magic-wormhole 0.6.0

Get things from one computer to another, safely
pub(super) mod key;
pub mod rendezvous;
mod server_messages;
mod test;
mod wordlist;

use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::borrow::Cow;

use self::rendezvous::*;
pub(self) use self::server_messages::EncryptedMessage;
use log::*;

use xsalsa20poly1305 as secretbox;

#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum WormholeError {
    /// Some deserialization went wrong, we probably got some garbage
    #[error("Corrupt message received from peer")]
    #[error("Error with the rendezvous server connection")]
    /// A generic string message for "something went wrong", i.e.
    /// the server sent some bullshit message order
    #[error("Protocol error: {}", _0)]
        "Key confirmation failed. If you didn't mistype the code, \
        this is a sign of an attacker guessing passwords. Please try \
        again some time later."
    #[error("Cannot decrypt a received message")]

impl WormholeError {
    /** Should we tell the server that we are "errory" or "scared"? */
    pub fn is_scared(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, Self::PakeFailed)

impl From<std::convert::Infallible> for WormholeError {
    fn from(_: std::convert::Infallible) -> Self {

 * The result of the client-server handshake
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct WormholeWelcome {
    /** A welcome message from the server (think of "message of the day"). Should be displayed to the user if present. */
    pub welcome: Option<String>,
    pub code: Code,

 * Establishing Wormhole connection
 * You can send and receive arbitrary messages in form of byte slices over it, using [`Wormhole::send`] and [`Wormhole::receive`].
 * Everything else (including encryption) will be handled for you.
 * To create a wormhole, use the [`Wormhole::connect_without_code`], [`Wormhole::connect_with_code`] etc. methods, depending on
 * which values you have. Typically, the sender side connects without a code (which will create one), and the receiver side
 * has one (the user entered it, who got it from the sender).
 * # Clean shutdown
 * Maybe a better way to handle application level protocols is to create a trait for them and then
 * to paramterize over them.
pub struct Wormhole {
    server: RendezvousServer,
    phase: u64,
    key: key::Key<key::WormholeKey>,
    appid: AppID,
     * If you're paranoid, let both sides check that they calculated the same verifier.
     * PAKE hardens a standard key exchange with a password ("password authenticated") in order
     * to mitigate potential man in the middle attacks that would otherwise be possible. Since
     * the passwords usually are not of hight entropy, there is a low-probability possible of
     * an attacker guessing the password correctly, enabling them to MitM the connection.
     * Not only is that probability low, but they also have only one try per connection and a failed
     * attempts will be noticed by both sides. Nevertheless, comparing the verifier mitigates that
     * attack vector.
    pub verifier: Box<secretbox::Key>,
     * Our "app version" information that we sent. See the [`peer_version`] for more information.
    pub our_version: Box<dyn std::any::Any + Send + Sync>,
     * Protocol version information from the other side.
     * This is bound by the [`AppID`]'s protocol and thus shall be handled on a higher level
     * (e.g. by the file transfer API).
    pub peer_version: serde_json::Value,

impl Wormhole {
     * Generate a code and connect to the rendezvous server.
     * # Returns
     * A tuple with a [`WormholeWelcome`] and a [`std::future::Future`] that will
     * do the rest of the client-client handshake and yield the [`Wormhole`] object
     * on success.
    pub async fn connect_without_code(
        config: AppConfig<impl serde::Serialize + Send + Sync + 'static>,
        code_length: usize,
    ) -> Result<
            impl std::future::Future<Output = Result<Self, WormholeError>>,
    > {
        let AppConfig {
            id: appid,
            app_version: versions,
        } = config;
        let (mut server, welcome) = RendezvousServer::connect(&appid, &rendezvous_url).await?;
        let (nameplate, mailbox) = server.allocate_claim_open().await?;
        log::debug!("Connected to mailbox {}", mailbox);

        let code = Code::new(

            WormholeWelcome {
                code: code.clone(),
            Self::connect_custom(server, appid, code.0, versions),

     * Connect to a peer with a code.
    pub async fn connect_with_code(
        config: AppConfig<impl serde::Serialize + Send + Sync + 'static>,
        code: Code,
    ) -> Result<(WormholeWelcome, Self), WormholeError> {
        let AppConfig {
            id: appid,
            app_version: versions,
        } = config;
        let (mut server, welcome) = RendezvousServer::connect(&appid, &rendezvous_url).await?;

        let nameplate = code.nameplate();
        let mailbox = server.claim_open(nameplate).await?;
        log::debug!("Connected to mailbox {}", mailbox);

