macro_rules_attribute 0.2.0

Use declarative macros in attribute or derive position
# `::macro_rules_attribute`

Use declarative macros in attribute or derive position.

```rust ,ignore
macro_rules! my_fancy_decorator { /* … */ }

struct Foo { /* … */ }

```rust ,ignore
macro_rules! MyFancyDerive { /* … */ }

#[derive(MyFancyDerive!)]  /* using this crate's `#[derive]` attribute */
struct Foo { /**/ }

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<!-- Templated by `cargo-generate` using -->

## Motivation

<details><summary>Click to see</summary>

`macro_rules!` macros can be extremely powerful, but their call-site ergonomics
are sometimes not great, especially when decorating item definitions.

Indeed, compare:

```rust ,ignore
foo! {
    struct Struct {
        some_field: SomeType,


```rust ,ignore
struct Struct {
    some_field: SomeType,

 1. The former does not scale well, since it leads to **rightward drift and
"excessive" braces**.

 1. But on the other hand, the latter requires setting up a dedicated crate for
    the compiler, a `proc-macro` crate. And 99% of the time this will pull the
    [`::syn`] and [`::quote`] dependencies, which have **a
    non-negligible compile-time overhead** (the first time they are compiled).

     - note: these crates are a wonderful piece of technology, and can lead to
       extremely powerful macros. When the logic of the macro is so complicated
       that it requires a recursive `tt` muncher when implemented as a
       `macro_rules!` macro, it is definitely time to be using a `proc`edural

       Anything involving `ident` generation / derivation, for instance, will very
       often require `proc`edural macros, unless it is simple enough for
       [`::paste`] to handle it.


## Solution


With this crate's <code>#\[[apply]\]</code> and <code>#\[[derive]\]</code>
attributes, it is now possible to use `proc_macro_attribute` syntax to apply a
`macro_rules!` macro:

extern crate macro_rules_attribute;

macro_rules! foo {
    // …
    # ( $($tt:tt)* ) => ()

macro_rules! Bar {
    // …
    # ( $($tt:tt)* ) => ()

#[derive(Debug, Bar!)]
struct Struct {
    some_field: SomeType,
# fn main() {}

without even depending on [`::quote`], [`::syn`] or [`::proc-macro2`], for
**fast compile times**.


# Examples

<details><summary>Click to see</summary>

### Nicer derives

extern crate macro_rules_attribute;

// Easily define shorthand aliases for "derive groups"
derive_alias! {
    #[derive(Eq!)] = #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)];
    #[derive(Ord!)] = #[derive(Ord, PartialOrd, Eq!)];
    #[derive(Copy!)] = #[derive(Copy, Clone)];
    #[derive(StdDerives!)] = #[derive(Debug, Copy!, Default, Ord!, Hash)];

/// Strongly-typed newtype wrapper around a `usize`, to be used for `PlayerId`s.
#[derive(StdDerives!, Into!, From!)]
struct PlayerId /* = */ (
    pub usize,

// You can also fully define your own derives using `macro_rules!` syntax
// (handling generic type definitions may be the only finicky thing, though…)
macro_rules! Into {(
    $( #[$attr:meta] )*
    struct $NewType:ident (
        $Inner:ty $(,

        $($rest:tt)* )?
) => (
    impl ::core::convert::Into<$Inner> for $NewType {
        fn into (self: $NewType)
          -> $Inner
)} use Into;

macro_rules! From {(
    $( #[$attr:meta] )*
    struct $NewType:ident (
        $Inner:ty $(,

        $Rest:ty )* $(,)?
) => (
    impl ::core::convert::From<$Inner> for $NewType {
        fn from (inner: $Inner)
          -> Self
            Self(inner, $($Rest::default),*)
)} use From;
# fn main() {}

### Have a `-lite` version of a proc-macro dependency that thus requires unergonomic `macro_rules!`?

Say you are writing a (pervasive and yet) tiny dependency within the `async`

  - By virtue of working with `async`, you'll most probably need to deal with
    pin-projections, and thence, with [`::pin-project`].

  - But by virtue of being (pervasive and yet) tiny, you don't want to depend
    on the `quote / proc-macro2 / syn` heavyweight[^only_full_syn_is_heavy]
    troika/trinity/triumvirate of more advanced proc-macro crates.

