Crate lru_cache_macros

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An attribute procedural macro to automatically cache the result of a function given a set of inputs.


use lru_cache_macros::lru_cache;

fn fib(x: u32) -> u64 {
    println!("{:?}", x);
    if x <= 1 {
    } else {
        fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2)

fn test_fib() {
    assert_eq!(fib(19), 6765);

The above example only calls fib twenty times, with the values from 0 to 19. All intermediate results because of the recursion hit the cache.


Simply place #[lru_cache([size])] above your function. The function must obey a few properties to use lru_cache:

  • All arguments and return values must implement Clone.
  • The function may not take self in any form.
  • Reference arguments are not supported.

The macro will use the LruCache at ::lru_cache::LruCache. This may be made configurable in the future.

The LruCache type used must accept two generic parameters <Args, Return> and must support methods get_mut(&K) and insert(K, V). The lru-cache crate meets these requirements.


The above example will generate the following code:

fn __lru_base_fib(x: u32) -> u64 {
    if x <= 1 { 1 } else { fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2) }
fn fib(x: u32) -> u64 {
    static mut cache: Option<::lru_cache::LruCache<(u32,), u64>> = None;
    unsafe {
        if cache.is_none() {
            cache = Some(::lru_cache::LruCache::new(20usize));
    let mut cache_ref = unsafe { cache.as_mut().unwrap() };
    let cloned_args = (x.clone(),);
    let stored_result = cache_ref.get_mut(&cloned_args);
    if let Some(stored_result) = stored_result {
    } else {
        let ret = __lru_base_fib(x);
        cache_ref.insert(cloned_args, ret);

Note that the current implementation is not thread safe. A mutex may be supported in the future.

Attribute Macros