malachi 0.9.1

A domain specific pattern matching language made for defining bot commands.
// This file is licensed under the terms of Apache-2.0 License.

mod capture;
mod error;
mod list;
mod literal;
mod pattern;

use std::collections::HashMap;

pub(crate) use error::IResult;
use list::List;

use crate::{

macro_rules! err {
	[] => (::std::result::Result::Err(::nom::Err::Error($crate::engine::error::Dummy)));
pub(crate) use err;

enum MatchResult<'c, 't> {
	Once(&'c str, Match<'t>),
	Many(Vec<(&'c str, Match<'t>)>),

impl Command {
	/// Match this [Command] to the given text, returning captures if any.
	pub fn get_matches<'c, 't>(&'c self, s: &'t str) -> Option<Args<'c, 't>> {

	/// Returns true if the command matches the string at least partially.
	/// This is equivalent to a command composed of only the first [Segment] of
	/// `self` matching the string and checking that it is `Some`.
	/// #### Examples
	/// ```rust
	/// let cmd = malachi::Command::new("?eval <code: starts('```'), ends('```')>")?;
	/// // This text won't match but has the correct prefix.
	/// let text = "?eval 4";
	/// assert_eq!(cmd.get_matches(text), None);
	/// assert!(cmd.has_prefix(text));
	/// # Ok::<(), malachi::Error>(())
	/// ```
	pub fn has_prefix(&self, s: &str) -> bool {
		!self.0.is_empty() && Segments(&self.0[..1]).get_matches(s).is_some()

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Segments<'c>(pub &'c [Segment]);

impl<'c, 't> Segments<'c> {
	fn get_match(self, input: &'t str) -> Option<(&'t str, Option<MatchResult<'c, 't>>)> {
		match self.0.len() {
			0 => Some((input, None)),
			_ => match &self.0[0] {
				Segment::Text(lit) => literal::match_literal(lit, input)
					.map(|(rem, _)| (rem, None)),
				Segment::Capture(c) => {
					let next = Self(&self.0[1..]);
					let next = move |s: &str| next.0.is_empty() || next.get_matches(s).is_some();
					c.get_match(input, next)
						.map(|(rem, val)| (rem,|v| MatchResult::Once(, v))))
				Segment::Group(cs) => {
					let list = List::group(cs);
					let next = Self(&self.0[1..]);
					let next = move |s: &str| next.0.is_empty() || next.get_matches(s).is_some();
					list.get_match(input, next).ok().map(|(rem, vals)| {
						if vals.is_empty() {
							(rem, None)
						} else {
							(rem, Some(MatchResult::Many(vals)))
				Segment::PriorityGroup(cs) => {
					let list = List::priority(cs);
					let next = Self(&self.0[1..]);
					let next = move |s: &str| next.0.is_empty() || next.get_matches(s).is_some();
					list.get_match(input, next).ok().map(|(rem, vals)| {
						if vals.is_empty() {
							(rem, None)
						} else {
							(rem, Some(MatchResult::Many(vals)))

	fn get_matches(self, input: &'t str) -> Option<Args<'c, 't>> {
		if self.0.is_empty() {
			return None;

		let mut vals = HashMap::new();
		let mut remaining = input;

		for i in 0..self.0.len() {
			let segs = Self(&self.0[i..]);
			let (new_rem, val) = segs.get_match(remaining)?;
			remaining = new_rem;
			match val {
				Some(MatchResult::Once(key, val)) => {
					vals.insert(key, val);
				Some(MatchResult::Many(matches)) => {
					for (key, val) in matches {
						vals.insert(key, val);
				_ => (),

		Some(Args {
			rest: remaining,