luminance 0.27.0

Stateless and type-safe graphics framework
//! Graphics state.

use gl;
use gl::types::*;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;

use blending::{BlendingState, Equation, Factor};
use depth_test::DepthTest;
use face_culling::{FaceCullingMode, FaceCullingOrder, FaceCullingState};

// TLS synchronization barrier for `GraphicsState`.
thread_local!(static TLS_ACQUIRE_GFX_STATE: RefCell<Option<()>> = RefCell::new(Some(())));

/// The graphics state.
/// This type represents the current state of a given graphics context. It acts
/// as a forward-gate to all the exposed features from the low-level API but
/// adds a small cache layer over it to prevent from issuing the same API call (with
/// the same parameters).
pub struct GraphicsState {
  _a: PhantomData<*const ()>, // !Send and !Sync
  // blending
  blending_state: BlendingState,
  blending_equation: Equation,
  blending_func: (Factor, Factor),

  // depth test
  depth_test: DepthTest,

  // face culling
  face_culling_state: FaceCullingState,
  face_culling_order: FaceCullingOrder,
  face_culling_mode: FaceCullingMode,

  // texture
  current_texture_unit: GLenum,
  bound_textures: Vec<(GLenum, GLuint)>,

  // uniform buffer
  bound_uniform_buffers: Vec<GLuint>,

  // array buffer
  bound_array_buffer: GLuint,

  // framebuffer
  bound_draw_framebuffer: GLuint,

  // vertex array
  bound_vertex_array: GLuint,

  // shader program
  current_program: GLuint

impl GraphicsState {
  /// Create a new `GraphicsState`.
  /// Keep in mind you can create only one per thread.
  pub fn new() -> Result<Self, StateQueryError> {
    TLS_ACQUIRE_GFX_STATE.with(|rc| {
      let mut inner = rc.borrow_mut();

      match *inner {
        Some(_) => {

        None => Err(StateQueryError::UnavailableGraphicsState)

  /// Get a `GraphicsContext` from the current OpenGL context.
  pub(crate) fn get_from_context() -> Result<Self, StateQueryError> {
    unsafe {
      let blending_state = get_ctx_blending_state()?;
      let blending_equation = get_ctx_blending_equation()?;
      let blending_func = get_ctx_blending_factors()?;
      let depth_test = get_ctx_depth_test()?;
      let face_culling_state = get_ctx_face_culling_state()?;
      let face_culling_order = get_ctx_face_culling_order()?;
      let face_culling_mode = get_ctx_face_culling_mode()?;
      let current_texture_unit = get_ctx_current_texture_unit()?;
      let bound_textures = vec![(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0); 48]; // 48 is the platform minimal requirement
      let bound_uniform_buffers = vec![0; 36]; // 36 is the platform minimal requirement
      let bound_array_buffer = 0;
      let bound_draw_framebuffer = get_ctx_bound_draw_framebuffer()?;
      let bound_vertex_array = get_ctx_bound_vertex_array()?;
      let current_program = get_ctx_current_program()?;

      Ok(GraphicsState {
        _a: PhantomData,

  pub(crate) unsafe fn set_blending_state(&mut self, state: BlendingState) {
    if self.blending_state != state {
      match state {
        BlendingState::Enabled => gl::Enable(gl::BLEND),
        BlendingState::Disabled => gl::Disable(gl::BLEND)

      self.blending_state = state;

  pub(crate) unsafe fn set_blending_equation(&mut self, equation: Equation) {
    if self.blending_equation != equation {
      self.blending_equation = equation;

  pub(crate) unsafe fn set_blending_func(
    &mut self,
    src: Factor,
    dest: Factor,
  ) {
    if self.blending_func != (src, dest) {
      gl::BlendFunc(from_blending_factor(src), from_blending_factor(dest));
      self.blending_func = (src, dest);

  pub(crate) unsafe fn set_depth_test(&mut self, depth_test: DepthTest) {
    if self.depth_test != depth_test {
      match depth_test {
        DepthTest::Enabled => gl::Enable(gl::DEPTH_TEST),
        DepthTest::Disabled => gl::Disable(gl::DEPTH_TEST)

      self.depth_test = depth_test;

  pub(crate) unsafe fn set_face_culling_state(&mut self, state: FaceCullingState) {
    if self.face_culling_state != state {
      match state {
        FaceCullingState::Enabled => gl::Enable(gl::CULL_FACE),
        FaceCullingState::Disabled => gl::Disable(gl::CULL_FACE)

      self.face_culling_state = state;

  pub(crate) unsafe fn set_face_culling_order(&mut self, order: FaceCullingOrder) {
    if self.face_culling_order != order {
      match order {
        FaceCullingOrder::CW => gl::FrontFace(gl::CW),
        FaceCullingOrder::CCW => gl::FrontFace(gl::CCW)

      self.face_culling_order = order;

  pub(crate) unsafe fn set_face_culling_mode(&mut self, mode: FaceCullingMode) {
    if self.face_culling_mode != mode {
      match mode {
        FaceCullingMode::Front => gl::CullFace(gl::FRONT),
        FaceCullingMode::Back => gl::CullFace(gl::BACK),
        FaceCullingMode::Both => gl::CullFace(gl::FRONT_AND_BACK)

