luka 0.4.0

Library for working with graphs
use crate::{Graph, Vertex};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use crate::error::{GraphError, ErrorKind};
use std::ops::Add;
use std::cmp::min;

pub struct Distance<'a, T> {
    dist: Vec<HashMap<usize, T>>,
    phantom: PhantomData<&'a T>,

impl<'a, T> Distance<'a, T> {
    pub fn get_distance(&self, from: &Vertex<T>, to: &Vertex<T>) -> Option<&T> {

/// This algorithm for finding shortest paths in a weighted graph with positive or negative weights of edges (but no negative cycles).
/// Algorithmic complexity - O(|V|^3), where |V| is the number of vertexs in the graph.
/// ```
/// use luka::{Graph, algorithms};
/// let mut graph = Graph::new(4);
/// graph.add_edge(1, 2, 1).unwrap();
/// graph.add_edge(1, 3, 6).unwrap();
/// graph.add_edge(2, 3, 4).unwrap();
/// graph.add_edge(2, 4, 1).unwrap();
/// graph.add_edge(4, 3, 1).unwrap();
/// let dist = algorithms::floid(&graph).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(*dist.get_distance(graph.get_vertex(2).unwrap(), graph.get_vertex(4).unwrap()).unwrap(), 1);
/// assert_eq!(*dist.get_distance(graph.get_vertex(1).unwrap(), graph.get_vertex(3).unwrap()).unwrap(), 3);
/// ```

pub fn floid<T>(graph: &Graph<T>) -> Result<Distance<T>, GraphError> where T: Default + Copy + Ord + PartialEq + Add<Output = T> {
    let mut distance = Distance{
        dist: vec![HashMap::new(); graph.size()],
        phantom: PhantomData
    for (idx, vertex) in graph.adj.iter().enumerate() {
        distance.dist[idx].insert(idx, T::default());
        for edge in vertex.edges.iter() {
            distance.dist[idx].insert(, edge.weight);
    for i in 0..graph.size() {
        for j in 0 .. graph.size() {
            for k in 0..graph.size() {
                if let (Some(&first), Some(&second)) = (distance.dist[j].get(&i), distance.dist[i].get(&k)) {
                    let weight = distance.dist[j].entry(k).or_insert(first + second);
                    *weight = min(*weight, first + second);
                    if j == k && *weight < T::default() {
                        return Err(GraphError::Regular(ErrorKind::ExistsCycleNegativeWeightInVertexId(j)));

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_floid() {
        let mut graph = Graph::new(4);
        graph.add_edge(1, 2, 1).unwrap();
        graph.add_edge(1, 3, 6).unwrap();
        graph.add_edge(2, 3, 4).unwrap();
        graph.add_edge(2, 4, 1).unwrap();
        graph.add_edge(4, 3, 1).unwrap();

        let dist = floid(&graph).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(*dist.get_distance(graph.get_vertex(2).unwrap(), graph.get_vertex(4).unwrap()).unwrap(), 1);
        assert_eq!(*dist.get_distance(graph.get_vertex(1).unwrap(), graph.get_vertex(3).unwrap()).unwrap(), 3);


    fn test_floid_exists_cycle_negative_weight() {
        let mut graph = Graph::new(4);
        graph.add_edge(1, 2, 1).unwrap();
        graph.add_edge(2, 3, -5).unwrap();
        graph.add_edge(3, 1, -7).unwrap();
