luminance 0.45.0

Stateless and type-safe graphics framework

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# A simple, type-safe and opinionated graphics crate

luminance is an effort to make graphics rendering simple and elegant. It is a _low-level_
and opinionated graphics API, highly typed (type-level computations, refined types, etc.)
which aims to be simple and performant. Instead of providing users with as many low-level
features as possible, luminance provides you with _some ways_ to do rendering. That has
both advantages and drawbacks:

- On one side, because the API is opinionated, some dynamic branching and decisions are
  completely removed / optimized. Some operations breaking state mutations or invariant
  violation are not statically constructible, ensuring safety. Because strong typing is
  used, lots of runtime checks are also not needed, helping with performance.
- On the other side, if you want to do something very specific and very low-level, you
  will find luminance not to be friendly as it doesn’t like, most of the time, exposing
  its internal design to the outer world — mostly for runtime safety reason.

> A note on _safety_: here, _safety_ is not used as with the Rust definiton, but most in
> terms of undefined behavior and unwanted behavior. If something can lead to a weird
> behavior, a crash, a panic or a black screen, it’s considered `unsafe`. That definition
> obviously includes the Rust definiton of safety — memory safety.

# What’s included?

luminance is a rendering crate, not a 3D engine nor a video game framework. As so, it doesn’t
include specific concepts, such as lights, materials, asset management nor scene description. It
only provides a rendering library you can plug in whatever you want to.

> There are several so-called 3D-engines out there on [] Feel free
> to have a look around.

However, luminance comes with several interesting features:

- **Framebuffers**: framebuffers are used to hold renders. Each time you want to perform a
  render, you need to perform it into a framebuffer. Framebuffers can then be combined with
  each other to produce effects and design render layers — this is called compositing.
- **Shaders**: luminance supports five kinds of shader stages:
    - Vertex shaders.
    - Tessellation control shaders.
    - Tessellation evaluation shaders.
    - Geometry shaders.
    - Fragment shaders.
- **Vertices, indices, primitives and tessellations**: those are used to define a shape you
  can render into a framebuffer with a shader. They are mandatory when it comes to rendering.
  Even if you don’t need vertex data, you still need tessellations to issue draw calls.
- **Textures**: textures represent information packed into arrays on the GPU, and can be used
  to customize a visual aspect or pass information around in shaders. They come in several
  flavours — e.g. 1D, 2D, cube maps, etc.
- **Control on the render state**: the render state is a set of capabilities you can tweak
  to draw frames. It includes:
    - The blending equation and factors. Blending is the process of taking two colors from two
      framebuffers and mixing them.
    - Whether we should have a depth test performed.
    - Face culling.
    - Etc.
- And a lot of other cool things like *GPU commands*, *pipelines*, *uniform interfaces* and so

# How to dig in?

luminance is written to be fairly simple. There are several ways to learn how to use luminance:

- The [online documentation] is a mandatory start for newcomers.
- The [“Learn luminance” book] Ideal for
  newcomers as well as people already used to luminance, as it’s always updated to the latest
  version — you might learn new things!
- The [luminance-examples]
  project. It contains lots of examples describing how to do specifics things. Not adapted for
  newcomers, you will likely want to consult those examples if you’re already familiar with
  graphics programing and to look for how to do a specific thing. Still, for newcomers, the
  [hello-world]../../examples/common/src/ example might be a good read.

# Implementation and architecture

**luminance** has been originally designed around the OpenGL 3.3 and OpenGL 4.5 APIs. However,
it has mutated _a lot_ to adapt to new technologies and modern graphics programming. Even though its API
is _not_ meant to converge towards something like Vulkan, it’s changing over time to meet
better design decisions and performance implications.

