lzma-sys 0.1.19

Raw bindings to liblzma which contains an implementation of LZMA and xz stream encoding/decoding. High level Rust bindings are available in the `xz2` crate.
name = "lzma-sys"
version = "0.1.19"
authors = ["Alex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com>"]
build = "build.rs"
links = "lzma"
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
repository = "https://github.com/alexcrichton/xz2-rs"
homepage = "https://github.com/alexcrichton/xz2-rs"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/lzma-sys"
description = """
Raw bindings to liblzma which contains an implementation of LZMA and xz stream

High level Rust bindings are available in the `xz2` crate.
categories = ["external-ffi-bindings"]
edition = "2018"

libc = "0.2.51"

cc = "1.0.34"
pkg-config = "0.3.14"

static = []