magnus 0.4.4

High level Ruby bindings for Rust.
//! Types and functions for working with Ruby blocks and Procs.

use std::{fmt, mem::forget, ops::Deref, os::raw::c_int};

use rb_sys::{
    rb_block_given_p, rb_block_proc, rb_data_typed_object_wrap, rb_obj_is_proc, rb_proc_arity,
    rb_proc_call, rb_proc_lambda_p, rb_proc_new, rb_yield, rb_yield_splat, rb_yield_values2, VALUE,

use crate::{
    error::{ensure, protect, Error},
    exception, memoize,
    method::{Block, BlockReturn},
    r_typed_data::{DataType, DataTypeFunctions},
    try_convert::{ArgList, RArrayArgList, TryConvert},
    value::{private, NonZeroValue, ReprValue, Value},

/// Wrapper type for a Value known to be an instance of Ruby’s Proc class.
/// All [`Value`] methods should be available on this type through [`Deref`],
/// but some may be missed by this documentation.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Proc(NonZeroValue);

impl Proc {
    /// Return `Some(Proc)` if `val` is a `Proc`, `None` otherwise.
    pub fn from_value(val: Value) -> Option<Self> {
        unsafe {
                .then(|| Self(NonZeroValue::new_unchecked(val)))

    pub(crate) unsafe fn from_rb_value_unchecked(val: VALUE) -> Self {

    /// Create a new `Proc`.
    /// As `block` is a function pointer, only functions and closures that do
    /// not capture any variables are permitted. For more flexibility (at the
    /// cost of allocating) see [`from_fn`](Proc::from_fn).
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use magnus::{block::Proc, eval};
    /// # let _cleanup = unsafe { magnus::embed::init() };
    /// let proc = Proc::new(|args, _block| {
    ///     let acc = args.get(0).unwrap().try_convert::<i64>()?;
    ///     let i = args.get(1).unwrap().try_convert::<i64>()?;
    ///     Ok(acc + i)
    /// });
    /// let res: bool = eval!(", 2) == 3", proc).unwrap();
    /// assert!(res);
    /// let res: bool = eval!("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].inject(&proc) == 15", proc).unwrap();
    /// assert!(res);
    /// ```
    pub fn new<R>(block: fn(&[Value], Option<Proc>) -> R) -> Self
        R: BlockReturn,
        unsafe extern "C" fn call<R>(
            _yielded_arg: VALUE,
            callback_arg: VALUE,
            argc: c_int,
            argv: *const VALUE,
            blockarg: VALUE,
        ) -> VALUE
            R: BlockReturn,
            let func = std::mem::transmute::<VALUE, fn(&[Value], Option<Proc>) -> R>(callback_arg);
                .call_handle_error(argc, argv as *const Value, Value::new(blockarg))

        let call_func =
            call::<R> as unsafe extern "C" fn(VALUE, VALUE, c_int, *const VALUE, VALUE) -> VALUE;
        let call_func: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> VALUE = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(call_func) };

        unsafe {
            Proc::from_rb_value_unchecked(rb_proc_new(Some(call_func), block as VALUE))

    /// Create a new `Proc`.
    /// See also [`Proc::new`], which is more efficient when `block` is a
    /// function or closure that does not capture any variables.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use magnus::{block::Proc, eval};
    /// # let _cleanup = unsafe { magnus::embed::init() };
    /// let proc = Proc::from_fn(|args, _block| {
    ///     let acc = args.get(0).unwrap().try_convert::<i64>()?;
    ///     let i = args.get(1).unwrap().try_convert::<i64>()?;
    ///     Ok(acc + i)
    /// });
    /// let res: bool = eval!(", 2) == 3", proc).unwrap();
    /// assert!(res);
    /// let res: bool = eval!("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].inject(&proc) == 15", proc).unwrap();
    /// assert!(res);
    /// ```
    pub fn from_fn<F, R>(block: F) -> Self
        F: 'static + Send + FnMut(&[Value], Option<Proc>) -> R,
        R: BlockReturn,
        unsafe extern "C" fn call<F, R>(
            _yielded_arg: VALUE,
            callback_arg: VALUE,
            argc: c_int,
            argv: *const VALUE,
            blockarg: VALUE,
        ) -> VALUE
            F: FnMut(&[Value], Option<Proc>) -> R,
            R: BlockReturn,
            let closure = &mut *(callback_arg as *mut F);
                .call_handle_error(argc, argv as *const Value, Value::new(blockarg))

        let (closure, keepalive) = wrap_closure(block);
        let call_func =
            call::<F, R> as unsafe extern "C" fn(VALUE, VALUE, c_int, *const VALUE, VALUE) -> VALUE;
        let call_func: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> VALUE = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(call_func) };

        let proc = unsafe {
            Proc::from_rb_value_unchecked(rb_proc_new(Some(call_func), closure as VALUE))
        // ivar without @ prefix is invisible from Ruby
        proc.ivar_set("__rust_closure", keepalive).unwrap();