The current state of luminance comprises several crates:

- A “core” crate, [luminance], which is about all the abstract, common and interface code.
- A proc-macro crate, [luminance-derive], which is exported by [luminance] if you use the `"derive"`
  feature flag. That crate allows to implement various important traits of the core crate.
- A set of _backend implementation_ crates, implementing the [luminance] crate backend interfaces.
- A set of _windowing_ crates, executing your code written with the core and backend crate on native
  systems (most of the time, _windowing platforms_, but not limited to).
- A special crate, [luminance-front], a special _backend_ crate that allows to combine
  several “official” crates to provide a cross-platform experience without having to pick
  several backend crates — the crate does it for you. This crate is mainly designed for end-user
  crates and should be a good fit for most users.

## The core crate

The [luminance] crate gathers all the logic and rendering abstractions necessary to write code
over various graphics technologies. It contains parametric types and functions that abstract over
the actual _implementation type_ — as a convention, the type variable `B` (for backend) is

Backend types — i.e. `B` — are not provided by [luminance] directly. They are typically
provided by crates containing the name of the technology as suffix, such as [luminance-gl],
[luminance-webgl], luminance-vk, etc. The interface between those backend crates and
luminance is specified in [luminance::backend].

On a general note, `Something<ConcreteType, u8>` is a monomorphic type that will be usable
**only** with code working over the `ConcreteType` backend. If you want to write a function
that accepts an 8-bit integer something without specifying a concrete type, you will have to
write something along the lines of:

use luminance::backend::something::Something as SomethingBackend;
use luminance::something::Something;

fn work<B>(b: &Something<B, u8>) where B: SomethingBackend<u8> {

This kind of code is intended for people writing libraries with luminance. For the more usual case
of using the [luminance-front] crate, you will end up writing something like:

use luminance_front::something::Something;

fn work(b: &Something<u8>) {

> In [luminance-front], the backend type is selected at compile and link time. This is often
> what people want, but keep in mind that [luminance-front] doesn’t allow to have several
> backend types at the same time, which might be something you would like to use, too.

## Backend implementations

Backends implement the [luminance::backend] traits and provide, mostly, a single type for each
implementation. It’s important to understand that a backend crate can provide several backends
(for instance, [luminance-gl] can provide one backend — so one type — for each supported OpenGL
version). That backend type will be used throughout the rest of the ecosystem to deduce subsequent
implementors and associated types.

If you want to implement a backend, you don’t have to push any code to any `luminance` crate.
`luminance-*` crates are _official_ ones, but you can write your own backend as well. The
interface is highly `unsafe`, though, and based mostly on `unsafe impl` on `unsafe trait`. For
more information, feel free to read the documentation of the [luminance::backend] module.

## Windowing

luminance doesn’t know anything about the context it executes in. That means that it doesn’t
know whether it’s used within SDL, GLFW, glutin, Qt, a web canvas or an embedded specific hardware such as
the Nintendo Switch. That is actually powerful, because it allows luminance to be
completely agnostic of the execution platform it’s running on: one problem less. However, there
is an important point to take into account: a single backend type can be used with several windowing
crates / implementations. That allows to re-use a backend with several windowing
implementations. The backend will typically explain what are the conditions to create it (like,
in OpenGL, the windowing crate must set some specific flags when creating the OpenGL context).

luminance does not provide a way to create windows because it’s important that it not depend
on windowing libraries – so that end-users can use whatever they like. Furthermore, such
libraries typically implement windowing and event features, which have nothing to do with our
initial purpose.

A platform crate supporting luminance will typically provide native types by re-exporting
symbols (types, functions, etc.) from a windowing crate and the necessary code to make it
compatible with luminance. That means providing a way to access a backend type, which
implements the [luminance::backend] interface. However, platform crates are not supposed to
be a replacement for the underlying platform system; you will typically still have to depend
it as well.

## luminance-derive

If you are compiling against the `"derive"` feature, you get access to [`luminance-derive`] automatically, which
provides a set of _procedural macros_.

### `Vertex`

The [`Vertex`] derive proc-macro.

That proc-macro allows you to create custom vertex types easily without having to care about
implementing the required traits.

The [`Vertex`] trait must be implemented if you want to use a type as vertex (consumed by [`Tess`]).
Either you can decide to implement it on your own, or you could just let this crate do the job for you.

