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Use declarative macros in attribute or derive position.

macro_rules! my_fancy_decorator { /* … */ }

struct Foo { /* … */ }
macro_rules! MyFancyDerive { /* … */ }

struct Foo { /* … */ }

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macro_rules! macros can be extremely powerful, but their call-site ergonomics are sometimes not great, especially when decorating item definitions.

Indeed, compare:

foo! {
    struct Struct {
        some_field: SomeType,


struct Struct {
    some_field: SomeType,
  1. The former does not scale well, since it leads to rightward drift and “excessive” braces.

  2. But on the other hand, the latter requires setting up a dedicated crate for the compiler, a proc-macro crate. And 99% of the time this will pull the ::syn and ::quote dependencies, which have a non-negligible compile-time overhead (the first time they are compiled).

    • note: these crates are a wonderful piece of technology, and can lead to extremely powerful macros. When the logic of the macro is so complicated that it requires a recursive tt muncher when implemented as a macro_rules! macro, it is definitely time to be using a procedural macro.

      Anything involving ident generation / derivation, for instance, will very often require procedural macros, unless it is simple enough for ::paste to handle it.


With this crate’s #[apply] and #[derive] attributes, it is now possible to use proc_macro_attribute syntax to apply a macro_rules! macro:

extern crate macro_rules_attribute;

macro_rules! foo {
    // …

macro_rules! Bar {
    // …

#[derive(Debug, Bar!)]
struct Struct {
    some_field: SomeType,

without even depending on ::quote, ::syn or ::proc-macro2, for fast compile times.

  • Note: for even faster compile times, feel free to disable the derive-alias Cargo feature, should you not use it.

    On my machine, that feature requires around 0.3s of extra compile-time, which is not much, but still a 25% increase w.r.t. --no-default-features.


Deriving getters for a (non-generic) struct:

extern crate macro_rules_attribute;

macro_rules! make_getters {(
    struct $StructName:ident {
            $field_vis:vis // this visibility will be applied to the getters instead
            $field_name:ident : $field_ty:ty
        ),* $(,)?
) => (
    // First, generate the struct definition we have been given, but with
    // private fields instead.
    struct $StructName {
            // notice the lack of visibility => private fields
            $field_name: $field_ty,

    // Then, implement the getters:
    impl $StructName {
            fn $field_name (self: &'_ Self)
                -> &'_ $field_ty

mod example {
    /// The macro handles meta attributes such as docstrings
    struct Person {
        name: String,

        age: u8,
use example::Person;

fn is_new_born (person: &'_ Person)
  -> bool
    // person.age == 0
    // ^ error[E0616]: field `age` of struct `example::Person` is private
    *person.age() == 0


An optional compilation feature, "verbose-expansions" can be used to print at compile-time the exact output of each macro invocation from this crate:

macro_rules_attribute.version = "..."
macro_rules_attribute.features = ["verbose-expansions"]

Bonus tricks

derive aliases

extern crate macro_rules_attribute;

derive_alias! {
    #[derive(Ord!)] = #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)];

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Ord!)]
struct Foo {
    // …

cfg aliases

extern crate macro_rules_attribute;

attribute_alias! {
    #[apply(complex_cfg!)] = #[cfg(
                feature = "bar",
                target_os = "fenestrations",
                not(target_arch = "Pear"),

mod some_item { /* … */ }


Convenience macro to define new attribute aliases.

Convenience macro to define new derive aliases.

Attribute Macros

Applies the given macro_rules! macro to the decorated item.

Like #[macro_rules_derive], but for allowing to be used to shadow the “built-in” #[derive] attribute.

Legacy name for what is currently named #[apply]

Applies the given macro_rules! macro to the decorated item.