[^only_full_syn_is_heavy]: (note that only `syn` with the `"full"` features would be the truly heavyweight party)

Hence why you may reach for something such as [`::pin-project-lite`], and its
`pin_project!` `macro_rules!`-based polyfill of the former's `#[pin_project]`

But this suddenly hinders the ergonomics of your type definitions, and, worse,
would not be composable whenever the pattern were to be repeated for some other
functionality (_e.g._, say a `cell_project!` similar macro).

Say no more! Time to <code>#\[[apply]\]</code> our neat trick:

extern crate macro_rules_attribute;

use {

struct Struct<T, U> {
    pinned: T,
    unpinned: U,

impl<T, U> Struct<T, U> {
    fn method(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
        let this = self.project();
        let _: Pin<&mut T> = this.pinned; // Pinned reference to the field
        let _: &mut U = this.unpinned; // Normal reference to the field
# fn main() {}

### More ergonomic `lazy_static!`s

Say you had something like:

# use Sync as Logic;
static MY_GLOBAL: &dyn Logic = &Vec::<i32>::new();

and now you want to change the value of that `MY_GLOBAL` to something that isn't
`const`-constructible, and yet would like to minimize the churn in doing so.

```rust ,compile_fail
// (For those unaware of it, leaking memory to initialize a lazy static is
// a completely fine pattern, since it only occurs once, and thus, a bounded
// amount of times).
static MY_GLOBAL: &dyn Logic = Box::leak(Box::new(vec![42, 27])); // Error: not `const`!

You could _directly_ use a `lazy_static!` or a `OnceCell`, but then the
definition of your `static` will now appear noisier than it needs be. It's time
for attribute-position polish!

First, define the helper around, say, `OnceCell`'s `Lazy` type:

macro_rules! lazy_init {(
    $( #[$attrs:meta] )*
    static $NAME:ident: $Ty:ty = $init_value:expr ;
) => (
    $( #[$attrs] )*
    static $NAME : ::once_cell::sync::Lazy<$Ty> =
        ::once_cell::sync::Lazy::new(|| $init_value)
)} pub(in crate) use lazy_init;

and now it is time to use it!:

# use Sync as Logic;
extern crate macro_rules_attribute;

static MY_GLOBAL: &dyn Logic = Box::leak(Box::new(vec![42, 27]));
# macro_rules! lazy_init {(
#     $( #[$attrs:meta] )*
#     $pub:vis
#     static $NAME:ident : $Ty:ty = $init_value:expr ;
# ) => (
#     $( #[$attrs] )*
#     $pub
#     static $NAME : ::once_cell::sync::Lazy<$Ty> =
#         ::once_cell::sync::Lazy::new(|| $init_value)
#     ;
# )} use lazy_init;
# fn main() {}


# Debugging

An optional compilation feature, `"verbose-expansions"` can be used to print at
compile-time the exact output of each macro invocation from this crate:

macro_rules_attribute.version = "..."
macro_rules_attribute.features = ["verbose-expansions"]

# Features

### `derive` aliases

# fn main() {}
extern crate macro_rules_attribute;

derive_alias! {
    #[derive(Ord!)] = #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)];

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Ord!)]
struct Foo {
    // …

  - See [`derive_alias!`] and <code>#\[[derive]\]</code> for more info.

### `cfg` aliases

<details><summary>Click to see</summary>

# fn main() {}
extern crate macro_rules_attribute;

attribute_alias! {
    #[apply(complex_cfg!)] = #[cfg(
                feature = "bar",
                target_os = "fenestrations",
                not(target_arch = "Pear"),

mod some_item { /* … */ }


### Not using `#[macro_use] extern crate macro_rules_attribute`

<details><summary>Click to see</summary>

If you are allergic to `#[macro_use]` unscoped / globally-preluded semantics,
you may not be fond of having to use:

extern crate macro_rules_attribute;
# fn main() {}

like this documentation pervasively does.

In that case, know that you may very well stick to using `use` imports:

use ::macro_rules_attribute::{derive, derive_alias, /* … */};
// or even
use ::macro_rules_attribute::*;

derive_alias! {
    #[derive(Copy!)] = #[derive(Clone, Copy)];

struct Foo;

or even inlining the fully qualified paths (but note that the `…_alias!` macros
still take unqualified paths inside the definitions):

::macro_rules_attribute::derive_alias! {
    #[derive(Copy!)] = #[derive(Clone, Copy)];

struct Foo;

I personally find these approaches too noisy to be worth it, despite the so
gained "namespace purity", hence my not using that pattern across the rest of
the examples.

