macro-compose 0.1.0

macro-compose is a library trying to simplify and organize proc-macros
macro-compose is a library trying to simplify and organize proc-macros.
It offers traits (`Lint`, `Expand`) to split up the macro expansion into multiple smaller, reusable parts
and structs the collect the results (`Collector`, `Context`).

# Example macro
The following subsections show examples for different parts of this library.

The examples are taken from the example macro in `examples/enum_from_str_macro` which implements a derive macro for `FromStr` for an enum.
## Linting and error handling
The `Lint` trait is used to lint the macro input. `Collector::error` can be used to output errors.
### Example
use macro_compose::{Collector, Lint};
use syn::{Data, DeriveInput, Error, Fields};

struct EnsureEnumLint;

impl Lint<DeriveInput> for EnsureEnumLint {
    fn lint(&self, input: &DeriveInput, c: &mut Collector) {
        match & {
            Data::Enum(e) => {
                for variant in e.variants.iter() {
                    if variant.fields != Fields::Unit {
                        c.error(Error::new_spanned(&variant.fields, "unexpected fields"))
            _ => c.error(Error::new_spanned(input, "expected an enum")),
## Expanding the macro
The `Expand` trait is used to expand the macro.

Once a `Lint` or `Expand` has reported an error to the collector, the macro will no longer be expanded.
This way `Expand` implementations can assume that the data checked by `Lint`s is valid.
Returning `None` from an `Expand` does **not** automatically report an error.
### Example
use macro_compose::{Collector, Expand};
use proc_macro2::Ident;
use syn::{parse_quote, Arm, Data, DeriveInput, Error, Fields, ItemImpl};

struct ImplFromStrExpand;

impl Expand<DeriveInput> for ImplFromStrExpand {
    type Output = ItemImpl;

    fn expand(&self, input: &DeriveInput, _: &mut Collector) -> Option<Self::Output> {
        let variants = match & {
            Data::Enum(e) => &e.variants,
            _ => unreachable!(),
        let ident = &input.ident;

        let arms = variants.iter().map(|v| -> Arm {
            let v = &v.ident;
            let name = v.to_string();
                #name => ::core::result::Result::Ok(#ident :: #v)

        let ident = &input.ident;
        let error = error_struct_ident(input);
            impl ::core::str::FromStr for #ident {
                type Err = #error;

                fn from_str(s: &::core::primitive::str) -> ::core::result::Result<Self, Self::Err> {
                    match s {
                        invalid => ::core::result::Result::Err( #error (::std::string::ToString::to_string(invalid))),
## Implementing the macro
`Context::new_parse` can be used to create a context from a `TokenStream`(proc_macro::TokenStream).
This Context can be used to run `Lint`s and `Expand`s and get the resulting output.
### Example
use macro_compose::{Collector, Context};
use proc_macro::TokenStream;

pub fn derive_from_str(item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let mut collector = Collector::new();

    let mut ctx = Context::new_parse(&mut collector, item);