            WormholeWelcome {
                code: code.clone(),
            Self::connect_custom(server, appid, code.0, versions).await?,

    /** TODO */
    pub async fn connect_with_seed() {

    /// Do only the client-client part of the connection setup
    /// The rendezvous server must already have an opened mailbox.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the [`RendezvousServer`] is not properly initialized, i.e. if the
    /// mailbox is not open.
    pub async fn connect_custom(
        mut server: RendezvousServer,
        appid: AppID,
        password: String,
        app_versions: impl serde::Serialize + Send + Sync + 'static,
    ) -> Result<Self, WormholeError> {
        /* Send PAKE */
        let (pake_state, pake_msg_ser) = key::make_pake(&password, &appid);
        server.send_peer_message(Phase::PAKE, pake_msg_ser).await?;

        /* Receive PAKE */
        let peer_pake = key::extract_pake_msg(&server.next_peer_message_some().await?.body)?;
        let key = pake_state
            .map_err(|_| WormholeError::PakeFailed)
            .map(|key| *secretbox::Key::from_slice(&key))?;

        /* Send versions message */
        let mut versions = key::VersionsMessage::new();
        let (version_phase, version_msg) = key::build_version_msg(server.side(), &key, &versions);
        server.send_peer_message(version_phase, version_msg).await?;
        let peer_version = server.next_peer_message_some().await?;

        /* Handle received message */
        let versions: key::VersionsMessage = peer_version
            .and_then(|plaintext| {

        let peer_version = versions.app_versions;

        if server.needs_nameplate_release() {

        log::info!("Found peer on the rendezvous server.");

        /* We are now fully initialized! Up and running! :tada: */
        Ok(Self {
            phase: 0,
            key: key::Key::new(key.into()),
            verifier: Box::new(key::derive_verifier(&key)),
            our_version: Box::new(app_versions),

    /** Send an encrypted message to peer */
    pub async fn send(&mut self, plaintext: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), WormholeError> {
        let phase_string = Phase::numeric(self.phase);
        self.phase += 1;
        let data_key = key::derive_phase_key(self.server.side(), &self.key, &phase_string);
        let (_nonce, encrypted) = key::encrypt_data(&data_key, &plaintext);
            .send_peer_message(phase_string, encrypted)

     * Serialize and send an encrypted message to peer
     * This will serialize the message as `json` string, which is most commonly
     * used by upper layer protocols. The serialization may not fail
     * ## Panics
     * If the serialization fails
    pub async fn send_json<T: serde::Serialize>(
        &mut self,
        message: &T,
    ) -> Result<(), WormholeError> {

    /** Receive an encrypted message from peer */
    pub async fn receive(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, WormholeError> {
        loop {
            let peer_message = match self.server.next_peer_message().await? {
                Some(peer_message) => peer_message,
                None => continue,
            if peer_message.phase.to_num().is_none() {
                // TODO: log and ignore, for future expansion
                todo!("log and ignore, for future expansion");

            // TODO maybe reorder incoming messages by phase numeral?
            let decrypted_message = peer_message

            // Send to client
            return Ok(decrypted_message);

     * Receive an encrypted message from peer
     * This will deserialize the message as `json` string, which is most commonly
     * used by upper layer protocols. We distinguish between the different layers
     * on which a serialization error happened, hence the double `Result`.
    pub async fn receive_json<T>(&mut self) -> Result<Result<T, serde_json::Error>, WormholeError>
        T: for<'a> serde::Deserialize<'a>,
        self.receive()|data: Vec<u8>| {
            serde_json::from_slice(&data).map_err(|e| {
                    "Received invalid data from peer: '{}'",

    pub async fn close(self) -> Result<(), WormholeError> {
        log::debug!("Closing Wormhole…");

     * The `AppID` this wormhole is bound to.
     * This determines the upper-layer protocol. Only wormholes with the same value can talk to each other.
    pub fn appid(&self) -> &AppID {

     * The symmetric encryption key used by this connection.
     * Can be used to derive sub-keys for different purposes.
    pub fn key(&self) -> &key::Key<key::WormholeKey> {

