<T, Repeat<u64>> {
        &|_| repeat(len),

/// Generates random striped [`Vec`]s of unsigneds.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The lengths of the [`Vec`]s are sampled from a geometric distribution with a specified mean
/// $m$, equal to `mean_length_numerator / mean_length_denominator`. $m$ must be greater than 0.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// $$
/// P((x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_{n-1})) = \frac{m^n}{(m+1)^{n+1}}\prod_{i=0}^{n-1}P(x_i).
/// $$
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is
/// `mean_length_numerator / mean_length_denominator`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero, if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`, if `mean_length_numerator` or
/// `mean_length_denominator` are zero, or, if after being reduced to lowest terms, their sum is
/// greater than or equal to $2^{64}$.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_unsigned_vecs;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::{ToBinaryString, ToDebugString};
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_unsigned_vecs::<u8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 10, 1, 2, 1)
///                 .map(
///                     |xs| prefix_to_string(
///                         xs.into_iter().map(|x: u8| x.to_binary_string()),
///                         100
///                     )
///                 ),
///         10,
///     ),
///     "[[0, 0, 111000, 0, 11111110, 10000001], [0], \
///     [11110000, 11111111, 11111111, 11111111, 11, 0, 10000000, 11111], [0], \
///     [10000, 0, 11111100, 11111111, 1111111, 11111000, 11, 0, 0, 10011000, 11111111, 111, 0, \
///     0], [], [11111111, 11111111, 11111111, 11111111, 10111111], [0, 0, 0, 11110000], \
///     [11111111], [], ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_unsigned_vecs<T: PrimitiveUnsigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
    mean_length_numerator: u64,
    mean_length_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomUnsignedVecs<T, GeometricRandomNaturalValues<u64>> {
        &|seed_2| {
            geometric_random_unsigneds(seed_2, mean_length_numerator, mean_length_denominator)

/// Generates random striped [`Vec`]s of unsigneds, with a minimum length.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The lengths of the [`Vec`]s are sampled from a geometric distribution with a specified mean
/// $m$, equal to `mean_length_numerator / mean_length_denominator`. $m$ must be greater than
/// `min_length`.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// $$
/// P((x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_{n-1})) = \\begin{cases}
///     \frac{(m-a)^{n-a}}{(m+1-a)^{n+1-a}}\prod_{i=0}^{n-1}P(x_i) & n \geq a \\\\
///     0 & \\text{otherwise},
/// \\end{cases}
/// $$
/// where $a$ is `min_length`.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is
/// `mean_length_numerator / mean_length_denominator`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero, if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`, if `mean_length_numerator` or
/// `mean_length_denominator` are zero, if their ratio is less than or equal to `min_length`, or if
/// they are too large and manipulating them leads to arithmetic overflow.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_unsigned_vecs_min_length;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_unsigned_vecs_min_length::<u8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 2, 10, 1, 3, 1)
///                 .map(
///                     |xs| prefix_to_string(
///                         xs.into_iter().map(|x: u8| x.to_binary_string()),
///                         100
///                     )
///                 ),
///         10,
///     ),
///     "[[0, 0, 111000], [0, 11111100, 11, 11111111], \
///     [11110000, 11111111, 11111111, 11111111], [11111000, 11111111, 11111111, 11000000], \
///     [0, 10000, 0], [111, 0, 0, 1111], [11110000, 11111111], [11111111, 111111], \
///     [110, 10000000, 11111111], [11111111, 11111111], ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_unsigned_vecs_min_length<T: PrimitiveUnsigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    min_length: u64,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
    mean_length_numerator: u64,
    mean_length_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomUnsignedVecs<T, GeometricRandomNaturalValues<u64>> {
        &|seed_2| {

/// Generates random striped [`Vec`]s of unsigneds, with lengths in $[a, b)$.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The lengths of the [`Vec`]s are sampled from a uniform distribution on $[a, b)$. $a$ must be
/// less than $b$.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// $$
/// P((x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_{n-1})) = \\begin{cases}
///     \frac{1}{b-a}\prod_{i=0}^{n-1}P(x_i) & \text{if} \\quad a \leq n < b, \\\\
///     0 & \\text{otherwise}.
/// \\end{cases}
/// $$
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(b)$
/// $M(n) = O(b)$
/// where $T$ is time and $M$ is additional memory.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero, if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`, or if $a \geq b$.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_unsigned_vecs_length_range;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_unsigned_vecs_length_range::<u8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 2, 4, 10, 1)
///                 .map(
///                     |xs| prefix_to_string(
///                         xs.into_iter().map(|x: u8| x.to_binary_string()),
///                         100
///                     )
///                 ),
///         10,
///     ),
///     "[[0, 0, 111000], [0, 11111100], [11111000, 1, 11110000], [0, 0, 0], \
///     [11110000, 11111111], [11111111, 11, 11111111], [1000000, 0, 11110000], \
///     [11111111, 11111111], [1111000, 11000000, 11111111], [11111111, 11111111, 1100], ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_unsigned_vecs_length_range<T: PrimitiveUnsigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    a: u64,
    b: u64,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomUnsignedVecs<T, RandomUnsignedRange<u64>> {
        &|seed_2| random_unsigned_range(seed_2, a, b),

