lv2rs-core 0.1.0

Rust re-implementation of the LV2 core library

lv2rs-core: Rust re-implementation of the LV2 core library.

This is a safe and idiomatic re-implementation of the LV2 core library. It goals are to provide an interface that is compatible with hosts written in C and uses an idiomatic API for plugin implementors.

Getting started

Creating a plugin binary is fairly simple:

  • Create a new library crate
  • Add the following entry to your Cargo.toml in order to build a dynamic library:
crate-type = ["dylib"]
  • Add lv2rs-core as a dependency both in your Cargo.toml:
lv2rs-core = "*"
  • Create a struct, implement Plugin for it, and use the lv2_main! macro to export the required symbols. For example:
extern crate lv2rs_core as core;
use std::ffi::CStr;

struct MyPlugin {}

impl core::Plugin for MyPlugin {
    fn instantiate(
        _descriptor: &core::Descriptor,
        _rate: f64,
        _bundle_path: &CStr,
        _features: Option<Vec<&mut core::Feature>>
    ) -> Self {
        Self {}

    unsafe fn connect_port(&mut self, port: u32, data: *mut ()) {}

    fn run(&mut self, _n_samples: u32) {}

core::lv2_main!(core, MyPlugin, b"\0");

That's it! Although, if you really want to get started with LV2, you should check out the tutorial at LV2's website.


Although LV2 itself is published under it's own license, this crate is published under the terms of the LGPL v3; You may copy, modify and redistribute this software.