      self.face_culling_mode = mode;

  pub(crate) unsafe fn set_texture_unit(&mut self, unit: u32) {
    if self.current_texture_unit != unit {
      gl::ActiveTexture(gl::TEXTURE0 + unit as GLenum);
      self.current_texture_unit = unit;

  pub(crate) unsafe fn bind_texture(&mut self, target: GLenum, handle: GLuint) {
    let unit = self.current_texture_unit as usize;

    match self.bound_textures.get(unit).cloned() {
      Some((target_, handle_)) if target != target_ || handle != handle_ => {
        gl::BindTexture(target, handle);
        self.bound_textures[unit] = (target, handle);

      None => {
        gl::BindTexture(target, handle);

        // not enough registered texture units; let’s grow a bit more
        self.bound_textures.resize(unit + 1, (gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0));
        self.bound_textures[unit] = (target, handle);

      _ => () // cached

  pub(crate) unsafe fn bind_buffer_base(&mut self, handle: GLuint, binding: u32) {
    let binding_ = binding as usize;

    match self.bound_uniform_buffers.get(binding_).cloned() {
      Some(handle_) if handle != handle_ => {
        gl::BindBufferBase(gl::UNIFORM_BUFFER, binding as GLuint, handle);
        self.bound_uniform_buffers[binding_] = handle;

      None => {
        gl::BindBufferBase(gl::UNIFORM_BUFFER, binding as GLuint, handle);

        // not enough registered buffer bindings; let’s grow a bit more
        self.bound_uniform_buffers.resize(binding_ + 1, 0);
        self.bound_uniform_buffers[binding_] = handle;

      _ => () // cached

  pub(crate) unsafe fn bind_array_buffer(&mut self, handle: GLuint) {
    if self.bound_array_buffer != handle {
      gl::BindBuffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, handle);
      self.bound_array_buffer = handle;

  pub(crate) unsafe fn bind_draw_framebuffer(&mut self, handle: GLuint) {
    if self.bound_draw_framebuffer != handle {
      gl::BindFramebuffer(gl::DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, handle);
      self.bound_draw_framebuffer = handle;

  pub(crate) unsafe fn bind_vertex_array(&mut self, handle: GLuint) {
    if self.bound_vertex_array != handle {
      self.bound_vertex_array = handle;

  pub(crate) unsafe fn use_program(&mut self, handle: GLuint) {
    if self.current_program != handle {
      self.current_program = handle;

fn from_blending_equation(equation: Equation) -> GLenum {
  match equation {
    Equation::Additive => gl::FUNC_ADD,
    Equation::Subtract => gl::FUNC_SUBTRACT,
    Equation::ReverseSubtract => gl::FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT,
    Equation::Min => gl::MIN,
    Equation::Max => gl::MAX

fn from_blending_factor(factor: Factor) -> GLenum {
  match factor {
    Factor::One => gl::ONE,
    Factor::Zero => gl::ZERO,
    Factor::SrcColor => gl::SRC_COLOR,
    Factor::SrcColorComplement => gl::ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR,
    Factor::DestColor => gl::DST_COLOR,
    Factor::DestColorComplement => gl::ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR,
    Factor::SrcAlpha => gl::SRC_ALPHA,
    Factor::SrcAlphaComplement => gl::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,
    Factor::DstAlpha => gl::DST_ALPHA,
    Factor::DstAlphaComplement => gl::ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA,
    Factor::SrcAlphaSaturate => gl::SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE

/// An error that might happen when the context is queried.
pub enum StateQueryError {

impl fmt::Display for StateQueryError {
  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
    match *self {
      StateQueryError::UnavailableGraphicsState => write!(f, "unavailable graphics state"),
      StateQueryError::UnknownBlendingState(ref s) => write!(f, "unknown blending state: {}", s),
      StateQueryError::UnknownBlendingEquation(ref e) => write!(f, "unknown blending equation: {}", e),
      StateQueryError::UnknownBlendingSrcFactor(ref k) => write!(f, "unknown blending source factor: {}", k),
      StateQueryError::UnknownBlendingDstFactor(ref k) => write!(f, "unknown blending destination factor: {}", k),
      StateQueryError::UnknownDepthTestState(ref s) => write!(f, "unknown depth test state: {}", s),
      StateQueryError::UnknownFaceCullingState(ref s) => write!(f, "unknown face culling state: {}", s),
      StateQueryError::UnknownFaceCullingOrder(ref o) => write!(f, "unknown face culling order: {}", o),
      StateQueryError::UnknownFaceCullingMode(ref m) => write!(f, "unknown face culling mode: {}", m)

impl Error for StateQueryError {}

unsafe fn get_ctx_blending_state() -> Result<BlendingState, StateQueryError> {
  let state = gl::IsEnabled(gl::BLEND);

  match state {
    gl::TRUE => Ok(BlendingState::Enabled),
    gl::FALSE => Ok(BlendingState::Disabled),
    _ => Err(StateQueryError::UnknownBlendingState(state))