/// Generates random striped [`Vec`]s of unsigneds, with lengths in $[a, b]$.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The lengths of the [`Vec`]s are sampled from a uniform distribution on $[a, b]$. $a$ must be
/// less than $b$.
/// The mean run length (before the bit sequences are truncated) is
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// $$
/// P((x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_{n-1})) = \\begin{cases}
///     \frac{1}{b-a+1}\prod_{i=0}^{n-1}P(x_i) & \text{if} \\quad a \leq n \leq b, \\\\
///     0 & \\text{otherwise}.
/// \\end{cases}
/// $$
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(b)$
/// $M(n) = O(b)$
/// where $T$ is time and $M$ is additional memory.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero, if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`, or if $a \geq b$.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_unsigned_vecs_length_inclusive_range;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_unsigned_vecs_length_inclusive_range::<u8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 2, 3, 10, 1)
///                 .map(
///                     |xs| prefix_to_string(
///                         xs.into_iter().map(|x: u8| x.to_binary_string()),
///                         100
///                     )
///                 ),
///         10,
///     ),
///     "[[0, 0, 111000], [0, 11111100], [11111000, 1, 11110000], [0, 0, 0], \
///     [11110000, 11111111], [11111111, 11, 11111111], [1000000, 0, 11110000], \
///     [11111111, 11111111], [1111000, 11000000, 11111111], [11111111, 11111111, 1100], ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_unsigned_vecs_length_inclusive_range<T: PrimitiveUnsigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    a: u64,
    b: u64,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomUnsignedVecs<T, RandomUnsignedInclusiveRange<u64>> {
        &|seed_2| random_unsigned_inclusive_range(seed_2, a, b),

fn ranges_intersect<T: Copy + Ord>(lo_0: T, hi_0: T, lo: T, hi: T) -> bool {
    lo <= hi_0 && lo_0 <= hi

/// Generates random striped unsigneds from a range.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct StripedRandomUnsignedInclusiveRange<T: PrimitiveUnsigned> {
    a: T,
    b: T,
    lo_template: T,
    hi_template: T,
    next_bit: u64,
    bit_source: StripedBitSource,

impl<T: PrimitiveUnsigned> Iterator for StripedRandomUnsignedInclusiveRange<T> {
    type Item = T;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        if self.next_bit == 0 {
            return Some(self.lo_template);
        let mut lo_template = self.lo_template;
        let mut hi_template = self.hi_template;
        let mut first = true;
        let mut previous_forced = true;
        let mut previous_bit = lo_template.get_bit(self.next_bit);
        for next_bit in (0..self.next_bit).rev() {
            let false_possible;
            let true_possible;
            if first {
                false_possible = true;
                true_possible = true;
                lo_template.assign_bit(next_bit, true);
                hi_template.assign_bit(next_bit, true);
                first = false;
            } else {
                lo_template.assign_bit(next_bit, false);
                hi_template.assign_bit(next_bit, false);
                false_possible = ranges_intersect(lo_template, hi_template, self.a, self.b);
                lo_template.assign_bit(next_bit, true);
                hi_template.assign_bit(next_bit, true);
                true_possible = ranges_intersect(lo_template, hi_template, self.a, self.b);
            assert!(false_possible || true_possible);
            let bit = if !false_possible {
                previous_forced = true;
            } else if !true_possible {
                previous_forced = true;
            } else {
                if previous_forced {
                    previous_forced = false;
            if !bit {
                lo_template.assign_bit(next_bit, false);
                hi_template.assign_bit(next_bit, false);
            previous_bit = bit;

/// Generates random striped unsigneds in the range $[a, b)$.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The unsigneds are generated using a striped bit sequence with mean run length
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// Because the unsigneds are constrained to be within a certain range, the actual mean run length
/// will usually not be $m$. Nonetheless, setting a higher $m$ will result in a higher mean run
/// length.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `b.significant_bits()`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero, if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`, or if $a \geq b$.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_unsigned_range;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_unsigned_range::<u8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 1, 7, 4, 1)
///                 .map(|x| x.to_binary_string()),
///         10
///     ),
///     "[1, 1, 1, 110, 1, 110, 10, 11, 11, 100, ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_unsigned_range<T: PrimitiveUnsigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    a: T,
    b: T,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomUnsignedInclusiveRange<T> {
    assert!(a < b);
        b - T::ONE,

