lz4_flex 0.3.6

Pure Rust implementation of raw LZ4 compression/decompression.

# lz4_flex


Configurable, pure rust, high performance implementation of LZ4 compression with fast compile times.

## Features
- Very good logo
- LZ4 Block format
- High performance
- 1s clean release build time
- feature flags to configure safe/unsafe code usage

## Usage: 
use lz4_flex::{compress_prepend_size, decompress_size_prepended};

fn main(){
    let input: &[u8] = b"Hello people, what's up?";
    let compressed = compress_prepend_size(input);
    let uncompressed = decompress_size_prepended(&compressed).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(input, uncompressed);

## Benchmarks
The benchmark is run with criterion on set of test files are in the folder benches.

Currently 3 implementations are compared, this one, the redox version and the c++ version via rust bindings

`cargo bench`

### Results v0.3 18-10-2020
Executed on Macbook Pro 2017 i7

- lz4_redox_rust: https://crates.io/crates/lz4-compress
- lz4_cpp: https://crates.io/crates/lz4
- lz-fear: https://github.com/main--/rust-lz-fear



## Fuzzer
This fuzz target fuzzes, and asserts compression and decompression returns the original input.
`cargo fuzz run fuzz_roundtrip`

This fuzz target fuzzes, and asserts compression with cpp and decompression returns the original input.
`cargo fuzz run fuzz_roundtrip_cpp_compress`

- Frame format
- High compression
- no `unsafe` version for decompression