lyon 0.2.0

2D Graphics rendering experiments.


GPU-based 2D graphics rendering experiments in rust.


For now the goal is to provide efficient SVG-compliant path tessellation tools to help with rendering vector graphics on the GPU. If things go well the project could eventually grow into including a (partial) SVG renderer in a separate crate, but for now think of this library as a way to turn complex paths into triangles for use in your own rendering engine.

The intent is for this library to be useful in projects like Servo.

The project is split into small crates:

  • lyon: A meta-crate that imports the other crates.
  • lyon_core: Contains types common to most lyon crates.
  • lyon_tessellator: The tessellation routines (where most of the focus is for now).
  • lyon_path: A simple vector path data structure provided for convenience, but not required by the other crates.
  • lyon_path_iterator: A set of iterator abstractions over vector paths.
  • lyon_path_builder: Tools to build paths.
  • lyon_bezier: 2d quadratic and cubic bezier curve maths, including an efficient flattening algorithm.
  • lyon_extra: various optional utilities.


There is a rough list of things to do. If you are interested in contributing, please let me know on twitter (@nicalsilva) or by e-mail.


The focus right now is on implementing a SVG compliant path tessellator (rather than an actual SVG render). The tessellator can currently only operate on flattened paths. It is able to handle most complex cases including self intersections, but there are still some bugs that need to be found and fixed. The API is not stable at all.


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