macro-machines 0.8.6

State machine macros with logging and graphviz DOT file generation


State machine macros with logging and graphviz dotfile generation


Current features

  • Macros for creating state machines with and without Debug and Default:
    • def_machine! -- state machine implementing Default construction
    • def_machine_debug! -- state machine implementing Default construction and deriving Debug
    • def_machine_nodefault! -- state machine requiring initialization arguments
    • def_machine_nodefault_debug! -- state machine requiring initialization arguments and deriving Debug
  • Specified initial (required) and terminal (optional) states with (optional) initialization and termination actions
  • States may have local state variables and state machines may have extended state variables
  • Events with optional associated parameters and actions in which extended state variables may be modified:
    • External events -- transition from a specific source state to a specific target state
    • Internal events -- an event that is additionally allowed to modify local state variables and leaves the current state unchanged
    • Universal events -- transition from any source state to a specific target state
  • Syntax allowing use of constrained type parameters in the types of extended state variables
  • Logging using the log logging API
  • Graphviz DOT file generation of state machine transition diagrams

Current limitations

  • Only trace-level messages are currently logged


The macros provided by this library expand to definitions using const fns and some intrinsics to help generate dotfiles, so these features must be enabled in the crate root:


#[macro_use] extern crate macro_machines;

Define and use a minimal state machine:

  machine M {
    STATES [
      state S ()
      state T ()
    EVENTS [
      event A <S> => <T> ()
    initial_state: S

fn main () {
  use macro_machines::HandleEventException;

  let mut m = M::initial();
  let e = Event::from_id (EventId::A);
  m.handle_event (e).unwrap();
  let e = Event::from_id (EventId::A);
  assert_eq!(m.handle_event (e), Err (HandleEventException::WrongState));

Generate a dotfile and write to file:

  use std::io::Write;
  use macro_machines::MachineDotfile;
  let mut f = std::fs::File::create ("").unwrap();
  f.write_all (M::dotfile().as_bytes()).unwrap();
  drop (f);

Rendered as PNG with $ dot -Tpng > minimal.png:

For examples of more complex state machines, see the ./examples/ directory.