// the serialized forms of these variants are part of the wire protocol, so
// they must be spelled exactly as shown
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize, derive_more::Display)]
pub enum Mood {
    #[serde(rename = "happy")]
    #[serde(rename = "lonely")]
    #[serde(rename = "errory")]
    #[serde(rename = "scary")]
    #[serde(rename = "unwelcome")]

 * Wormhole configuration corresponding to an uppler layer protocol
 * There are multiple different protocols built on top of the core
 * Wormhole protocol. They are identified by a unique URI-like ID string
 * (`AppID`), an URL to find the rendezvous server (might be shared among
 * multiple protocols), and client implementations also have a "version"
 * data to do protocol negotiation.
 * See [`crate::transfer::APP_CONFIG`], which entails
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct AppConfig<V> {
    pub id: AppID,
    pub rendezvous_url: Cow<'static, str>,
    pub app_version: V,

impl<V> AppConfig<V> {
    pub fn id(mut self, id: AppID) -> Self { = id;

    pub fn rendezvous_url(mut self, rendezvous_url: Cow<'static, str>) -> Self {
        self.rendezvous_url = rendezvous_url;

impl<V: serde::Serialize> AppConfig<V> {
    pub fn app_version(mut self, app_version: V) -> Self {
        self.app_version = app_version;

/// Newtype wrapper for application IDs
/// The application ID is a string that scopes all commands
/// to that name, effectively separating different protocols
/// on the same rendezvous server.
    PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, derive_more::Display, derive_more::Deref,
pub struct AppID(#[deref] pub Cow<'static, str>);

impl AppID {
    pub fn new(id: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Self {

impl From<String> for AppID {
    fn from(s: String) -> Self {

// MySide is used for the String that we send in all our outbound messages
    PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, derive_more::Display, derive_more::Deref,
#[display(fmt = "MySide({})", "&*_0")]
pub struct MySide(EitherSide);

impl MySide {
    pub fn generate() -> MySide {
        use rand::{rngs::OsRng, RngCore};

        let mut bytes: [u8; 5] = [0; 5];
        OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes);


    // It's a minor type system feature that converting an arbitrary string into MySide is hard.
    // This prevents it from getting swapped around with TheirSide.
    pub fn unchecked_from_string(s: String) -> MySide {

// TheirSide is used for the string that arrives inside inbound messages
    PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, derive_more::Display, derive_more::Deref,
#[display(fmt = "TheirSide({})", "&*_0")]
pub struct TheirSide(EitherSide);

impl<S: Into<String>> From<S> for TheirSide {
    fn from(s: S) -> TheirSide {

    PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, derive_more::Display, derive_more::Deref,
#[display(fmt = "{}", "&*_0")]
pub struct EitherSide(pub String);

impl<S: Into<String>> From<S> for EitherSide {
    fn from(s: S) -> EitherSide {

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, Hash, Deserialize, Serialize, derive_more::Display)]
pub struct Phase(pub Cow<'static, str>);

impl Phase {
    pub const VERSION: Self = Phase(Cow::Borrowed("version"));
    pub const PAKE: Self = Phase(Cow::Borrowed("pake"));

    pub fn numeric(phase: u64) -> Self {

    pub fn is_version(&self) -> bool {
        self == &Self::VERSION
    pub fn is_pake(&self) -> bool {
        self == &Self::PAKE
    pub fn to_num(&self) -> Option<u64> {

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, derive_more::Display)]
pub struct Mailbox(pub String);

    PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, derive_more::Display, derive_more::Deref,
#[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
pub struct Nameplate(pub String);
impl Nameplate {
    pub fn new(n: &str) -> Self {

impl Into<String> for Nameplate {
    fn into(self) -> String {

/** A wormhole code à la 15-foo-bar
 * The part until the first dash is called the "nameplate" and is purely numeric.
 * The rest is the password and may be arbitrary, although dash-joining words from
 * a wordlist is a common convention.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, derive_more::Display, derive_more::Deref)]
#[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
pub struct Code(pub String);

impl Code {
    pub fn new(nameplate: &Nameplate, password: &str) -> Self {
        Code(format!("{}-{}", nameplate, password))

    pub fn split(&self) -> (Nameplate, String) {
        let mut iter = self.0.splitn(2, '-');
        let nameplate = Nameplate::new(;
        let password =;
        (nameplate, password.to_string())

    pub fn nameplate(&self) -> Nameplate {
        Nameplate::new(self.0.splitn(2, '-').next().unwrap())