    /// Call the proc with `args`.
    /// Returns `Ok(T)` if the proc runs without error and the return value
    /// converts into a `T`, or returns `Err` if the proc raises or the
    /// conversion fails.
    pub fn call<A, T>(self, args: A) -> Result<T, Error>
        A: RArrayArgList,
        T: TryConvert,
        let args = args.into_array_arg_list();
        unsafe {
            protect(|| Value::new(rb_proc_call(self.as_rb_value(), args.as_rb_value())))
                .and_then(|v| v.try_convert())

    /// Returns the number of arguments `self` takes.
    /// If `self` takes no arguments, returns `0`.
    /// If `self` takes only required arguments, returns the number of required
    /// arguments.
    /// If `self` is a lambda and has optional arguments, or is not a lambda
    /// and takes a splat argument, returns `-n-1`, where `n` is the number of
    /// required arguments.
    /// If `self` is not a lambda, and takes a finite number of optional
    /// arguments, returns the number of required arguments.
    /// Keyword arguments are considered as a single additional argument, that
    /// argument being required if any keyword argument is required.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use magnus::{block::Proc, eval};
    /// # let _cleanup = unsafe { magnus::embed::init() };
    /// let proc = eval::<Proc>("proc {nil}", ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(proc.arity(), 0);
    /// let proc = eval::<Proc>("proc {|a| a + 1}", ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(proc.arity(), 1);
    /// let proc = eval::<Proc>("proc {|a, b| a + b}", ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(proc.arity(), 2);
    /// let proc = eval::<Proc>("proc {|*args| args.sum}", ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(proc.arity(), -1);
    /// ```
    pub fn arity(self) -> i64 {
        unsafe { rb_proc_arity(self.as_rb_value()) as i64 }

    /// Returns whether or not `self` is a lambda.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use magnus::{block::Proc, eval};
    /// # let _cleanup = unsafe { magnus::embed::init() };
    /// let proc = eval::<Proc>("proc {|a, b| a + b}", ).unwrap();
    /// assert!(!proc.is_lambda());
    /// let proc = eval::<Proc>("lambda {|a, b| a + b}", ).unwrap();
    /// assert!(proc.is_lambda());
    /// ```
    pub fn is_lambda(self) -> bool {
        unsafe { Value::new(rb_proc_lambda_p(self.as_rb_value())).to_bool() }

impl Deref for Proc {
    type Target = Value;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

impl fmt::Display for Proc {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", unsafe { self.to_s_infallible() })

impl fmt::Debug for Proc {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.inspect())

impl From<Proc> for Value {
    fn from(val: Proc) -> Self {

impl Object for Proc {}

unsafe impl private::ReprValue for Proc {
    fn to_value(self) -> Value {

    unsafe fn from_value_unchecked(val: Value) -> Self {

impl ReprValue for Proc {}

impl TryConvert for Proc {
    fn try_convert(val: Value) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        if let Some(p) = Proc::from_value(val) {
            return Ok(p);
        let p_val: Value = match val.funcall("to_proc", ()) {
            Ok(v) => v,
            Err(_) => {
                return Err(Error::new(
                    format!("no implicit conversion of {} into Proc", unsafe {
        Proc::from_value(val).ok_or_else(|| {
                    "can't convert {0} to Proc ({0}#to_proc gives {1})",
                    unsafe { val.classname() },
                    unsafe { p_val.classname() },

/// Wrap a closure in a Ruby object with no class.
/// This effectivly makes the closure's lifetime managed by Ruby. It will be
/// dropped when the returned `Value` is garbage collected.
fn wrap_closure<F, R>(func: F) -> (*mut F, Value)
    F: FnMut(&[Value], Option<Proc>) -> R,
    R: BlockReturn,
    struct Closure();
    impl DataTypeFunctions for Closure {}
    let data_type = memoize!(DataType: {
        let mut builder = DataType::builder::<Closure>("rust closure");
    let boxed = Box::new(func);
    let ptr = Box::into_raw(boxed);
    let value = unsafe {
            0, // using 0 for the class will hide the object from ObjectSpace
            ptr as *mut _,
            data_type.as_rb_data_type() as *const _,
    (ptr, value)

/// Returns whether a Ruby block has been supplied to the current method.
pub fn block_given() -> bool {
    unsafe { rb_block_given_p() != 0 }

/// Returns the block given to the current method as a [`Proc`] instance.
pub fn block_proc() -> Result<Proc, Error> {
    let val = unsafe { protect(|| Value::new(rb_block_proc()))? };

