lucet-wasi 0.6.1

Fastly's runtime for the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI)
name = "lucet-wasi"
version = "0.6.1"
description = "Fastly's runtime for the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI)"
homepage = ""
repository = ""
license = "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"
categories = ["wasm"]
authors = ["Lucet team <>"]
edition = "2018"

# `src/` is automatically generated using clang and
# wasi-libc headers. This requires these to be present, and installed
# at specific paths, which is not something we can rely on outside
# of our environment.
# So, we follow what most other tools using `bindgen` do, and provide
# a pre-generated version of the file, along with a way to update it.
# This is what the `update-bindings` feature do. It requires the WASI SDK
# to be either installed in `/opt/wasi-sdk`, or at a location defined by
# a `WASI_SDK` environment variable, as well as `clang` headers either
# being part of `WASI_SDK`, or found in a path defined by a
# `CLANG_ROOT` environment variable.
update-bindings = ["bindgen"]

anyhow = "1"
cast = "0.2"
clap = "2.23"
human-size = "0.4"
lucet-runtime = { path = "../lucet-runtime", version = "=0.6.1" }
lucet-runtime-internals = { path = "../lucet-runtime/lucet-runtime-internals", version = "=0.6.1" }
lucet-module = { path = "../lucet-module", version = "=0.6.1" }
libc = "0.2.65"
nix = "0.15"
rand = "0.6"
wasi-common = "0.7"

lucet-wasi-sdk = { path = "../lucet-wasi-sdk", version = "=0.6.1" }
lucetc = { path = "../lucetc", version = "=0.6.1" }
tempfile = "3.0"

bindgen = { version = "0.51.1", optional = true }

name = "lucet_wasi"
crate-type = ["rlib", "staticlib", "cdylib"]

name = "fst-lucet-wasi"
maintainer = "Adam C. Foltzer <>"
depends = "$auto"
priority = "optional"
assets = [
    ["target/release/liblucet_wasi.a", "/opt/fst-lucet-wasi/lib/", "644"],
    ["target/release/liblucet_wasi.rlib", "/opt/fst-lucet-wasi/lib/", "644"],
    ["target/release/", "/opt/fst-lucet-wasi/lib/", "755"],
    ["include/*.h", "/opt/fst-lucet-wasi/include/", "644"],
    ["LICENSE", "/opt/fst-lucet-wasi/share/doc/lucet-wasi/", "644"],
    ["LICENSE.wasmtime", "/opt/fst-lucet-wasi/share/doc/lucet-wasi/", "644"],
    ["LICENSE.cloudabi-utils", "/opt/fst-lucet-wasi/share/doc/lucet-wasi/", "644"],
    ["bindings.json", "/opt/fst-lucet-wasi/share/", "644"],