mailmodel 0.1.3

A proof-of-concept mail viewer writting with Qt using QML
mailmodel-0.1.3 is not a library.

Simple mail viewer using Rust Qt Binding Generator


Install cmake, rustc, cargo, Qt, and make or ninja.

cd mailmodel
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -GNinja ..

Running the progam

Create a configuration file for MailDir or IMAP.

    "MailDir": {
        "path": "/home/user/mail"
    "IMAP": {
        "domain": "",
        "username": "username",
        "password": "v3ry53cur3",
        "port": 993,
        "ssl": true
./mailmodel config.json

Development tip

Changing the bindings

If you want to change bindings.json, Rust Qt Binding Generator should be installed.

Testing with IMAP

To try mail commands on the command-line connect to an IMAP server like so: openssl s_client -connect