/// Yields a value to the block given to the current method.
/// **Note:** A method using `yield_value` converted to an Enumerator with
/// `to_enum`/[`Value::enumeratorize`] will result in a non-functional
/// Enumerator. See [`Yield`] for an alternative.
pub fn yield_value<T, U>(val: T) -> Result<U, Error>
    T: Into<Value>,
    U: TryConvert,
    let val = val.into();
    unsafe { protect(|| Value::new(rb_yield(val.as_rb_value()))).and_then(|v| v.try_convert()) }

/// Yields multiple values to the block given to the current method.
/// **Note:** A method using `yield_values` converted to an Enumerator with
/// `to_enum`/[`Value::enumeratorize`] will result in a non-functional
/// Enumerator. See [`YieldValues`] for an alternative.
pub fn yield_values<T, U>(vals: T) -> Result<U, Error>
    T: ArgList,
    U: TryConvert,
    let vals = vals.into_arg_list();
    let slice = vals.as_ref();
    unsafe {
        protect(|| {
                slice.len() as c_int,
                slice.as_ptr() as *const VALUE,
        .and_then(|v| v.try_convert())

/// Yields a Ruby Array to the block given to the current method.
/// **Note:** A method using `yield_splat` converted to an Enumerator with
/// `to_enum`/[`Value::enumeratorize`] will result in a non-functional
/// Enumerator. See [`YieldSplat`] for an alternative.
pub fn yield_splat<T>(vals: RArray) -> Result<T, Error>
    T: TryConvert,
    unsafe {
        protect(|| Value::new(rb_yield_splat(vals.as_rb_value()))).and_then(|v| v.try_convert())

// Our regular implementation of `yield` breaks yielding methods being
// converted to Enumerators because of the protect call not being compatible
// with the fibers used in Ruby itself to impliment `Enumerator#next`.
// We have to use protect in `yield` because otherwise Ruby code can
// `break`/`return` through Rust code and break Rust invariants.
// This gives up using `protect` by instead using `ensure`, not exposing the
// `yield` call to user code, and maintaining the invariants ourselves. As it
// can still be `brake`/`return`ed though it can't be public as it's only safe
// to call as the last thing in one of our method wrappers (where the raise
// would normally go). Returning an iterator from a method will trigger this.
pub(crate) unsafe fn do_yield_iter<I, T>(mut iter: I)
    I: Iterator<Item = T>,
    T: Into<Value>,
    let ptr = &mut iter as *mut I;
    forget(iter); // we're going to drop this ourself;
                  // ensure runs the first closure, but yield may raise, so the first
                  // closure might never reach the end, so wouldn't drop. The second
                  // closure is always run, and always after the first, so we do the
                  // drop there
        || {
            for val in &mut *ptr {
        || {

// see do_yield_iter
pub(crate) unsafe fn do_yield_values_iter<I, T>(mut iter: I)
    I: Iterator<Item = T>,
    T: ArgList,
    let ptr = &mut iter as *mut I;
        || {
            for val in &mut *ptr {
                let vals = val.into_arg_list();
                let slice = vals.as_ref();
                rb_yield_values2(slice.len() as c_int, slice.as_ptr() as *const VALUE);
        || {

// see do_yield_iter
pub(crate) unsafe fn do_yield_splat_iter<I>(mut iter: I)
    I: Iterator<Item = RArray>,
    let ptr = &mut iter as *mut I;
        || {
            for val in &mut *ptr {
        || {

/// Helper type for functions that either yield a single value to a block or
/// return an Enumerator.
/// `I` must implement `Iterator<Item = T>`, where `T` implements `Into<Value>`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use magnus::{block::{block_given, Yield}, Value};
/// fn count_to_3(rb_self: Value) -> Yield<impl Iterator<Item = u8>> {
///     if block_given() {
///         Yield::Iter((1..=3).into_iter())
///     } else {
///         Yield::Enumerator(rb_self.enumeratorize("count_to_3", ()))
///     }
/// }
/// ```
/// Could be called from Ruby like:
/// ``` text
/// a = []
/// count_to_3 {|i| a << i}   #=> nil
/// a                         #=> [1,2,3]
/// enumerator = count_to_3
///           #=> 1
///           #=> 2
/// ```
pub enum Yield<I> {
    /// Yields `I::Item` to given block.
    /// Returns `Enumerator` from the method.

/// Helper type for functions that either yield multiple values to a block or
/// return an Enumerator.
/// `I` must implement `Iterator<Item = T>`, where `T` implements [`ArgList`].
pub enum YieldValues<I> {
    /// Yields `I::Item` to given block.
    /// Returns `Enumerator` from the method.

/// Helper type for functions that either yield an array to a block or
/// return an Enumerator.
/// `I` must implement `Iterator<Item = RArray>`.
pub enum YieldSplat<I> {
    /// Yields `I::Item` to given block.
    /// Returns `Enumerator` from the method.