macro-machines 0.8.1

State machine macros with logging and graphviz DOT file generation
# `macro-machines`

> State machine macros with logging and graphviz dotfile generation


## Usage

The macros provided by this library expand to definitions using `const fn`s and
some intrinsics to help generate dotfiles, so these features must be enabled in
the crate root:


#[macro_use] extern crate macro_machines;

Define and use a minimal state machine:

  machine M {
    STATES [
      state S ()
      state T ()
    EVENTS [
      event A <S> => <T> ()
    initial_state: S

fn main () {
  use macro_machines::HandleEventException;

  let mut m = M::initial();
  let e = Event::from_id (EventId::A);
  m.handle_event (e).unwrap();
  let e = Event::from_id (EventId::A);
  assert_eq!(m.handle_event (e), Err (HandleEventException::WrongState));

Generate a dotfile and write to file:

  use std::io::Write;
  use macro_machines::MachineDotfile;
  let mut f = std::fs::File::create ("").unwrap();
  f.write_all (M::dotfile().as_bytes()).unwrap();
  drop (f);

Rendered as PNG with `$ dot -Tpng > minimal.png`:


For examples of more complex state machines, see the `./examples/` directory.