lpwan 0.1.0

An LPWAN Network Stack for rust IoT devices
# Rust Low Power Wireless Area Network (LPWAN) Network Stack

An (extremely early, experimental, not yet for real-use) LPWAN network stack in rust.
This is intended to provide a simple / testable / composable stack for IoT devices, compatible with common LPWAN network technologies, and is designed for use with [radio-hal](https://github.com/rust-iot/radio-hal) supported devices.

## Status

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[Open Issues](https://github.com/rust-iot/rust-lpwan/issues)

## Features

- [ ] [802.15.4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.15.4)
  - [ ] CSMA MAC
  - [ ] TiSCH MAC
- [ ] LoRaWAN
  - [ ] MAC
  - [ ] ..?
- [ ] RPL
- [ ] Thread
- [ ] 6LowPan