luminance-glutin 0.10.0

GLFW support for luminance
# Changelog

This document is the changelog of [luminance-glutin](
You should consult it when upgrading to a new version, as it contains precious information on
breaking changes, minor additions and patch notes.

**If you’re experiencing weird type errors when upgrading to a new version**, it might be due to
how `cargo` resolve dependencies. `cargo update` is not enough, because all luminance crate use
[SemVer ranges]( to stay
compatible with as many crates as possible. In that case, you want `cargo update --aggressive`.

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* [0.10]#010
* [0.9]#09
* [0.8.2]#082
* [0.8.1]#081
* [0.8]#08
  * [Breaking changes]#breaking-changes
* [0.7]#07
* [0.6.1]#061
* [0.6]#06
* [0.5]#05
* [0.4]#04
* [0.3.1]#031
* [0.3]#03
* [0.2]#02
* [0.1.1]#011
* [0.1]#01

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# 0.10

> Wed Jul 15th 2020

- Support `glutin-0.24`.
- Implement `std::error::Error` for various types of the crate.
- Add helper methods to create error types requiring owned data via a better API.

# 0.9

> Sun Feb 23rd 2020

- Support `glutin-0.23`.

# 0.8.2

> Wed Jan 8th 2020

- Add `GlutinSurface::from_builders`. That function can be used to create a new window and OpenGL
  context by explicitly building those objects in closures.

# 0.8.1

> Mon Jan 6th 2020

- Add `Display` implementation for `GlutinError`.

# 0.8

> Mon Jan 6th 2020

## Breaking changes

- Rework the interface to make it easier for people to have access to all the underlying `glutin`
- The `luminance-windowing` interface is now just use as convenience to create a windowed context.
  The `Surface` trait is not implemented anymore as it’s subject to be deprecated very soon.

# 0.7

> Sat Jan 4th 2020

- Support of `luminance-0.38`.
- Re-export `glutin::MouseButton`.

# 0.6.1

> Tue Nov 5th 2017

- Expose more `glutin` symbols on the public interface.

# 0.6

> Sun Sep 29th 2019

- Support of `luminance-0.37`.

# 0.5

> Fri Sep 20th 2019

- `luminance-0.36` support.

# 0.4

> Thur Sep 12th 2019

- Fix SemVer issues with ranges and duplicated dependencies.

# 0.3.1

> Thur Sep 12th 2019

- Support of `luminance-0.35`.

# 0.3

> Wed Sep 11th 2019

- Support of `luminance-0.34`.

# 0.2

> Fri Sep 6th 2019

- Support of `luminance-0.33`.

# 0.1.1

> Tue Sep 3rd 2019

- Support of `luminance-0.32`.

# 0.1

> Fri Aug 23th 2019

- Initial revision.