makelink 0.2.0

Portable alternative to ln/mklink with the interface of cp
# makelink

`mklink` isn't usable from non-cmd.exe shells on Windows because it's a Batch built-in.

The version of `ln` that comes with Git Bash on Windows copies files instead of creating actual symlinks.

Enter makelink. It makes symlinks. It runs on Windows, MacOS, Linux, and maybe elsewhere.

## Installation

You need a recent build of Rust.

cargo install makelink

## Usage

It's the same as the `cp` command.

makelink <source> <dest>


echo "hi" > foo.txt
makelink foo.txt bar.txt
cat bar.txt # hi

If you forget the order of the arguments (you will), `makelink --help` is small and to-the-point:

    makelink.exe <source> <dest>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <source>    This is where the link will point to
    <dest>      This is where the link will be created

## License

makelink is available under the MIT license. See [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt) for details.