Module luminance::buffer [] [src]

Static GPU typed arrays.

A GPU buffer is a typed continuous region of data. It has a size and can hold several elements.

Buffers are created with the new associated function. You pass in the number of elements you want in the buffer.

let buffer: Buffer<f32> = Buffer::new(5);

Once the buffer is created, you can perform several operations on them:

  • writing to them ;
  • reading from them ;
  • passing them around as uniforms ;
  • etc.

Writing to a buffer

Buffers support several write methods. The simple one is clearing. That is, replacing the whole content of the buffer with a single value. Use the fill function to do so.


If you want to clear the buffer by providing a value for each elements, you want filling. Use the fill function:

buffer.fill([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

If you want to change a value at a given index, you can use the set function.

buffer.set(3, 3.14);

Reading from the buffer

You can either retrieve the whole content of the Buffer or get a value with an index.

// get the whole content
let all_elems = buffer.whole();
assert_eq!(all_elems.len(), 5);
assert_eq!(all_elemns, vec![1, 2, 3, 3.14, 5]); // admit floating equalities

// get the element at index 3
assert_eq!(buffer.get(3), Some(3.14));



A Buffer is a GPU region you can picture as an array. It has a static size and cannot be resized. The size is expressed in number of elements lying in the buffer, not in bytes.



Buffer errors.



Implement this trait to provide buffers.