luna_nbt 0.0.3

Another library for Minecraft's Named Binary Tag (NBT) format.

Named Binary Tag (NBT)

The The Named Binary Tag, is a structured binary format used by the game Minecraft for a variety of purposes such as, Player Data and World Saves as well as being used within the Minecraft Protocol.

NBT Specification

This Crate

This crate is yet another implementation of the NBT format.

Key features

  • Support for Serialisation and Deserialization with the Serde framework.
  • Ability to create partial or complete documents through the Tag and Blob objects.
  • Ability to read/write from a socket or buffer.

Cargo Features

  • with_serde (default) includes Serde serialisation and deserialization support.
  • serde_boolean converts booleans to bytes during serialisation and deserialization.
  • serde_unsigned converts unsigned to their signed counterparts during serialisation and deserialization.
  • arrays utils for writing byte, int and long arrays. (dev branch)
  • compression gzip and DEFLATE support. (dev branch)


This crate has two seperate operations that allow data to be mutated.

  1. Read/Writing - Tags/Blobs <--NBT--> Bytes/Buffer
  2. Encoding/Decoding - Tags/Blobs <--Serde--> Structs

Quick Start


One way of creating partial NBT objects is with tags.

use nbt::Tag;

// An example of a TAG_Byte with value 42.
let byte = Tag::Byte(42);

// An example of a TAG_String with value "Hello!"
let string = Tag::String("Hello!".to_string());

// An example of TAG_List containing bytes, with values of [1,2,3]
let list = Tag::List(vec![Tag::Byte(1), Tag::Byte(2), Tag::Byte(3)]);

// An example of a compound
use std::collections::HashMap;
let mut map = HashMap::<String, Tag>::new();
map.insert("age".to_string(), Tag::Byte(18));
map.insert("id".to_string(), Tag::Int(69420));
let compound = Tag::Compound(map);


Blobs allow for you to create full NBT objects/documents.

use nbt::{Blob, Tag};

// Creating a blob
let mut blob = Blob::new();

// Inserting a tag
blob.insert("age", Tag::Byte(18));

// Using the ToTag trait to insert a tag.
blob.insert("id", 69420_i32);

Blobs reprsent the root compound, and hence can be named.

When a name is not specifed it defaults to ""

use nbt::{Blob};

// Creating a blob with a name
let mut blob = Blob::create("user");
blob.insert("name", "pokechu22");

Encoding / Writing

You can encode a partial or full NBT object using the NBTWrite trait.

use nbt::{Tag, NBTWrite};
let tag = Tag::Float(69.420);

// Writing to a buffer
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
tag.write(&mut buffer).unwrap();

// Outputting to a Vec.
let bytes = tag.bytes().unwrap();

println!("{:?}", bytes);

Decoding / Reading

use nbt::{Tag, NBTWrite, NBTRead};
let data = /* vec![...] */
# vec![10, 0, 11, 104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 8, 0, 4, 110, 97, 109, 101, 0, 9, 66, 97, 110, 97, 110, 114, 97, 109, 97, 0];

// Reading from a buffer
use std::io::Cursor;
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data.clone());
let one = Tag::read(&mut cursor).unwrap();
// Also works for: Blob::read(...)

// Reading from vec
let two = Tag::from_bytes(data);
// Also works for: Blob::from_bytes(...)


This library has full serde serialisation and deserialization support for all types in the serde data model except for u8 (byte)arrays.

Serde support requires the with_serde cargo feature, which is enabled by default.


Here is an basic example for encoding between a struct and bytes

use serde::Serialize;
use nbt::{encode, NBTWrite};

// Define a Serializable struct
pub struct HelloWorld {
name: String

// Instantiate
let hello = HelloWorld {
name: "Dinnerbone".to_string()

// Encode/Serialise the struct into a blob.
let blob = encode(&hello).unwrap();

// get the bytes from the blob.
let bytes = blob.bytes().unwrap();

assert_eq!(bytes, vec![10, 0, 0, 8, 0, 4, 110, 97, 109, 101, 0, 10, 68, 105, 110, 110, 101, 114, 98, 111, 110, 101, 0])


Here is the reverse operation for the above example

use serde::Deserialize;
use nbt::{Blob, NBTRead, decode};

// Define a Deserialisable struct
#[derive(Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct HelloWorld {
name: String

// Bytes
let bytes = vec![10, 0, 0, 8, 0, 4, 110, 97, 109, 101, 0, 10, 68, 105, 110, 110, 101, 114, 98, 111, 110, 101, 0];

// Create a blob from bytes
let blob = Blob::from_bytes(bytes).unwrap();

// Deserialize the blob into the struct
let hello = decode::<HelloWorld>(blob).unwrap();

assert_eq!(hello, HelloWorld {
name: "Dinnerbone".to_string()

Serde Functions