mach 0.3.0

A Rust interface to the user-space API of the Mach 3.0 kernel that underlies OSX.
[![Build Status][travis_ci_badge]][travis_ci] [![Latest Version]][] [![docs]][]

A Rust interface to the **user-space** API of the Mach 3.0 kernel exposed in
`/usr/include/mach` that underlies macOS and is linked via `libSystem` (and

This library does not expose the **kernel-space** API of the Mach 3.0 kernel
exposed in

That is, if you are writing a kernel-resident device drivers or some other
kernel extensions you have to use something else. The user-space kernel API is
often API-incompatible with the kernel space one, and even in the cases where
they match, they are sometimes ABI incompatible such that using this library
would have **undefined behavior**.

# Usage

Add the following to your `Cargo.toml` to conditionally include mach on those
platforms that support it.

[target.'cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))'.dependencies.mach]
version = "0.3"

The following crate features are available:

* **std** (enabled by default): compiles the crate with `libstd` support.
* **deprecated** (disabled by default): exposes deprecated APIs that have been
  removed from the latest versions of the MacOS SDKs. The behavior of using
  these APIs on MacOS versions that do not support them is undefined (hopefully
  a linker error).

# Platform support

The following table describes the current CI set-up:

| Target                | Min. Rust | XCode         | build | ctest | run |
| `x86_64-apple-darwin` | 1.33.0    | 6.4 - 10.0    ||||
| `i686-apple-darwin`   | 1.33.0    | 6.4 - 10.0    ||||
| `i386-apple-ios`      | 1.33.0    | 6.4 - 9.4 [0] || -     | -   |
| `x86_64-apple-ios`    | 1.33.0    | 6.4 - 10.0    || -     | -   |
| `armv7-apple-ios`     | nightly   | 6.4 - 10.0    || -     | -   |
| `aarch64-apple-ios`   | nightly   | 6.4 - 10.0    || -     | -   |

[0] `i386-apple-ios` is deprecated in XCode 10.0.

[Latest Version]: