luminance-webgl 0.1.1

WebGL backend for luminance
# Changelog

This document is the changelog of [luminance-webgl](
You should consult it when upgrading to a new version, as it contains precious information on
breaking changes, minor additions and patch notes.

**If you’re experiencing weird type errors when upgrading to a new version**, it might be due to
how `cargo` resolve dependencies. `cargo update` is not enough, because all luminance crate use
[SemVer ranges]( to stay
compatible with as many crates as possible. In that case, you want `cargo update --aggressive`.

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* [0.1.1]#011
* [0.1]#01

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# 0.1.1

> Jul 24th, 2020

- Support of `luminance-0.41`.

# 0.1

> Wed Jul, 15th 2020

- Initial revision.