/// Generates random striped unsigneds in the range $[a, b]$.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The unsigneds are generated using a striped bit sequence with mean run length
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// Because the unsigneds are constrained to be within a certain range, the actual mean run length
/// will usually not be $m$. Nonetheless, setting a higher $m$ will result in a higher mean run
/// length.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `b.significant_bits()`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero, if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`, or if $a > b$.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_unsigned_inclusive_range;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_unsigned_inclusive_range::<u8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, 1, 6, 4, 1)
///                 .map(|x| x.to_binary_string()),
///         10
///     ),
///     "[1, 1, 1, 110, 1, 110, 10, 11, 11, 100, ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_unsigned_inclusive_range<T: PrimitiveUnsigned>(
    seed: Seed,
    a: T,
    b: T,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomUnsignedInclusiveRange<T> {
    assert!(a <= b);
    let diff_bits = T::WIDTH - (a ^ b).leading_zeros();
    let mask = T::low_mask(diff_bits);
    let lo_template = a & !mask;
    let hi_template = lo_template | mask;
    StripedRandomUnsignedInclusiveRange {
        next_bit: diff_bits,
        bit_source: StripedBitSource::new(seed, mean_stripe_numerator, mean_stripe_denominator),

/// Generates random striped signeds from a range.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum StripedRandomSignedInclusiveRange<
    U: PrimitiveUnsigned,
    S: PrimitiveSigned + WrappingFrom<U>,
> {
    NonNegative(PhantomData<S>, StripedRandomUnsignedInclusiveRange<U>),
    Negative(PhantomData<S>, StripedRandomUnsignedInclusiveRange<U>),

impl<U: PrimitiveUnsigned, S: PrimitiveSigned + WrappingFrom<U>> Iterator
    for StripedRandomSignedInclusiveRange<U, S>
    type Item = S;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<S> {
        match self {
            StripedRandomSignedInclusiveRange::NonNegative(_, xs) => {
            StripedRandomSignedInclusiveRange::Negative(_, xs) => {
      |x| -S::wrapping_from(x))
            StripedRandomSignedInclusiveRange::Both(_, bs, xs_nn, xs_n) => {
                if {
                } else {
          |x| -S::wrapping_from(x))

/// Generates random striped signeds in the range $[a, b]$.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The unsigneds are generated using a striped bit sequence with mean run length
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// Because the signeds are constrained to be within a certain range, the actual mean run length
/// will usually not be $m$. Nonetheless, setting a higher $m$ will result in a higher mean run
/// length.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is
/// `max(a.significant_bits(), b.significant_bits())`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero, if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`, or if $a > b$.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_signed_inclusive_range;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_signed_inclusive_range::<u8, i8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, -5, 10, 4, 1)
///                 .map(|x| x.to_binary_string()),
///         10
///     ),
///     "[11111011, 11111100, 1000, 111, 11111111, 1000, 11, 1000, 0, 1000, ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_signed_range<
    U: PrimitiveUnsigned + WrappingFrom<S>,
    S: PrimitiveSigned + WrappingFrom<U>,
    seed: Seed,
    a: S,
    b: S,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomSignedInclusiveRange<U, S> {
    assert!(a < b);
        b - S::ONE,

/// Generates random striped signeds in the range $[a, b)$.
/// See [here](self) for more information.
/// The unsigneds are generated using a striped bit sequence with mean run length
/// $m$ = `mean_stripe_numerator / mean_stripe_denominator`.
/// Because the signeds are constrained to be within a certain range, the actual mean run length
/// will usually not be $m$. Nonetheless, setting a higher $m$ will result in a higher mean run
/// length.
/// # Expected complexity per iteration
/// $T(n) = O(n)$
/// $M(n) = O(n)$
/// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is
/// `max(a.significant_bits(), b.significant_bits())`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `mean_stripe_denominator` is zero, if
/// `mean_stripe_numerator <= mean_stripe_denominator`, or if $a \geq b$.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
/// use malachite_base::num::random::striped::striped_random_signed_range;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::strings::ToBinaryString;
/// assert_eq!(
///     prefix_to_string(
///         striped_random_signed_range::<u8, i8>(EXAMPLE_SEED, -5, 11, 4, 1)
///                 .map(|x| x.to_binary_string()),
///         10
///     ),
///     "[11111011, 11111100, 1000, 111, 11111111, 1000, 11, 1000, 0, 1000, ...]"
/// );
/// ```
pub fn striped_random_signed_inclusive_range<
    U: PrimitiveUnsigned + WrappingFrom<S>,
    S: PrimitiveSigned + WrappingFrom<U>,
    seed: Seed,
    a: S,
    b: S,
    mean_stripe_numerator: u64,
    mean_stripe_denominator: u64,
) -> StripedRandomSignedInclusiveRange<U, S> {
    assert!(a <= b);
    if a >= S::ZERO {
    } else if b < S::ZERO {
    } else {