lzma-sys 0.1.10

Raw bindings to liblzma which contains an implementation of LZMA and xz stream encoding/decoding. High level Rust bindings are available in the `xz2` crate.

# Author: Lasse Collin
# This file has been put into the public domain.
# You can do whatever you want with this file.

# The result of using "autoreconf -fi" should be identical to using this
# script. I'm leaving this script here just in case someone finds it useful.

set -e -x

${AUTOPOINT:-autopoint} -f
${LIBTOOLIZE:-libtoolize} -c -f || glibtoolize -c -f
${ACLOCAL:-aclocal} -I m4
${AUTOMAKE:-automake} -acf --foreign