lru_time_cache 0.2.4

Implementation of a Least Recently Used caching algorithm in a container which may be limited by size or time, ordered by most recently seen.
# Lru Time Cache

[![](]( [![](](

**Primary Maintainer:** Fraser Hutchison (

|Crate|Linux/OS X|Windows|Coverage|Issues|
|[![](](|[![Build Status](](|[![Build status](](|[![Coverage Status](](|[![Stories in Ready](](|

| [API Documentation - master branch]( | [SAFE Network System Documentation]( | [MaidSafe website]( | [SAFE Network Forum]( |

## Overview

Implementation of a Least Recently Used [caching algorithm]( in a container which may be limited by size or time, ordered by most recently seen.

## Todo Items

### [0.3.0] More API changes
- [ ] Implement `iter` function
- [ ] Remove `retrieve_all` function (in favor of the above)