unsafe fn get_ctx_blending_equation() -> Result<Equation, StateQueryError> {
  let mut data = gl::FUNC_ADD as GLint;
  gl::GetIntegerv(gl::BLEND_EQUATION_RGB, &mut data);

  let data = data as GLenum;
  match data {
    gl::FUNC_ADD => Ok(Equation::Additive),
    gl::FUNC_SUBTRACT => Ok(Equation::Subtract),
    gl::FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT => Ok(Equation::ReverseSubtract),
    gl::MIN => Ok(Equation::Min),
    gl::MAX => Ok(Equation::Max),
    _ => Err(StateQueryError::UnknownBlendingEquation(data))

unsafe fn get_ctx_blending_factors() -> Result<(Factor, Factor), StateQueryError> {
  let mut src = gl::ONE as GLint;
  let mut dst = gl::ZERO as GLint;

  gl::GetIntegerv(gl::BLEND_SRC_RGB, &mut src);
  gl::GetIntegerv(gl::BLEND_DST_RGB, &mut dst);

  let src_k = from_gl_blending_factor(src as GLenum).map_err(StateQueryError::UnknownBlendingSrcFactor)?;
  let dst_k = from_gl_blending_factor(dst as GLenum).map_err(StateQueryError::UnknownBlendingDstFactor)?;

  Ok((src_k, dst_k))

fn from_gl_blending_factor(factor: GLenum) -> Result<Factor, GLenum> {
  match factor {
    gl::ONE => Ok(Factor::One),
    gl::ZERO => Ok(Factor::Zero),
    gl::SRC_COLOR => Ok(Factor::SrcColor),
    gl::ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR => Ok(Factor::SrcColorComplement),
    gl::DST_COLOR => Ok(Factor::DestColor),
    gl::ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR => Ok(Factor::DestColorComplement),
    gl::SRC_ALPHA => Ok(Factor::SrcAlpha),
    gl::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA => Ok(Factor::SrcAlphaComplement),
    gl::DST_ALPHA => Ok(Factor::DstAlpha),
    gl::ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA => Ok(Factor::DstAlphaComplement),
    gl::SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE => Ok(Factor::SrcAlphaSaturate),
    _ => Err(factor)

unsafe fn get_ctx_depth_test() -> Result<DepthTest, StateQueryError> {
  let state = gl::IsEnabled(gl::DEPTH_TEST);

  match state {
    gl::TRUE => Ok(DepthTest::Enabled),
    gl::FALSE => Ok(DepthTest::Disabled),
    _ => Err(StateQueryError::UnknownDepthTestState(state))

unsafe fn get_ctx_face_culling_state() -> Result<FaceCullingState, StateQueryError> {
  let state = gl::IsEnabled(gl::CULL_FACE);

  match state {
    gl::TRUE => Ok(FaceCullingState::Enabled),
    gl::FALSE => Ok(FaceCullingState::Disabled),
    _ => Err(StateQueryError::UnknownFaceCullingState(state))

unsafe fn get_ctx_face_culling_order() -> Result<FaceCullingOrder, StateQueryError> {
  let mut order = gl::CCW as GLint;
  gl::GetIntegerv(gl::FRONT_FACE, &mut order);

  let order = order as GLenum;
  match order {
    gl::CCW => Ok(FaceCullingOrder::CCW),
    gl::CW => Ok(FaceCullingOrder::CW),
    _ => Err(StateQueryError::UnknownFaceCullingOrder(order))

unsafe fn get_ctx_face_culling_mode() -> Result<FaceCullingMode, StateQueryError> {
  let mut mode = gl::BACK as GLint;
  gl::GetIntegerv(gl::CULL_FACE_MODE, &mut mode);

  let mode = mode as GLenum;
  match mode {
    gl::FRONT => Ok(FaceCullingMode::Front),
    gl::BACK => Ok(FaceCullingMode::Back),
    gl::FRONT_AND_BACK => Ok(FaceCullingMode::Both),
    _ => Err(StateQueryError::UnknownFaceCullingMode(mode))

unsafe fn get_ctx_current_texture_unit() -> Result<GLenum, StateQueryError> {
  let mut active_texture = gl::TEXTURE0 as GLint;
  gl::GetIntegerv(gl::ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &mut active_texture);
  Ok(active_texture as GLenum)

unsafe fn get_ctx_bound_draw_framebuffer() -> Result<GLuint, StateQueryError> {
  let mut bound = 0 as GLint;
  gl::GetIntegerv(gl::DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &mut bound);
  Ok(bound as GLuint)

unsafe fn get_ctx_bound_vertex_array() -> Result<GLuint, StateQueryError> {
  let mut bound = 0 as GLint;
  gl::GetIntegerv(gl::VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING, &mut bound);
  Ok(bound as GLuint)

unsafe fn get_ctx_current_program() -> Result<GLuint, StateQueryError> {
  let mut used = 0 as GLint;
  gl::GetIntegerv(gl::CURRENT_PROGRAM, &mut used);
  Ok(used as GLuint)