> Important: the [`Vertex`] trait is `unsafe`, which means that all of its implementors must be
> as well. This is due to the fact that vertex formats include information about the structure of the
> data that will be sent to the backend, and a bad implementation can lead to undefined behaviors.

You can derive the [`Vertex`] trait if your type follows these conditions:

- It must be a `struct` with named fields. This is just a temporary limitation that will get
  dropped as soon as the crate is stable enough.
- Its fields must have a type that implements [`VertexAttrib`]. This is mandatory so that the
  backend knows enough about the types used in the structure to correctly align memory, pick
  the right types, etc.
- Its fields must have a type that implements [`HasSemantics`] as well. This trait is just a
  type family that associates a single constant (i.e. the semantics) that the vertex attribute
- Each field's type must be different.

Once all those requirements are met, you can derive [`Vertex`] pretty easily.

> Note: feel free to look at the [`Semantics`] proc-macro as well, that provides a way
> to generate semantics types in order to completely both implement [`Semantics`] for an
> `enum` of your choice, but also generate *field* types you can use when defining your vertex
> type.

The syntax is the following:

use luminance::{Vertex, Semantics};

// visit the Semantics proc-macro documentation for further details
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Semantics)]
pub enum Semantics {
  #[sem(name = "position", repr = "[f32; 3]", wrapper = "VertexPosition")]
  #[sem(name = "color", repr = "[f32; 4]", wrapper = "VertexColor")]

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Vertex)]
#[vertex(sem = "Semantics")] // specify the semantics to use for this type
struct MyVertex {
  position: VertexPosition,
  color: VertexColor,

> Note: the `Semantics` enum must be public because of the implementation of [`HasSemantics`]
> trait.

Besides the [`Semantics`]-related code, this will:

- Create a type called `MyVertex`, a struct that will hold a single vertex.
- Implement `Vertex for MyVertex`.

The proc-macro also supports an optional `#[vertex(instanced = "<bool>")]` struct attribute.
This attribute allows you to specify whether the fields are to be instanced or not. For more
about that, have a look at [`VertexInstancing`].

### `Semantics`

The [`Semantics`] derive proc-macro.

### `UniformInterface`

The [`UniformInterface`] derive proc-macro.

The procedural macro is very simple to use. You declare a struct as you would normally do:

use luminance::{shader::{types::Vec4, Uniform}, UniformInterface};

#[derive(Debug, UniformInterface)]
struct MyIface {
  time: Uniform<f32>,
  resolution: Uniform<Vec4<f32>>,

The effect of this declaration is declaring the `MyIface` struct along with an effective
implementation of `UniformInterface` that will try to get the `"time"` and `"resolution"`
uniforms in the corresponding shader program. If any of the two uniforms fails to map (inactive
uniform, for instance), the whole struct cannot be generated, and an error is arisen (see
`UniformInterface::uniform_interface`’s documentation for further details).

If you don’t use a parameter in your shader, you might not want the whole interface to fail
building if that parameter cannot be mapped. You can do that via the `#[unbound]` field

#[derive(Debug, UniformInterface)]
struct MyIface {
  time: Uniform<f32>, // if this field cannot be mapped, it’ll be ignored
  resolution: Uniform<Vec4<f32>>,

You can also change the default mapping with the `#[uniform(name = "string_mapping")]`
attribute. This changes the name that must be queried from the shader program for the mapping
to be complete:

#[derive(Debug, UniformInterface)]
struct MyIface {
  time: Uniform<f32>,
  #[uniform(name = "res")]
  resolution: Uniform<Vec4<f32>>, // maps "res" from the shader program

Finally, you can mix both attributes if you want to change the mapping and have an unbound
uniform if it cannot be mapped:

#[derive(Debug, UniformInterface)]
struct MyIface {
  time: Uniform<f32>,
  #[uniform(name = "res", unbound)]
  resolution: Uniform<Vec4<f32>>,

[luminance::backend]: crate::backend

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