Module luminance::buffer [] [src]

Static GPU typed arrays.

A GPU buffer is a typed continuous region of data. It has a size and can hold several elements.

Buffers are created with the new associated function. You pass in the number of elements you want in the buffer.

let buffer: Buffer<f32> = Buffer::new(5);

Once the buffer is created, you can perform several operations on them:

  • writing to them ;
  • reading from them ;
  • passing them around as uniforms ;
  • etc.

Writing to a buffer

Buffers support several write methods. The simple one is clearing. That is, replacing the whole content of the buffer with a single value. Use the fill function to do so.


If you want to clear the buffer by providing a value for each elements, you want filling. Use the fill function:

buffer.fill([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

If you want to change a value at a given index, you can use the set function.

buffer.set(3, 3.14);

Reading from the buffer

You can either retrieve the whole content of the Buffer or get a value with an index.

// get the whole content
let all_elems = buffer.whole();
assert_eq!(all_elems.len(), 5);
assert_eq!(all_elemns, vec![1, 2, 3, 3.14, 5]); // admit floating equalities

// get the element at index 3
assert_eq!(buffer.get(3), Some(3.14));



Buffer binding.


A Buffer is a GPU region you can picture as an array. It has a static size and cannot be resized. The size is expressed in number of elements lying in the buffer, not in bytes.


An opaque type representing any uniform buffer.



Buffer errors.



Implement this trait to provide buffers.
